Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

It can be said that on the live broadcast, the appearance of the Imperial Overlord Flower Girl Soldier really shocked the international and also shocked the international.

Everyone stared at the TV set intently, watching the heroic female soldiers, and they felt a shock from their hearts.

It turns out that women can be so strong!

In particular, the spirit of the female soldiers has made many confused women in the world excited and excited.

"I also want to be a female soldier, I want to be so strong, too great, I adore it ..."

"Did you not listen to the explanation? It is said that the Overlord Flower Girl Soldier was established by the queen of the empire. Within one year of establishment, it has such a powerful scale, and the Overlord Flower Girl Soldier is directly under the Queen and obeys all the arrangements ... this queen is beautiful and capable, my idol ... "

"Unfortunately, there are no female soldiers in our country. We do not recruit female soldiers. Alas, compared with other people's empires. Everyone knows what our country looks like. That is the true style of a great country ..."

"Ahem, can we change our nationality? I want to go to the Empire ... I want to be part of the Imperial Overlord Flower team ..."


Many men around the world watched the live broadcast and were amazed, "Is this still a woman? Can a woman be so strong?"

"The status of the empire woman is obviously higher. You see, the queen has the right to parade, the right to the king, and the right to military ..."

"The princes of this empire are too brave, even giving the queen so much power."

"It was just checked. I heard that the emperor and queen of the empire have a very good relationship. The two men broke into the capital together and regained power ..."


Those in power who agreed to sign an agreement with Feng Sujin from the beginning were relieved in their hearts.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it was absolutely right to work with this queen to elect her as the leader of the New League of Nations."

"Before, I was particularly reluctant to let people like Chu Guijian hurt the people as the ally. I thought that if we could protect the people, we would be able to develop the country ’s economy and have a peaceful environment, so I followed Feng Sujin ’s opinions ... The point is that this woman gives people a feeling of iron bones, proud bones, convincing ... I did not expect that the Chinese mainland is really powerful. "

"Yeah, I see, those countries that are unwilling to cooperate and not to sign an agreement are all regretful."

"Ha, that's their virtue. Just like Chu Guijian, they are willing to support, and the queen of others will not bother to cooperate with such people."

"makes sense……"


Of course, those countries that are unwilling to cooperate really regret it. Not only are they afraid, they are also afraid, for fear that Feng Sujin would come with his army.

And there are also some countries that are adjacent to the sea. When rows of pirate ships circle around, they are silly ...

That's the pirate, the pirate gang, the most troublesome pirate gang ... It turned out to be Feng Sujin's power ...

After they saw the live broadcast, they had to vomit blood, okay ... Some countries in power had a bad heart and were stimulated and went directly to the hospital.

They all have to doubt whether Feng Sujin is human.

The League of Nations used to pay attention to who has the best fists and who can do it.

Today, Feng Sujin's live military parade has directly made many countries around the world afraid to say a word.

Of course, this does not include country W, and Chu and his sons.

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