Young Military Rarities

Chapter 423: True Black Feather, Half-Blood Beastmaster (3)

The Great God is one of the seven gods in the **** world. He has an unrestricted character. What he wants to do can't be stopped. With his help, he uses the identity of the Beastmaster again to open the way to the space of alienness. I found them many times, but it was not very pleasant every time, so he never recognized them as their descendants, and the only person who recognized them was the owner.

"Well, Ling Yin will not cry, I will cry."

The person who said that he was crying still had a smile on his face. It seemed to know that he didn't want to talk to him anymore. Xuanpo turned to Yun Che and laughed. "Sorry, God, and let you watch the joke again. Before I saw you, I didn't expect to see each other like this. "

When he felt the breath of meditation, he was really shocked, and his poor life's wisdom could not guess how he would appear here as the guardian beast of space. Generally, only the beast that had committed a serious sin would be assigned by the beastmaster. At this point, but he is the Beastmaster himself, who dares to match him? He didn't know the answer until he saw the turn of Ming Che. He didn't make a mistake and was assigned to this place. He was waiting here, waiting for an extremely small, but the only chance to meet again.

The so-called great gods are the supreme existence above the king of gods. They live together with heaven and earth and escape from life and death. Unless it is a war between the great gods, no one can let them fall, although he does not know One of the great gods, why the Ming Che **** fell, but it is certain that he is back, and Ming Yu blocked everything, and finally waited for him.

It's no wonder that he would have touched Jiutian Thunder and Thunder, if no one could touch him, no one would be able to touch it.


It seems that he really did not run away, Yun Che sighed helplessly in my heart, "My name is Yun Che, whether I am the big **** in your mouth, now I am just an ordinary person, I just want to know What the **** is going on in this world, why do you call us, why do you not have the authority to travel to protect the beast, and kill the demonized space master? "

What past life, this life, Thaksin, but he will not let himself know about his past life, as long as he did not remember the past, he is just Yun Che, will not decide what or what to do as a mediocre identity, he All he cares about is the immediate situation, and the rest, at least for now, will not be within his consideration.

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