Young Military Rarities

Chapter 401: Brother Che asks for support!

Yun Zheng is really a genius among geniuses. In just a few hours, he decomposed all the formulations of the inhibitor and formulated a release agent. Unexpected errors appeared in the middle. Yun After specifically injecting the dying Lin Hongzhi with his configured inhibitor, he determined that his power was really suppressed and then injected him with a release agent. After repeated experiments several times to determine that the formula was correct, he was injected into Gu Mingxuan.

The power is no longer suppressed, and with the tree heart of Yun Zhi, Gu Mingxuan recovered quickly, but there was still no laughter at home, until the sky was getting dark, Xing Feng Yun Che came back after driving the eagle eagle, this Only then was the house rejuvenated.

"Sister, don't cry, isn't Chenchen all right? Hei Yu is also very good, and you will see him later."

They have been home for half an hour, haven't they? Xun Feng Yunche went upstairs to take a bath, filling his stomach by the way, and when he came down, he saw Yun Yao still holding a chubby Chenmo tears, for a while I really did n’t know what to say, the woman is It's true that this sentence is true.

"I know, but I just can't help it ... oh ..."

Talking, Yun Yao cried again. This time, she was really scared. Their desperate resistance still failed to stop her son and Hei Yu from being taken away. Otherwise, if Ning Ning suddenly opened their enchantment, I'm afraid they have already died, and they didn't have the opportunity to sit here and cry. "Brother, please hurry up and think of a way, our family is almost flooding."

Yun Che folded his hands, prayed, and crying, Yun Yao fluttered a laugh and said, "Small boy, you know that you are abandoning me, it's all right, can I stop crying?"

"It's pretty much the same."

When she saw her sister breaking her tears, Yun Che muttered a murmur, blinking mischievously at Gu Mingxuan, and Gu Mingxuan, who had recovered, couldn't help but smile, opened her arms and held Yun Yao's shoulder. He was taught a lesson. Fortunately, Chen Chen and Hei Yu both returned safely, otherwise he would not have a good life.

"Why didn't you see Fei Ye?"

Relying on Leng Yehan's eyes and his eyes, Yun Yun's eyes were still quiet, and they had something to say.

"Back to the other shore."

As a joke, Yun Che smoothly picked up the small buns leaning on the sofa. Fei Ye could not stop him if he wanted to leave. He just hoped that he would not take the risk alone. Now he is not alone, he still has them. These friends.

"With his ability, there should be nothing wrong. By the way, the result of the election of the head of state has already come out. Wang Qiang was elected head of state with far-reaching votes. As Liu Xizhao is dead, the important posts of the Liu family are also vacant. After the results came out, Wang Qiang immediately took the people of the Wang family to the government building, and the people of the Wei family also helped out together. Tomorrow, there should be a lot of personnel changes. Even Yun Yun is also recognized, so he Shocked to shock, but not worried, naturally speaking on other topics.

"Well, leave those things to the Wang and Wei families to toss, have the major families come to you?"

Nodded, Yun Che was completely uninterested in political matters. He would be lazy to pay attention if he was n’t looking to pull Liu Liuxi. Anyway, he would n’t live long in the capital. Nothing to do with him.

"Why didn't you find it? Grandpa and they are here in person. Xiaoxun said he would wait for you and Xing Feng to come back. I heard that the faces of several big families are extremely ugly."

Tan Weiye said that he was gloating before Yunfu. He couldn't get used to the ridiculous faces of those people, just like who didn't know what their ideas were. If it was for the peace of the base, they should stand up and stop at the beginning. It's not because they are too powerful. If they send troops to stop them, they will definitely cause a lot of casualties. Those talents sell them a face with a good reputation. Xiao Yan ’s soft nail is nailed especially when it is small. Hit them in the face.

"Going to the Military Commission tomorrow, you can't leave them alone. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Next we have more important things to do."

"You mean Northeast Base?"

Galway was rescued and they knew everything, let alone Yun Che

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