Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

"Sophie, be nice ... be nice ..."

She was so disturbed that he could hardly bear the pain, and the beasts in his body were all roaring.

"You torture me!"

Feng Sufei had tears in her eyes, and she looked at Nan Rong Huaian with a bit of reprimand, muttering her mouth, slightly dissatisfied.

Nan Rong Huaian sighed, and said hoarsely in Feng Sufei's ear: "I'm afraid of hurting you."

Feng Sufei heard this sentence, and the breath of Nan Rong Huaian sprayed into her ear, making her shudder again.

Feng Sufei gritted her teeth, and pulled Nan Rong Huai'an's head down, and raised her head to kiss.

She kissed casually, then used both hands and feet, and said, "Huai'an, I can accept everything, I can bear it ... I ..."

yao ...

Feng Sufei finally said this word.

Nan Rong Huai'an exploded because of Feng Sufei's whole sentence.

He couldn't hold back anymore, hugged Feng Sufei with hot hands, kissed her lips gently, and then stayed with her completely.

Feng Sufei's exclamation was kissed by Nan Rong Huaian.

The temperature in the room was hot, and the air was full of affection.

There is also a strong breathing sound.

The two seemed to burn all their thoughts and confide their feelings.

Feng Sufei finally fainted, and could not lift her fingers, her eyelids could not be opened.

Nan Rong Huai'an was refreshed, he bowed his head gently and kissed Sufeng Sufei's forehead.

After being satisfied, Nan Rong Huai'an's breath is soft.

After he washed Feng Sufei, he hugged her to sleep in the morning, and at dawn, Nanrong Huaian returned to his room.

Feng Sufei slept until nine o'clock in the morning. After waking up, she felt sore body.

She blushed at the madness of last night.

But it really feels good, the joy that Nan Rong Huai An gave her.

Feng Sufei was rolling around holding the quilt.

But when she looked at the time, it was over nine.

"Ah, it's so late, shouldn't mother find out?"

Feng Sufei hurried out of bed.

She never goes to bed on weekdays.

When Feng Sufei woke up, she learned that her parents had gone to her hometown in the country.

"Miss Er, the master and wife said, come back tomorrow and let you relax."

Feng Sufei froze for a while, then realized that her parents had left space for her and Nan Rong Huai An.

Although my parents have always said that they want to visit their hometown and live there, but when they first came back, it would be just the beginning of spring, and the weather was not very warm. The weather has been good these days.

This day, Feng Sufei and Nan Rong Huai An cook together, talk and watch TV together.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked at Feng Sufei's free and casual appearance at home, and she could obviously feel that she was different from when she was in country h.

"Huai'an, why do you keep looking at me?"

"I was thinking that you are totally different here than in country h."

In country h, Feng Sufei would not be so relaxed.

Feng Sufei smiled lightly, "Because you can be a child completely beside your parents and in your own home. In country h, you are a queen of a country, you cannot be willful, you have to take on your own responsibilities, you have to consider many things, in fact If only the parents of country h were still there. "

Feng Sufei whispered this sentence, with a sigh in her heart, she really wanted Dongfangsha and Zhuli to be alive.

When Feng Sufei leaned on the sofa and said this sentence, Nan Rong Huai'an looked moved and said to Su Sufei seriously: "Su Fei, I want to give you a home."

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