Young Military Rarities

Chapter 341: It's you who are looking for death! (2)

Although he had lived in the base of Beijing for a while in the previous life, he has never joined any squad, let alone registered. Faced with such tall things, no doubt he has to think slowly.

However, he was thinking like that on his mouth, but his fingers continued to click the buttons on the machine like a flying butterfly, and he has entered the formal registration process.

"Hey, fill in the abilities and levels of each team member."

Yun Che has already filled in the form on the screen halfway. The team name is still the peak. When it is the team member's turn, Yun Che makes a frustrating tap. He calls Ze Yu a long time ago. What the **** is this? Even if it is required to fill in the power and level of each team member, it is necessary to fill in the irrelevant things such as age, height and weight for the yarn?

"Just the person who fills the top team. You don't plan to live in the base of Beijing anyway."

Xing Feng glanced over and looked a little funny, no wonder his little Che was so resentful.

"So what, Ye Han, come on, just look at the abilities and levels."

Yun Che, who only filled in his own item, couldn't stand it. He resolutely retreated and let Leng Yehan take over, and the latter did not refuse. People, Yun Che looked around the hall

"You fill in slowly at night. Let's wait for you over there and study later to see if there are any challenging tasks."

After the speech was complete, Leng Yehan didn't wait for the reply. Yun Che turned around and went out with Xun Feng. Yun Ye didn't go with them, but accompanied Leng Yehan to fill in the information, but


"Are you **** without eyes?"

Yun Che went out two steps and collided with a group of more than 20 people. The head of the man was unusually tall, and a caterpillar-like scar straddled his entire face. It looked very scary, obviously he himself When I bumped into Yun Che, he turned around and took the lead, and the rough roar rang through the entire power association, and all the attention was drawn in an instant.

"It's Wang Scar again, Xiaobai's face is going to suffer!"

"Unfortunately, the two were handsome, especially the tall man, who felt safe at first sight."

"Handsome can be eaten? Women are women. They have long hair and short sights, and they get into the rogue squad. They are unlucky."

"The hooligan squad is causing trouble again, and there is a good show."

"Are these people new? You are busy registering without first understanding the status of the Psionics Association. Where is the hunk coming from?"

"Who knows, maybe it was the one with the big touch ..."

The onlookers couldn't help talking about it, most of them were gloating and waiting for a good show. It's been more than a year since the end of the world, and no one will be naive to help others. It is not bad for them to stay down. Che quietly pulled Xing Feng, and also got the information he wanted from the discussions around him. The rogue squad, the eighth power squad in area c, as its name, all members are rogues, the captain's surname is Wang, his face There was a scar that was scary. Everyone called him King Scar. It should be the person opposite.

"Go help?"

Such a big sensation, Leng Yehan and Yun Yan naturally noticed, Yun Yan hooked his lips and sneered "No, do you forget what my brother is best at?"

It happened that his brother wanted to break through the sixth level, and sent it to the door for sparring. Don't give it up, just don't know that they can hold back and forth a few times in brother's hands.

"You want to watch a good show."

Leng Yehan is not a doubt, but an affirmation. He found that Xiao Yan is more ancient and darker than before.

"You said, I didn't say it, quickly fill out the rest, let's sit over there and watch."

Bai Jian's face was covered with a black-skinned smile. Yun Yan held Leng Yehan's arm without hesitation, and his head was intimately placed on his shoulder socket. Leng Yehan drowned his eyes and laughed, He looked at Yun Feng Yun Che again, and determined that they did n’t need to help for a while before turning around to fill in the information. If it was really dangerous, Xiao Yan would n’t be able to watch it openly.

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