Young Military Rarities

Chapter 400: Rescued, Fei Ye leaves (3)

Yes, he didn't understand that. The wife and his wife paid so much attention to the bastard.

"Hehe, then you eat, we go back first."

Throwing him a gorgeous smile, Yun Che hugs Xiaochen Chen and sits on the back of King Diao. "Yes, take care of it here, don't block the way of others."

Yun Che pointed at the corpse and army card wreckage all over the ground, and there was a deep savage burial deep in the bottom of his eyes. This matter is not over yet. It is impossible for Galway to touch his people. He said that it would ruin what he cares about most.

"Xiao Che, I find that you don't love me anymore."

A cloud of black gas condensed and was thrown at the wreckage. Xing Feng stepped forward and sat behind them, his head resting against his shoulder socket.

"Come on, you, didn't you see Chen Chen joking about us?"

The King of the Eagle has flew up to the sky, Yun Che obliquely obliquely punished his family, and he has not seen such a rogue side for a long time. "Morning, close your eyes!"

Raising his eyes, Xiaofei Chen didn't just open his eyes wide and covered his mouth to look at them. Xing Feng coughed his mouth seriously, Xiaochen Chen closed his eyes obediently, and the cute little touch amused him. Che, a string of silver bell-like laughter spilled across the sky, and the wings of the eagle lord under their seat fluttered more joyfully. As long as the master of the Lord Beast is in a good mood, the mood of his master will also be good, their days Also better.

"Xiao Che, you can tell, Fei Ye likes you."

I don't know how long it has been, Xing Feng said in a sullen voice. Before, he was not sure. After this period of time, he was basically determined, although Fei Ye didn't seem to tell him to make him embarrassed. Meaning, to be honest, his heart is a little weird, not like worried, because he knows that Yun Che only likes himself, he wo n’t change his heart and fall in love with others, there is no need to worry, but the thought of someone beating his wife He was a little uncomfortable in his heart, but what made him a little depressed was that as long as he thought of his wife and his son, even Fei Ye ’s seemingly inattentive man was attracted, and his discomfort was mixed with that Ding Dian's happiness and pride show that his daughter-in-law is the best, isn't he?

He couldn't make trouble for himself, in the end what his mood was, anyway, it was all mixed up.

"He is a friend."

This is Yun Che's answer, and he can only answer it like this, no matter how many, he should cross the border.

"Without me, would you like him?"

Well, the punishment is a little bit sharp, perhaps because Fei Ye's excellence is not lost to him.

Yun Che turned his head and gave him a sideways glance, sighing helplessly. "Are you sure you want to abuse?"

There is no hypothetical question between them. If he has to answer, he can only say that everything is possible.

"Well, don't say it, you are mine, this life is, next life, next life, forever and ever."

It seems that he also realized that he had asked a rather stupid question. Xing Feng gathered his arms and hugged him. Fei Ye did not intend to compete, and he would not give him a chance to compete!

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