Young Military Rarities

Chapter 336: Sorry to slip my hands (2)

When his body drew a huge parabola in mid-air, the last touch fell to the ground, and the rest of the criminal family immediately stopped, and they all looked at him with disbelief, apparently did not expect that he would really be in the public. Hit the face of my family.

"I'm sorry I slipped my hand."

This time they were clearly innocent Xing Feng, did they not recognize the perpetrators themselves?

Who can Yun Che have this way of speaking? He is with Xing Feng, and no one's approval is needed, but it does not mean that he can tolerate others repeatedly trying to hit his face in a disregarded way. Since the person who should appear most does not appear as expected , Then there is no need to continue playing with them.

"Your housekeeper Lee, are you okay?"

The criminal family members were about to have an attack, and saw that their three young children were guarding Yun Che like a protector, and had to give up, and ran towards the housekeeper who was thrown away a long way.

"San Shao, you should go back with us and invite Madam San Shao."

The steward Li returned home was shocked and resolutely didn't dare to ignore Yun Che anymore. He is also a psionicist, but he didn't even know how Yun Che shot against him. This was not just strong and simple, Yun Che Perhaps his identity can only be judged by the master or the old chief.

"Oh, it's not easy. At this time, I finally remembered that you still have three young ladies. I think you are all blind."

Before grabbing Yun Che Xunfeng, Yun Yu's ridiculous mockery, Li's housekeeper turned his head and saw that Yun Che's twin brother did not dare to turn back, but when he accidentally saw the cold night cold accompanying him , The whole man suddenly stiff, pointing at his stuttered "You you are"

"How? You still want to be dropped? I'm not as kind as my brother. I'm afraid this fall will fall into the zombies outside. Are you sure?"

It wasn't just Yun Yan. Everyone at the top of the peak sank into his eyes. Looking at him, he knew that he must have seen Leng Yehan and had recognized him.

"Um ... Yun Er Shao, we're not kidding?"

As soon as Li Guanjia's mind was dark, Yun Yun suddenly appeared in front of him. "Joke? I never joke with people."

"No, no, no ... Three young help ..."

At the end of the speech, Yun Zheng directly reached out and lifted him up. Butler Lee yelled, but unfortunately still did not change the fate of being thrown away. "The distance estimation is wrong."

As soon as the talents were thrown out of the cloud, they were full of regrets, but what was unexpected was that a dark shadow ran after the screaming figure of Li butler. The speed was so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen.

"You're good to go!"

The moment Li's house was about to fall, Heiying's head arched again, throwing his body up again.

"Ah, help!"

This time, the entire Lee steward flew up to the sky, and when he fell, he was accompanied by a scream of screaming. As Yun Yun said before, this time he really landed in the zombies. Fortunately, he is an ability, although It caused a siege of the zombies, but it was not torn. It is estimated that it will take a while to return, and the other members of the criminal family have already ran to the barbed wire door.

What a shame for an air relay!

The survivors and soldiers all looked dumbfounded, and never dreamed that the man with the smile on his face and the very good-looking man and the dog actually did what he said, and threw people away by relay. A lot of people were stunned when they went to the zombies. They could n’t return to God for a long time. Nima's courage was too big.

"Good job, Black Feather!"

Ignoring those who were dumbfounded around him, Yun Yan gave the thumbs up without hesitation, and flung the black feathered head back from Xiaochen Chen. "That's right, don't look at who the **** beast is, and dare to dissuade my master." It does not first claim that it weighs a few pounds or a few pounds. "

This is a master who can't hold it. The more you hold him, the more he pits him. Look at his little look, is there a urge to make a meal?

"Ready to enter the base."

Yun Che didn't stop his brother from singing with Hei Yu. He greeted the bridge and walked to the registration desk. Gu Mingxuan already remembered on behalf of Chaoyang.

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