Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin looked at this scene, all eyes widened in amazement, this ... Is this true? Or is it just a dream?

The baby seemed to know that Feng Sujin didn't believe it, and tried hard to prove, "Mom, I am strong, very strong, and can protect my mother ..."

The baby's voice was very crisp, soft and adorable, still in Feng Sujin's arms, leap-frogging, big eyes blinking brightly.

Although Feng Sujin was really unbelievable, looking at her baby's eyes, her heart was softened, and she nodded. "Well, mother believes that baby can protect mother, and baby is the best."

Said, Feng Sujin kissed the baby's face.

The baby received a compliment from his mother and giggled cheerfully, as if very happy.

Watching the child laugh, Feng Sujin has a feeling of special satisfaction and happiness.

Feng Sujin even had a strange feeling that the child knew everything.

She couldn't help but ask, "Baby, do you know dad?"

The baby tilted his head and thought for a while: "Dad is very strong and very strong, but it seems that Dad has encountered a problem. It doesn't matter, there is a baby to protect the mother."

Feng Sujin originally thought of Jun Mohan and was a bit sad, but when she heard what the baby said, she was laughed.

The heart is always warmed up again and again.

"We all need to love your father. When the baby comes out, mother will take you to see your father."

The baby listened to Feng Sujin's words, nodded vigorously, and then shook her hands cheering, especially cute.

In fact, Feng Sujin's favorite is to communicate with her baby. Even in dreams, it may be false in the eyes of others.

But she felt very real. When she woke up, she could be full of power every day.

This time Feng Sujin played with the baby in the dream for a long time and said something for a long time.

It is strange that this time, the white mist of dreams did not disappear.

In the past, sometimes when she talked, the dream would disappear and she would wake up.

"Baby plays for so long, isn't it tiring?"

The baby shook his head in a spirited manner. "Not tired. The baby is strong and can accompany her mother."

Feng Sujin gently touched the baby's hair.

This time, it seemed like I was staying for a long time.

When Feng Sujin really woke up, she also felt a relaxed body.

"Sister, are you awake?"

Feng Sujin was shocked when she saw Feng Sufei on the bed. "Sufei?"

It seemed that the two sisters hadn't slept in a bed for a long time and talked, but it was all of a sudden she was shocked.

The point is, Feng Sufei also has swollen eyes.

"Sophie, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Sister, I dreamed of a very strange scene. It just felt like you, not you. Wearing blue clothes, that is, the blue phoenix, was burned by the blue fire, but that burned your soul! And, well, I still Seeing you seem to have fallen down ... "

Feng Sufei had been lying beside the bed for a while, but she didn't expect to fall asleep, and she fell asleep and dreamed of the same scene.

Feng Sujin listened to these words, her face changed, she often dreamed, but the blue woman said that she was her.

Is it the former Blue Phoenix?

Feng Sujin touched the mark on her forehead. Maybe all the memories belonging to Blue Phoenix will appear after the seal is lifted!

At that time, everything will be known.

Feng Sujin wiped away the tears to Feng Sufei, "Don't think about it so much, we are living a happy life, you are happy, you are just thinking too much, and now I am back, don't worry, you should talk to Nan earlier Rong Huaian returned to country h, eh? "

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