Young Military Rarities

Chapter 405: Yun Yun turned back? !! (2)

God of the world, but your flesh and blood is real. They will conclude a blood deed with you, and the soul and body will be strengthened. It is also necessary to grow a little. "

With his remarks, Yun Che didn't even worry about it, most of his attention turned to Yun Zheng, so he didn't notice it, and Xing Feng gradually frowned, until ...

"What's going on? Is the punishment so great?"

I do n’t know how long it took, Xing Feng ’s promotion not only did not stop, but he soared all the way after breaking into a sakura. Yuanying ’s first, second, third, ninth, tenth, and peak quickly passed directly. With Yun Che, there seems to be a tendency to break through the fit period, and even Hei Yu was frightened.

"Boom ..."

The rich aura seemed to have madly penetrated into his body with his own consciousness. He didn't seem to break through the fit period, but he was already breaking through.

"During the fit period, is the boss open?"

Shen Rui and others also scared their eyes wide. It was horrible to break a dandan into a sakura. It is not human to repair it soaring all the way. Now it has even broken through the period of fit. This **** is not enough to even pervert Describe it?

"what happened?"

Yun Che frowned, soaring for cultivation is not a good thing for practitioners. Everyone wants to become stronger, but soaring with the help of external forces will only make cultivation for nothing, the foundation is insufficient, and it is permanent.

"I knew yesterday? Maybe"

Looking at the Xing Feng who has reached the stage of integration, he finally stopped the promotion. Heiyu said that he was half silenced again. Such a guess was too unrealistic, not even to convince Yun Che themselves.

"Is it fit?"

The sensation gradually stopped, and Xing Feng's closed eyes slowly broke away, but he didn't seem to notice the worried eyes of Yun Che and others. He just lowered his head to look at the palm of his hand, and the eyebrows that flew into the cymbals frowned slightly. The black pupil who had always been steadfast slipped through the vicissitudes and persistence for a while, but soon became calm and calm, as if that ripple had never appeared at all.

"what happened?"

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Yun Che raised his hand to throw away the enchantment between him and Yun Yan, and reached forward and held his head.

"Ming Che, long time no see!"


Touching his face with his palm, Xing Feng's voice called another name, Yun Che frowned. At this instant, he suddenly felt that Xing Feng seemed a little strange, but the strangeness disappeared quickly. "I just What did you say? "

Xing Feng also frowned. He remembered that his name was Yun Che Ming Che, and he told him that he hadn't seen him for a long time. He didn't know how to explain that situation, as if there was another person in his body who was using him. What the body conveys is ordinary, this feeling is very uncomfortable anyway.

"It's nothing, congratulations, the fitness period has reached the eighth level."

Keenly aware of the abnormality, Yun Che blinked and worried, blinking a gentle smile at him, pondering it, and then asked Black Feather to ask what was going on, but what he didn't know was that Black Feather When he heard the word "Ming Che", he got out of his body and had no response.

"How can I improve so much? And I don't seem to have any sense of vanity."

Knowing that Yun Che didn't want him to dig into the horns, Xing Feng clenched his fists in accordance with his words, even if he had reached the stage of the stage, even his powers reached level eight, and he staggered forward two levels.

"Boss boss, are you more perverted than Che?"

"No, last time Che Che went directly from the peak of Zhuji to the third level of Yuanying, and the power also broke through to the seventh level. The boss is even better, the Jindan peak reaches the stage, the sixth to eighth levels, and the middle spans For a whole big level, I feel like they are not in the same dimension at all. "

"With your Xing Feng, you don't lose even the pervert to Yun Che."

"During the fit period, the eighth power, don't you dare to hit people like this? Don't you want to catch up with labor and capital?"

The crowd rushed up, and surrounded the two, talking about Weiye's unsatisfactory efforts to pinch Xun Xingfeng's

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