Young Military Rarities

Chapter 403: Black feather is looking for abuse (3)

It's better to recognize the reality earlier and immerse yourself in hard work. In this way, when they really face that person in the future, they will have a chance to live.


This time, everyone including Yun Che was silent, and the cruel facts were beyond what they could accept at this time.

"Kurou, if you are against him, how good are you in terms of your ability in space?"

After a while, Ye Xingchen asked his chin seriously and asked, if there is a scale, they still have the goal of hard work. If there is not even a scale, it will be a hit.

"Your hypothesis doesn't hold at all. We ca n’t move the master of other spaces, and he only shows such a shadow. I ca n’t estimate his true strength and cannot answer your question, but you guys Do n’t worry, I do n’t think he can move freely, otherwise he wo n’t be able to let go of the owner of the super spicy chicken twice. You know, grabbing the owner at this time and forcing him to merge the space is far more powerful than the future Favorable, but he said that it was not yet time to fight with the host, so I felt that he should still have any scruples. "

Although he couldn't think of any scruples, it was basically certain that he could not move freely, otherwise he would not have come from the shadow, but his deity.

"Sorry, why am I so spicy?"

Talk, just talk. Will he die if he doesn't bury him?

Yun Che glanced at him silently, even if he was scorned by all kinds of shadows during the day, now he still needs to be scorned, who did he recruit?

"What the hell, master, I just describe it, don't take it seriously, although you are really spicy chicken, but rest assured, this beast will never abandon Yunche, who can't speak slowly if you have something.嗷嗷 "

Heiyu ’s brain was black, and he was clearly explaining to him. Who knows that the more he explained, the darker he was, so he did n’t have a chance to explain it, so he flew out. Everyone gave him a silent look, you. If you want to find abuse, who can stop it?

Yun Che, who lost him, clapped his hands and said calmly, "Anyway, the other party is very strong. We only need to know this, and the rest is up to us."

Thanks to the black feather, the previous fear of being captured by the strong shock of the other party also disappeared. What about the fear? If they can solve the problem, they don't have to work hard to improve themselves. From previous life to this life, has he not encountered many powerful enemies? In the end, did they defeat them one by one? He believed that the owner of the earth would not be the exception.

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