Young Military Rarities

Chapter 404: Ways to get rid of the shadow control (3)

Everyone nodded in unison, and Black Feather suddenly became the same as his name. It was too dark.

"believe it or not!"

Leaving a sentence when Uncle Ben didn't wait, Black Feather jumped directly to the sofa bed, curled up and watched the little master lie down, seeking the warmth of the little master.

"Batch by batch. By the way, you will all consult other people's opinions tomorrow. Don't force yourself if you don't want to."

During the conversation, Yun Che had found a small bowl and a dagger, and was ready to bleed himself. Everyone didn't speak anymore. Everyone watched in silence, Yun Che picked up the sharp dagger and cut his wrist, Yin Hong Blood flowed into the bowl like a string of blood, and the bloodyness suddenly breathed into his nose. Xing Feng frowned subconsciously, and grabbed Yun Che's hand in about a minute. "Enough, not so much."

At the same time, Xiu Jie Lu Haixuan both put the condensed light abilities into his wound, and in the blink of an eye, the bleeding wound healed.

"Hehe, this blood is all right."

Looking at the amount of blood that only covered the bottom of the bowl, Yun Che could not help but turned to his house and punished him greatly. Even if he was injured casually, the bleeding was not limited to this, okay?

"Enough is enough."

Looking at him deeply, Xing Feng's frowning frown has not been loosened. Even if it is a drop of blood, he will be distressed and half dead, let alone so much?

"Well, let's drink while it's fresh, I won't cut it a second time."

After understanding his distress, Yun Che reached out and held his hand, and did not forget to greet everyone warmly. He didn't lie to them. He really didn't want to cut it a second time, at least not today, although in the light department. He healed no scars on his wrist, but it still hurts when he was cut.

"Xiao Che ..."

Yun Yaohong stared at her brother with a choked eye, every time for them, she felt as if she was a burden, it would only add chaos to him, and she could not help at all.

"I'll come first!"

As soon as Tan Weiye gritted his teeth, he passed the bowl to the lips and tapped slightly. The thin lips were stained with a little blood, and his tongue stuck out a roll. The blood stained on the lips was drawn into the mouth.


Almost immediately, Tan Weiye felt that his body seemed to be burning, sitting on the ground without saying a word, meditating, and regulating the disordered breath in the body. Then, Mo Wenyang and others also successively drank With Yun Che's blood, everyone's situation is similar to Tan Weiye. Not long after, everyone was meditating, including the little fat Chen who had been eating lollipops.

"Kuroba, are you sure I can drink it?"

At the end, Yun Zheng looked at Black Feather before picking up the bowl. Zombies couldn't get blood on it. Once he got blood, he would fall into madness. Even him, he didn't dare try easily.

"do not know."

Hei Yu looked up at him and said, "Zombies are a new species in outer space. I have never seen them before. You ask me for nothing."

He didn't flicker him this time. He really didn't know that the beast was not almighty. He knew everything. If that was the case, they wouldn't have to guess the shadow here.

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