Young Military Rarities

Chapter 362: Wedding scene, debut (2)

Afraid that her daughter's life would be even more miserable.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Lin Xiaohan, who was saying nothing, was full of hate on his face. If Liu Yuan was not pregnant, why would Zhijun promise to marry her? Hmm, it's still a few months, and it's still unknown if you can't survive.

"Don't be impulsive. Think carefully about any leaks before you do anything. When you can't figure it out, ask me. My father helped you to see through the idea of ​​your daughter at a glance. Lin Hui not only did not want to stop, but whispered. Point, the people of the Zhou family, he has long been accustomed to it, knowing what department he will not do, secretly not necessarily.

"Well, I know, parents, I'll take you in first, don't stay here to block yourself."

Nodding his head, Lin Xiaohan took his mother's arm to register at the entrance. The Lin Huis left a congratulation, the family of four entered the venue, and outside, many people from the Xiao family, even the Xiao family ’s grandfather. Xiao Guoquan is here, Zhou Mingyuan and his wife are carefully waiting for him, for fear that there is no place to entertain them, they must first think a few times in their minds to make sure that they won't offend before they exit.

"Why are there so many soldiers? Are you planning a wedding or setting up a torture court? All of them have been withdrawn and the guests can see what it is like?"

Xiao Guoquan, who got down from the car, took a look and immediately sank his face. Outside the venue, not only soldiers with live ammunition standing there, but also countless policemen, looked at it as if they were surrounded by the campus inside and outside.


Zhou Mingyuan and his wife were startled. They were a little hesitant to explain. The Vision Department did not dare to freeze on Xiao Guoquan. But when they asked other Xiao families for help, they would n’t leave their department at all. Good daughter, so they lost their faces too. Who would come to the wedding if it wasn't for Liu Xizhao's face?

In exchange for someone else, the Zhou Mingyuan couple must have broken out. After all, they have always regarded themselves very high. However, they are the Xiao family and Liu Yuan's mother's family. They still have real military power in their hands. Zhou Mingyuan can only harden. Scalp said with a smile, "Xiao Lao has no idea. Recently, someone seems to be deliberately engaging in our Zhou family. Just in case, I let Zhijun send troops over."

"Why don't you let him pull the entire army over?"

With sharp eyes, Xiao Guoquan was too angry. His baby granddaughter was wronged enough to marry their family. Looking at their charming faces, he even hated to announce the cancellation of the wedding.

"I will let them withdraw immediately, immediately"

Obviously, the old man would n’t show his face so clearly. Zhou Mingyuan turned around with cold sweat, and Zhou ’s mother did n’t dare to stay with her husband. Xiao Guoquan ’s second daughter, Xiao Ying, said unpleasantly, “Dad, look at them, it ’s a loss. Let's say that if we change to another big family, we just leave the guests and leave, where do we put our faces? Why did Xi Zhao find such a family for Yuan Yuan? "

The big family has no shortage of departments. The most important thing is to save face. The Zhou Yuanming couple undoubtedly made them look more and more disappointed.

"How else? Yuanyuan already has children, go in."

Xiao Guoquan glanced at his daughter angrily and took the lead to walk inside. The Xiao family kept their mouths shut. At first, they did not optimistic about a merchant's house. What happened recently was to make them extremely disgusting. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get pregnant in the last days. Liu Yuan happened to be lucky again, and they would never agree to this marriage.

No matter what they think, the wedding will still be held as usual. This can only be considered as an episode of the people before the wedding. With the passage of time, more and more people come to the wedding. I do n’t know if it is for the Xiao family Liu family. Face is still what, the grandfathers of the major families have all come, not only did the Zhou Mingyuan couple feel that they were wrong, but they also felt very face-to-face, more than once the daughter of the grateful head of the family liked their son.


At the entrance of the wedding, several long RVs stopped and the couple Zhou Mingyuan, who was responsible for welcoming the cellar at the door, thought that somebody was coming. The door was opened, and the criminal in a suit and leather shoes took the lead. , Turned around and thoughtfully pulled out Yun Che, who also wore a formal dress. The two were tall and tall, and one was repaired.

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