Young Military Rarities

Chapter 362: Wedding scene, debut (3)

Chang Symmetry, wrapped in a black and white suit, it is handsome to a new height, especially Yun Che, pure white suit to set off his skin to be more fair and delicate, coupled with exquisite handsome features, the whole person looks Like a royal nobleman.

Leng Yehan who came down was also a black suit, Yun Yun wore a rare big red suit, the average man is difficult to control the red, but Yun Yan is just the opposite, red seems to be tailored for him In addition, he hasn't worn beautiful pupils today, and his blood-red eyes are matched with red lips. It looks like a wicked breath, obviously looks exactly like Yun Che, but the two brothers have very different temperaments. Each has its own style.

The last person to get off was Fei Ye. Today, he changed his face again. The eyebrows of the sword eyebrows are high on the nose. The **** thin lips make people have a strong desire to bite at the first sight. It adds a little seductive feeling to him. Today, he also chose a white suit, which is exactly the same style as Yun Che. The only difference is that Yun Che wears a collar flower, and he wears a black Even if they did n’t stand together, the two looked like couples. For this matter, Xing Feng had already played against him several times at home and returned to Taiwan. Nai Fei Ye did not lose to Xing Feng regardless of his skill or character. The final result is that if he sees Da La La wearing the same suit as Yun Che, he knows that he won.

After the five-member ministry went down, Zhou Zeyu, who was in charge of driving, got off the car, and saw that he opened the door of the co-pilot, and Xiu Jie, in a blue dress, walked down. He was an idol star who ate on his face before the end of the world. After entering the space together, the spring water was washed and cultivated. The temperament of the whole person has sublimated a lot, and the costume appears. Junmei definitely does not lose to Yun Che and others in front. The same holds for Zhou Zeyu, who held him. Pretty good together.

"What's going on? Did we read it wrong? Shouldn't it be space power just now?"

"No, no, I don't feel the breath of space."

"Where did the car go? How did they do it?"

"Isn't this the peak team?"

"What peak team?"

"You don't know the peak? Within one month of registration, I was squeezed into the top 20 of the c-zone rankings, sweeping sss-level tasks every day, no matter how many are received, they will be completed the same day ..."


The appearance of several people caused a great sensation. When Zhou Zeyu put the car into the cold ring made by Leng Yehan, the scene broke out instantly, whether it was the guests who came to the wedding or the guards who were in charge of guarding, Or the Zhou family hired someone to arrange a wedding banquet. Everyone couldn't believe the place where the car disappeared out of thin air. I don't know who recognized Yun Che and others. The atmosphere was pushed to the highest point, even inside the venue. Someone came out and watched the commotion. The brilliant appearance of Yun Che and others undoubtedly captured the halo of the Zhou family. The couple Zhou Mingyuan hated and gritted their teeth, but what they did not know was that this was just the beginning. .

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