Young Military Rarities

Chapter 363: Zhou Wang's vs. Yun Zhi

No matter how shocked or arguing others are, Feng Feng Yunche and others did n’t seem to see it. After Zhou Zeyu stowed the car, the second extension car opened again. This time, the driver who pushed the door first was responsible for driving. Meng Gang and Meng Xu sitting in the front passenger seat, the two brothers are rude and tough, and one is gentle and gentle. Maybe they can't match Yun Che's appearance, but they don't lose anything to them, especially today they are dressed up. Attendance, haircuts and costumes are exquisite.

After getting out of the car, the two brothers did not stand at Yun Che's side. Instead, they opened the rear doors respectively. Gu Mingxuan and Yang Huaien, who were also dressed up, got out of the car. The two turned around and reached into the car. Temporarily beautiful hands on their hands almost at the same time, when Yun Yao and Zhan Yafei were taken down by them, the crowd clearly sounded a breath of breath.

Today's Yun Yao is no longer indifferent, the shawl's long hair is turned into a soft but will not fall into the bun, behind the earlobe, a few strands of curly hair fall naturally, and a white and full forehead is exposed, with a delicately trimmed word Only at the end of the eyebrows is the eyebrow drawn gently with an eyebrow pencil. It is exactly the same as the natural one without careful look. The earth-colored eye shadows are almost tinged with little color, and the raised eyeliner adds a little flattering. The thick and dark eyelashes set off by the black lacquered star eyes are even brighter. They look very beautiful like dolls. Under the tall, three-dimensional bridge of the nose, the thick and moderate lips are coated with deep red lipstick. The entire makeup is exquisite. , But it will give the feeling of heavy makeup and bright makeup, coupled with the natural face of melon seeds, it is so beautiful that people can't look away. Today, she also specially added a one-shoulder fishtail dress, **** and hips, and a long bee waist. The legs are all perfectly displayed.

Another top beauty, Zhan Yafei, dresses in another style, and her long hair is wavy and curled up behind her. A black dress makes her taller than Yun Yao's figure more attractive. The exquisite makeup is mainly **** and charming, and casual blinking seems to be captivating. The two people are natural big beauties. After special dressing, everyone is just beautiful enough that their eyes are not enough. Take a look at this and see Look at that, his eyes are full of surprise.

"Mom and Dad."

In the eyes of everyone, a little boy wearing a white shirt and black bib pants with a small black collar flower on the neckline came down from the car. The child looked five or six years old, and he was very cute when he was white and fat. When they yelled at Mom and Dad, and reached out to La Yunyao and Gu Mingxuan's hands, many people were shocked. Obviously, Yunyao, who was so beautiful, had such a big son.

"Little bastard!"

As early as Yunyao appeared, Zhou Mingyuan and his wife were dumbfounded. They never dreamed that Yunyao who was abandoned by them dared to appear in front of them, and made a stunning appearance on such an important occasion. When he saw the lovely chubby morning, Zhou Wang's exhilarated, reflective blurt out.



In the next second, everyone didn't know what was going on. I saw a red shadow flashing across, and Zhou Wang, wearing a cheongsam, was screaming and flew out for several meters before hitting the reception table and falling to the ground. Everything happened too quickly and suddenly, not to mention watching the friends and friends, that is, the military and police department responsible for maintaining order was a little bit lost, and could only watch the sorrowful sorrow of Zhou Wang holding his waist sternly.

"Small bastard, too?"

As a perpetrator, Yun Zheng did not stop there, but stared sharply at the death of Zhou Wang's. His smell and hearing were dozens of times that of ordinary people. Besides, although Zhou Wang's did not yell, he also She didn't deliberately suppress her voice. Since she dared to call the Chenchen little hybrid in the large court, he didn't need to be so kind with her. If he wanted to die, he would be happy to complete him immediately.

"What's going on with General Zhou's mother? People bring their children to the wedding. Why should they call a small hybrid as soon as they say it? As long as the co-author is not a child of his family, will he become a small hybrid?"

"I've heard that General Chou's mother was arrogant and arrogant, deceiving others, and today is an eye-opener."

"That is, what is it that people bring children to hinder him? I am so embarrassed to ask for an exit. Who in the base does not know if Zhou Zhijun has grown up?

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