Young Military Rarities

Chapter 341: It's you who are looking for death!

The survivors of the Beijing base have a huge area. At least ten million survivors can be said. It can be said with certainty that a single area of ​​the Beijing base can be the entire southwest base, and it may be even larger. At that time, for anyone who has a little ability, the first time is definitely to run to the capital. The three-year-old child knows that the Ministry of Heaven and the foot of the Imperial City are definitely the most secure and safe place.

At present, the base of Beijing is still headed by Liu Xizhao, the head of the army, supplemented by the military, and the police maintenance and management of the five districts. Liu Xizhao is in charge of the police force. For example, the power associations, the areas where the power is concentrated, the police force can not be inserted at all, all in the hands of the military stationed in each district.

Take the power association, for example, there are separate power associations in the four districts of bcde, and there is also a general association for official and convenient management in the district a, but the branches of several districts are basically their own affairs. There are also frequent scrambles for resources. Every time the power squad complains to the general meeting in area a, the only thing the general meeting does is language comfort, even without material compensation. Over time, what happens? At that time, no one would go to the General Complaint anymore. Everyone made a tacit decision to fight and solve the problem in their own way.

"This is the power association in area c. It is indeed the capital city. The power associations in one area are better than the southwest base."

Yun Che caused a commotion at home and had to escape with Xing, knowing that he was going to formally register with the Puppet Association. Leng Yehan, the deputy captain, must be accompanying him. Naturally, it is necessary to follow up. Gu Mingxuan should have come as well, but Xingfeng's Chaoyang team left two teams in Beijing. They also did not plan to register in Beijing. They are now standing at the entrance of Area C Association. There are only four of them.

"Our base has lost a long time. When we go back, we must advise him to learn more from Beijing. Do n’t learn all day."

In the matter of burying his cousin, Xing Feng has always spared no effort. The two brothers Yun Che covered their mouths and grinned, but they occupy an area of ​​at least 10,000 square meters, and they cross the street of the Puppet Association. It is taller than their psionics association, which only occupies a few facades, and there is a rolling electronic screen above the front entrance of the house. Tasks of various color levels are constantly scrolling on it, and it undoubtedly looks more elegant. The Southwest Base has indeed lost terribly in this regard.

"If you really suggest him, Mo Shao should fry again."

Turning his head to look at him, Yun Che held his hand. "Go in and see. The superficial appearance doesn't mean anything, at least I never think that the strength of the Southwest will lose to Beijing."

A few years later, the true largest base in the last days was the Southwest. Even if many things had changed because of his rebirth, he believed that this would not change.

Two pairs of four people stepped forward into the power association. The decoration is not gorgeous, at least not compared with the last time, but it is much stronger than the power association in the southwest base. Register the team and take the task. The counters, such as handing over tasks, consulting, and receiving supplies, are separate and seem orderly. Moreover, the registration team can also complete autonomously on a computer standing beside it like a bank in the last days. For other bases to mature, For the team, it is a lot more convenient, after all, the process department of each base registration is similar.

The four-person ministry is an absolutely dazzling existence among the crowd. Their appearance has undoubtedly attracted a lot of people's attention, especially when they saw that they were clean and well-groomed, and they even caused many people to whisper. You know, even if you are an official in the military, you ca n’t improve your mental appearance. The high-level staff are always worried, and the bottom staff are always afraid that they will not fill their stomachs one day, let alone the soldiers, whether or not Powerful people must defend the base and face life-threatening moments. Under such dual pressures of the physical body, who can really cultivate a good mental appearance? So Yun Che they undoubtedly made a lot of people's eyes very hot, and the eyes of envy and hatred were hot on them.

"How does this work? Should I download the form first?"

Yun Che, accustomed to being jealous and jealous, didn't take those eyes seriously and stood in front of the machine of the self-registered team, Yun Che couldn't help but have a headache

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