Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When the king of a certain country asked these words, his voice was shaking. He was still thinking carefully, when Feng Sujin came to negotiate, what did he say?

He suddenly realized that his tone was so disdainful, and so scornful ...

Thinking of how he looked like at that time, and then watching the military power revealed by the empire on the live broadcast, he shuddered, stunned, and fainted.

"Wang, Wang ... what happened to you? Hurry ... call an ambulance ..."

Here is chaos. Other country leaders who once disdain Feng Jin also watched the broadcast lively, holding their remote control, their hands were shaking.

He stuttered, "This ... this is an empire? ... that little country? The Chinese continent?"

"Always ... the president ... the Chinese mainland is good ... it seems ... large ..."

The assistant next to the president watched the live broadcast and stuttered, his tongue was bent.

He still remembered that when Feng Sujin was going to negotiate in their country, one of his assistants did not give the queen a good look.

Even let Feng Sujin sit there without giving a cup of tea.

However, the queen of her family is very literate, she has a faint look from beginning to end, and is not humble. When the president comes out, explain her intentions ...

He still remembered that the president laughed, all kinds of irony, disdain, saying that he had not heard of the empire, maybe a small projectile country, and said that the queen and a woman would stay in their own country and don't be ashamed ...

Looks like this is the meaning.

At that time, the queen Feng Sujin also smiled slightly, don't have deep meaning, and left without saying anything else.

Now, he thinks that the queen of others can have that kind of demeanor, that is the style of a general, the style of a great country ... No wonder it is so imposing, so confident ...

But he ... their country ...

"General ... President ... You said, would this ... will the empire fight against our country, this weapon will come over, we can't resist it ..."

A president's legs are scared, and the hand holding the remote control is also, his forehead sweating, "Why ... or ... would we still have time to run?"

"President ... but ... where do we go, this queen's rights have covered the world, and now many people listen to her ..."

A certain president wanted to cry without tears, "Why is she a woman so powerful! Look, she was ... rub, this ... this is a female soldier? Rub, so powerful ..."

When a president was thinking of running away, watching the live broadcast, it was exactly the time when the Overlord Flower team exercise, when the female soldiers showed their ability and bravery, but it scared many people in the world .

Especially those who despise women, their startled eyes are about to fall out, and some of them sit on the unstable stool and sit on the floor with their buttocks.

Overlord Flower is a true female soldier strong team.

From the moment Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan invaded the imperial capital, many women on the Chinese mainland have eagerly signed up to join the Overlord Flower team ...

After so long selection and entry training, this team has now reached more than 100,000 characters, each of them is a strong person, who can't let eyebrows.

When there were no female soldiers in many countries in the world, the number of female soldiers in the Chinese Empire had reached such a large number.

But this time the parade, Bawanghua only showed up.

But the speaker will explain the number of overlord flower soldiers on the live broadcast.

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