Young Military Rarities

Chapter 334: Alarmed the major families (2)

A little bit of news?

"It should be, they said it personally, and they also had a talking mutant dog with them, which was Yun Che's sign."

The man in a smart suit is called Zhu Ping, and Liu Xizhao's think-tank knows how much Liu Xizhao is reluctant to see the peak team appear at the base of Beijing, especially their captain Yun Che.

"Let the people at the East Gate pay attention to their movements and report at any time. After entering the base, they must send someone to follow them. The wedding of Yuan Yuan and Zhi Jun will be next month, and there must be no mistakes."

After a little groaning, Liu Xi shouted, and they came to the base of Beijing with such fanfare. Instead, he could not work against them secretly. You know, Yun Che is not only Yun Yao's younger brother, but also the wife of Xing's third wife. Although the prisoner did not make a public statement, no one can change this with the custodial use of Xun Feng, and the family members of the prisoner have always been overbearing and short-serving. They do n’t recognize it as one thing, and other people ’s bullying is another matter. Be careful.

"Yes, do you want to beat the people who beat the Zhou family, the head of state? As for the criminal family, Feng Shao's father has publicly said that he would not admit Yun Che's daughter-in-law. I heard that he had always wanted to match Feng Shao and General Zhou. Zhou Ting, my sister, why do n’t we let the Xing family clean up Yun Che by themselves and wait for the benefit of the fishermen? "

Looking at Liu Xizhao's heavy face, Zhu Ping suggested tentatively.

"Well, what else? OK, you go and look at the arrangement, and hit the Zhou family by the way, but remember, don't expose us, the soldiers of the criminal family are not vegetarian."

Raising his eyebrows, Liu Xizhao's complexion finally eased a bit. Usually he was busy fighting wisdom with major families, but he didn't pay attention to those trivial matters. I didn't expect Xing Tianyi to talk long ago, and he once liked the daughter of Zhou family. This is fun.

"The head of peace, I know what to do."

Zhu Ping retreated with a smile, and Liu Xizhao reviewed their conversation again, only to be sure that she smiled.

Beijing Ye Family

"What? The Pinnacle of the Southwest has arrived at the East Gate?"

Hearing this news, the Ye family is all a little bit calm. You must know that their third-generation eldest son, Ye Xingchen, is a member of the summit. Although they have basically lost contact with him over the years, who will let him be good? The three generations of the army do n’t do it. What shameful act must they do? But the situation is different now, who doesn't know the two teams of the peak of Chaoyang? Moreover, the peak captain Yun Che is still Xun Feng's daughter-in-law. If you have a relationship with them, it is equivalent to dealing with the criminal family. This is a great opportunity.

"Yes, young and old are back together."

The soldier responsible for the return said affirmatively, Ye Xingchen was a household star before the end of the world, and there was no handsome handsome in the end of the world. Anyone can recognize that face.

"Okay, Xingyu, you personally take someone to the base gate to pick up your elder brother."

Ye Xingchen's father Ye Yijin ordered decisively.

"Lao Ye, the peak of the people came together. You just let Xingyu pick up the stars, what do people think? If you bring them together, I am afraid that the criminals will have an idea? Yun Che, but it ’s Xing Feng. Daughter-in-law, regardless of whether the criminal family accepts it or not, they are all open. People must take it back. Why don't we wait for another day and let people pick up the stars? "

—Ms. Ye was unwilling to hear that he had asked his son to pick up the son of his ex-wife, but he was also the wife of a big family, and he would never show it on his face again.

"Yes, don't pick it up first."

Sure enough, Ye Yijin nodded in agreement, and then said, "But after all, the stars are the grandsons of my old Ye parents. I can't let people say that my Ye family is not sensible. Uncle Qin, please take a trip on your own. Welcome the stars on behalf of the Ye family. Come back and let everyone know that he is my mother and father. "

The man he called Uncle Qin has been under the authority of an old man. He was injured when he was young. The old man took him to his house. He was thinking of using Ye ’s ability to raise a leisure person, but How could people of that era, who were also iron-bone soldiers, allow themselves to eat white food? So in the end he

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