Young Military Rarities

Chapter 434: Fufu separation, transformed Galway (3)

A moment later, Galway suddenly raised his head and said to the air that there was nothing, the unification plan was in front of him, and he would not let Yun Che come out to destroy them.

"What's the matter, since he is here, he will definitely appear in front of you. Now that he already has a mutant army, will he still be afraid of him?"

Along with the dark and low-pitched voice, a black air gradually appeared in the office, and the black air quickly condensed the form of a person in front of Galway. He was not someone else, but was a mysterious soul.

"Of course I am not afraid of him alone, even if he is already tenth level, what can he do alone? I am afraid of Xing Feng and the army he had taken into the space."

Galway leaned back confidently. As an officer, he knew better than anyone. The importance of numbers, no matter how strong a person is, is only a lone wolf. Only a group of people is really strong, so he put Your army is transformed into a mutant army, and they are controlled by the chips installed in them. After all the soldiers and abilities are transformed, who dares to fight against him?

"Then you can rest assured that Xing Feng and the army are already at the base of Beijing, but Galway, I warn you, don't underestimate Yun Che, this time I can't even feel his correct position."

Xuan Tian's self-confidence is undoubtedly scornful for Gao Wei's confidence. Yun Che is the owner of a different space. He is qualified to compete with him for the dominant authority of this space. Once he becomes another master of this space, there are ten Galway is not enough to abuse him, but he can't tell him these things, because he can't let people become people in his ideal new world. Once they are useless, he will be the first time. Destroy them.

"What? Xing Feng and the army did not accompany him? Why did Yun Che come to the northeast alone? Give it away?"

Gao Wei's eyes widened in surprise, and the golden vertical pupil looked even more horrifying. Xuantian was too lazy to take care of him, and his form gradually dissipated. "Let your people move faster, I can't wait. Since you think Yun Che It's okay to be alone, so ask for blessings. "

After all, Xuan Tian has completely dissipated. Recently, he has used Soul Power so many times that he ca n’t maintain outside for too long. "Hum!"

When I win the Huaxia Kingdom, you don't even want to live!

Gao Wei gave a stern glance at the place where Xuan Tian stood before, his arm could grow back, the research on mutants could make breakthrough progress, and even the situation in the Northeast base was so good, it can be said that it was Xuan Tian's credit. However, because of this, he is even less likely to allow his existence, and after he has not used the value, he must absolutely eliminate him first.

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