Young Military Rarities

Chapter 401: Brother Che asks for support! (2)

Well, even if they can't easily let him go, this matter is far from over.


Nodded, Yun Che didn't say more, and turned to look at Luo Haitao and Ji Wenxi who have stayed here. "Thank you very much today. Regarding my space can accommodate living things, please keep them confidential. You should You know, once this matter is spread out, people in the entire Huaxia Kingdom are afraid that they will be against us. "

The greed of the human heart is unimaginable. If it were not for the character of the two, he would have let the punishment directly hypnotize them.

"Well, we shouldn't say anything we shouldn't say."

Luo Haitao doesn't say much, but he will keep his word as long as he promises to export. He also relies on this form of utterance to lead the Thunder's more than 2,000 survivors, and take them steadily to occupy the second area of ​​c Throne.

"We still know the importance of this, but Yun Che, your space can hold living things. God is so nice to you, shouldn't you be God's own son?"

Ji Wenxi is not serious at all, but he is not a shattering person.

"You only know now? He was originally the dear son of God, how can we be the same as us?"

Speaking of this topic, even talking about Weiye couldn't help contempt with him, Mo Wenyang spared no effort to add

"No? You don't know, this **** is not only different from others, but also has power levels like open, it's already seven."

Apart from them, few people know about Yun Che's seventh grade.

"Isn't it right? Che, do you dare to leave us a way?"

I heard that Ji Wenxi was decisively excited, level seven. If he remembered correctly, he had only been promoted to level six in the battle of the Psionics Association. How long has it been? Rockets do n’t bring it so fast, okay? Think about them. It took them about half a year from the fifth to the sixth level. It ’s not long before the sixth to the seventh level.

Even Luo Haitao couldn't help looking at Yun Che more, apparently criticizing his ability level with the accelerator installed.

"You guys have enough. It sounds like I'm perverted. You're almost level seven."

Yun Che couldn't help crying and laughing, he would rise to the seventh level, because he had swallowed the relationship between the nine days of Thunder and Calamity, okay? How dangerous was the situation at the time, and they did n’t see it. It won't die for a lifetime, right? To this day, he still feels reluctant to remember the scene of being struck by lightning.

"I just want to know, where on earth do you feel confident?"

Rolling his eyes, Mo Wenyang looked at him with a serious face, Yun Che pushed a mass of air power to go "Go to you!"

"Haha ..."

Tan Weiye hugged Mo Wenyang quickly and avoided the attack of the air group. The rest couldn't help laughing, and the depression of the day finally disappeared with the laughter.

"What about the man outside?"

After the laughter, Zhou Zeyu pointed to the dark night sky outside, and Lin Hongzhi was left there in such a random way that he might bleed too much to death. Yun Zheng also specially asked Xiu Jie to help him heal a little, only to let him The flesh recovered, the broken bones didn't pick up, and the pain was always with him, but it would not let him die so easily.

"Toss out tomorrow to feed the zombies, he's just a pawn."

Kill him for dirty hands.

"Well, let the Wolf King get him out tomorrow."

"Alas ..."

Ye Xingchen nodded, and the wolf king lying at his feet raised his head with a dissatisfied purr, because he was the woolen one? He didn't want to touch that dirty human.

"Okay, take him out tomorrow and reward you with one more roast chicken."

Reaching out and touching his head, Ye Xingchen repeatedly coaxed and cheated. The wolf king was still sobbing, and only the mutant beasts in their family could be so good.

"Hai Tao, Wen Xi, for thanks

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