Young Military Rarities

Chapter 405: Yun Yun turned back? !!

"It seems to be the originator of wasteland."

Yun Yan smiled ambiguously and said to his brother, "You have to look at me."

"It's not that serious. Didn't you say you felt like you had a temperature last time? Maybe my blood can make you a person directly."

In the face of his brother's joke, Yun Che also went lightly without pressure.

"Oh ... that's the same."

Yun's smile was stained with a little happiness. The last time he felt that he had a temperature, after having **** with Shige, although it was a brief moment, he was sure he didn't feel wrong. He has always been They were all cold, no matter how intense the **** was, and there was no temperature on his body, but that time, he clearly felt the warm breath, and it came from his body.

He didn't tell his brother about this, because he knew that he had been worried about his becoming a zombie, fearing that he had too much hope, and finally became more disappointed, but the next day he told his brother Now, the two brothers combined to make sure that he is not an illusion. Heiyu once said that it is possible for him to turn back slowly and his body temperature is normal.

"Drink, I'll guard you!"

Joking and joking, Yun Che still put a layer of enchantment around his body to prevent him from going crazy. After all, they have not experienced it, and no one knows what will happen in the end.


Yun Yan no longer hesitated, sent the bowl to his lips, and drank all the remaining blood into his mouth.



The blood slipped across his throat, as if it was going to burn his heat and sweep the whole body, and the blood-stained bowl slammed on the floor. Yun Yun grabbed his neck in pain, and his expression on his face was instantly distorted. , The slender body could not stop shaking.

"Xiao Che ..."

"Don't worry, look first."

Yun Che subconsciously wanted to rush forward, not knowing when the dark feathers that jumped over his shoulder stopped him. At the same time, Tan Weiye and others opened their eyes one after the other and saw Yun Che had slipped from the stool to The ground curled up into a ball, everyone couldn't bother to check their own situation, and all stared at him with anxiety.

"Uh ... ah ..."

Yun Kun curled up on the ground scratched his neck with both hands, and his sharp nails cut through his skin, but he didn't feel anything. Compared with the burning pain in his body that seemed to burn, this pain was nothing at all, accompanied by His repressed growl, blood-red red eyes bloomed with fascinating light, long-term converging fangs were also exposed, and Baijian's skin gradually turned red, instead of restoring the healthy redness of blood, but as if the whole was grilled by fire. Red.

"Small ............"

Yun Yao, who had opened her eyes, saw this scene, and tears rolled out of her eyes immediately, but when she was about to cry, she bit her own lip and forced it, Gu Mingxuan on the side hugged her in pain. In arms, no matter whether this is good or bad for Xiaoyi, they can only wait for the result quietly.


Suddenly, the void around Xing Feng's body next to Yun Che was suddenly twisted, and a large amount of aura swarmed into his body. The pupil of Black Feather shrank "quickly. Now. "

It was said that time and time later, a group immediately laid a strong enchantment between Xing Feng and Yun Xun. Yun Che was worried to look at Yun Xing and then to Xing Feng. His eyes were as calm as a millennium.

"Your cultivation has also improved?"

Breaking the dandan into sakura, Xing Feng was only one step away from this realm, but he broke through this step after drinking his blood. Yun Che could not treat it with caution.

"Well, I feel like Jin Dan is at its peak."

"me too."

"I went up three levels."

"My fifth level ..."

Everyone ’s answers are different, but they have been improved to some extent. Yun Che ’s worries are finally dispersed. At this time, Hei Yu said, “No matter how you say, there is the creation of the creation god. Never thought about creating

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