Young Military Rarities

Chapter 403: Black feather is looking for abuse (2)

We can always burst out huge energy at the most critical time.

"Of course, don't look at who they are."

The black plume who was still angry the last second immediately jumped to the table, filled with pride and pride, Yun Che Xing Feng could not help the amount, they are not proud of their father, he is proud What kind of energy is it?

"In short, this is a good thing, at least you don't have to worry about who is playing against Ningning."

The same uncle Yun Yun turned very stiff, who can think of a sudden entry.

"What do you think about that shadow?"

It was almost fun, and Yun Che, holding his second child, Bobo, suddenly asked that the atmosphere in the room was dignified for a moment. Except for Leng Yehan and Gu Mingxuan, most of the people at the scene felt the power of that shadow. In front of him, let alone rebellion, they were forced to retreat just after a short movement. This blow was not that big.

"When we were chasing Galway, that dark shadow appeared again. Fei Ye and I not only could n’t use the power, they could n’t do anything.”

As if they were afraid that their blow was not big enough, Xing Feng continued to add his voice. Don't look at him now, he seems calm, but there is a deep discomfort hidden in the depths of his eyes. His pride can never be lost to Fei Ye. Fei Ye left because of this, let alone him?

"damn it"

What does immobility mean?

Chu Haoyu slammed his fist on the table, could they just wait to die? No, their pride will never allow them to be slaughtered.

"I can suppress you to this extent, should be sure to be the master of the earth, right?"

I do n’t know how long after that, Yun Yan said coldly, and he did n’t forget, the fact that he was forced to retreat by the shadow of Hei Ying at the tenth level. “Well, I concluded with Hei Yu that we previously guessed the master of the earth I ’m afraid that everything leaving because the earth has no aura is wrong. He did n’t leave, but he was demonized, but humans have existed for more than 700,000 years. This is only what we have explored, maybe before that. There are many human names appearing on the earth and it may be uncertain. What I want to say is that he has not appeared since he has not died or left? What does he want? "

Passing the child to her sister, Yun Che is also rare and serious. As the owner of the earth, as long as he can lead the whole world in one word, he really can't think of what he wants.

"Who knows, maybe he's **** crazy."

Zhou Zeyu's annoyed lowness, the power of the shadow is too powerful, the most important thing is that he has the ability to control them absolutely, and he is not afraid to say anything, it must be deceiving, but if he wants to admit defeat, he again Can't do it anyway.

"Maybe we should go to the beach."

After a brief silence, Xing Feng turned to Yun Che. Hei Yu once said that he felt the breath of the beast on the seashore, and now the only one who can give them the correct answer is probably it.


Yun Che nodded. "The waterfront must be playing, but not now. Without determining whether that **** beast has also been demonized, we cannot take any action. You haven't forgotten it. Heiyu said that they are both spaces. The guardian beast of God is also a law enforcer. Once the space master is enchanted, they can directly kill each other, but the current situation is that the owner of the earth is still living outside, and I have reason to suspect that the beast is also demonized. "

No matter whether his guess is right or wrong, for their safety, it is better not to take the initiative to approach, of course, if it comes to the door like a shadow, then it is another matter.

"I agree with the owner. But it is not ruled out that it cannot be used for some reason, or that it is no longer the opponent of that person. There is one thing you need to know, that shadow, not even the avatar. In this way, it can suppress you and attack the master. You can try to imagine how powerful it will be once his body comes. "

If possible, Black Feather doesn't want to hit them, but this is a fact. They can avoid it for a while, they can't avoid it, they have to face it.

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