Young Military Rarities

Chapter 423: The truth of the last days

Chapter 423: The Truth of the Last Days

"Hehe? You can be an ordinary person, but I can't."

Even the great **** who reincarnates is also a great god. He has the opportunity to list the existence of the great gods. Whether it is a **** or a beast, it is impossible not to take them seriously. Of course, except for people who have great intentions, if they make people Anyone who knows his reincarnation and is hateful or greedy with him will most likely kill him or take his body before his power reaches its peak, and replace him as a new great god.

"Then you are free."

He can't control what others think and do. He just has to manage himself. Yun Che doesn't mean to continue tangling this topic.

"The outside world has been messed up."

The mysterious tone is affirmative. As the guardian beast of space, he can feel what is happening outside even if he does n’t go out. At least the big event is clear. He ca n’t see any joy from his smiling face. Angrily, Yun Che frowned. "Since you know it's messy, as a guardian beast, why don't you go out and stop?"

"It's not out, it's out."

Confronting his inquiring eyes, Xuan Po went on to say, "Once I go out, somewhere on top of the world will also collapse, and the whole world will be chaotic by that time."

"Somewhere, the owner of this space is sealed?"

Combined with their previous speculations about the space master, Yun Che asked tentatively.

"Well, his name is Xuan Tian. It is named after me. He loves this space so much that in the end he went into the devil and lost himself."

At this point, Xuanpo sighed. "Many years ago, Xuan Tian almost touched the opportunity when he was almost eaten by life, and opened up the alien space. As a guardian beast of space, I assisted him to develop the space together. The space where he was born was facing collapse due to the contradiction between the master and the beast. He brought all the remaining humans into the space, spreading their exercises and helping them cultivate.

With the generation and generation, this space has become larger and more saturated. About thousands of years later, the fairy of Xuantian stole the heart of the earth while he was not paying attention, and flew directly to the sky. The higher level of the **** realm, Xuantian, who has reached the peak of the ascension period, failed to cross the calamity. If he wants to induce the ascension and thunderstorm, he must have a stronger aura. Unfortunately, the spiritual veins have been swallowed up, and the aura of space has become increasingly The thinner it is, the more thunderstorms will not be attracted, and no one will be able to practice.

Hundreds of years later, the newly bred humans can no longer be completely cultivated. As the space master, Xuan Tian is so sad that he has developed a demon that will dehumanize people, which is what you commonly call a zombie virus. At that time, he did not know that the zombie virus would be so terrible. In order for human beings to continue to have powerful power and continue to hold immortal life, he injected the zombie virus into the four-season cycle of the entire space, causing a large number of senior practitioners to become zombies. All the people in the entire space killed each other, blood stained the space, and Xuan Tian was demonized because of this. He could n’t accept that his space became like this. After demonization, he almost killed whether he was a zombie or not. All the people and monsters in the space are gone, and the madness is complete. "

Speaking of this, Xuanmu stopped to take a breath, took the tea slowly and drank slowly, Yun Che didn't urge him, he knew that he hadn't finished talking.

"Kirin is the embodiment of justice and light. Among them, water Kirin is the best. As early as when humans became zombies, I started to develop antidote, but before I went out, the outside world has changed, and finally I can only judge the unicorn horn, and suppress the zombie virus in the extreme north. In order to protect less than a thousand humans, I arranged a dense ban on the periphery of the space to prevent people in other spaces from tearing the wall of the space. Came here, and then I exhausted all my divine power, suppressed Xuantian at the top of the world, I sank into the bottom of the sea myself, and waited for the appearance of a fate. Once I left here to use divine power, the prohibition at the top of the world was also He will collapse. As a space master, Xuan Tian can do a lot of things, and then it will be the real end of the world. "

Why does this world become like this, Xuan Po has already made it clear, but Yun Che feels stranger the more he listens, and at the same time feels sad for Xuan Tian,

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