Young Military Rarities

Chapter 334: Alarmed the major families (3)

He became the steward of the Ye family, but in general, few people dare to really see him now.

The Ye family has the same situation with the Shu family. After all, Ye Xingchen's mother is the youngest daughter of the Shu family. He is also a descendant of the Shu family. Now he has a different identity. Not only will he not shame them, but he may also become a contact Shu. Friendship between family and criminal family, of course, they can no longer ignore his existence.

"Dog-day bastard, is he trying to get mad?"

The difference is that the Xing family is full of fireworks. Xing Feng's father, Xing Tianyi, did not respond when he heard that the peak was coming. When he remembered what the peak was and who the captain was, the whole person followed the explosives. Similarly, the entire criminal family could hear his curse.

"Is it an old sentence to marry a man-in-law? How big is it? Are there fewer men with men in the last days?"

Xing Feng's mother had persuaded more than once that the incident had caused her son to break with them. Xingmu's mother had always felt guilty, and she was even more indulgent towards her younger son, which was entirely a matter of spoiled love. Feng never appreciated it from beginning to end.

"Women's love! How can my criminal family want a son-in-law?"

After hearing the words, Tianyi Yi was even more furious. A woman who looks a bit like Xing Feng and looks very beautiful, and who looks absolutely not more than thirty years old, said with a cold nail, "Daddy, don't toss. I can stand you roaring in front of the third. "

"Little bunny, labor and capital draw you to death ..."

Hearing that, Xing Tianyi was angry, he grabbed the water glass on the table and lost it. The woman escaped easily, and she continued to yell, "You can only smoke me."

"Dog's shit."

"I'm from Dog Day. What are you, Dad?"

"you you……"

The woman blocked him back without waiting for him to scream this time. Xing Tianyi just felt like spinning around, pointing his finger to shake like a chicken paw mad, another one looked up and down thirty years old, also followed Xing Feng was a bit similar. The man with a more calm temperament suddenly said, "Enough for Xiao Le, Dad is about to be mad."

"Dad is so easy to get mad. The third child has already done it, you can rest assured."

Xing Le looked at his father who was really irritated. He still looked like he was heartless and heartless. Xing Tianyi almost didn't feel guilty. Nima was the father's intimate cotton jacket for his woolly girlfriend. He was punished by Xing Tianyi. The girl was afraid he wouldn't die? What the **** created him?

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