Young Military Rarities

Chapter 336: Sorry for slipping (3)

Yun Che also registered the names and powers of the top group and others according to regulations. The powers of him and Yun Zheng were registered separately for space and blasting. Even if the military already has the information, he has no intention of going up. Everyone likes to be confused, so he doesn't mind playing with them.

"Excuse me, if I want to live in the villa area, can I donate enough things?"

The Beijing base is similar to the southwest base, and is divided into several areas, but here there are only five areas of abcde, area a is located in the middle, and all of the people who live there are clearly responsible, powerful people, and officers in the army. The four bcde districts surround area a and are divided into four directions. In principle, they are all similar. There is no distinction between high and low levels, but the more you live near area a, the more different your identity is, the villa area is naturally the best. Now, most of the people who live in the military ’s official research institute live in middle and high-rise buildings. Most of them live in power squads, and then high-rise buildings. Ordinary people who have made special contributions to the base can live. In the end, ordinary activities. The majority of the board houses are ordinary people without materials and abilities. This area has the largest area and the largest number of people.

As for the soldiers, the wall of the Beijing base was made into the kind of tower in the ancient times. The thickness of the tower was more than 30 meters. The hollowed out middle listed a house. The soldiers and junior officers all lived there. The first was to save area. When the zombies came again, the soldiers went to fight against the zombies.

"The villa area can only be lived by those who have made a special contribution to the base. Donating supplies alone is not enough."

The official who is responsible for receiving them is naturally aware of the power of the top team. He also knows that Yun Che ’s man is the third member of the Xing family. Of course, the reception is more polite. In other people ’s questions, I ’m afraid they have been ridiculed. Already.

"Oh, well, I wanted to say donate hundreds of thousands of pounds of wheat to you, since you don't have to."

Yun Che raised an eyebrow, and he regretted both inside and outside the words. The survivors who were in charge of receiving him and the nearby soldiers, like them, were preparing to enter the base. They all widened their eyes, hundreds of thousands of pounds of wheat. What kind of concept is it? Enough to feed an army? Is it beyond the scope of donating materials?

"Not the cloud team, we"

"Ah, yes, I think of a good thing, donating it to the base is definitely a special contribution."

Receiving the difficult receptionist of God's reception staff, his face wanted to change his mouth and ask for instructions. Who knew that Yun Che didn't give him the opportunity to continue at all, as if he suddenly thought of something, and screamed intentionally, everyone's eyes returned again. To him, is there anything better than hundreds of thousands of pounds of barley?

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