Young Military Rarities

Chapter 435: Arrive at the base of Beijing

Chapter 435 Arriving at the Capital Base

Executioner in Area A of Beijing Base

"Lao Xing, let's be honest about where Yun Che is. Carrying it like this is not good for you or us."

In the hall of the criminal family, a group of old men gathered here, surrounded by majestic and mighty soldiers. From their eyes, they can see that their powers are definitely not low.

"You guys are so resistant and can't find it yourself? Now the Northeast base has taken the initiative to explode the mutant army. Gao Jiaming is posing to join the other bases to deal with the capital. The wolf's ambition is clearly revealed. You veterans of China Instead of stopping and defending the integrity of my country and sovereignty, I'm here to persecute us for my own personal gain. Both labor and capital feel shame to you, and your conscience has let his dogs walk? "

The prisoner who took the family sitting on the opposite sofa was mercilessly ridiculous, thanks to the fact that he was still intervening in front of Xiao Che a few days ago, and now he feels disgusted when thinking about it, these people are not worthy of being the generals of China What's wrong with Xiao Che? Did he not benefit the people? He did not contribute to the end time. In order to end the end time, he had to face an enemy even stronger than he did not know, no matter what his starting point, was n’t it all human beings that benefited? Which of you here dare to say that if they really rob Xiao Che of the space, they can do better than him? I am afraid that they will take their own people directly into the space, regardless of the human life outside?

What patriotic sentiment and comrade-in-arms are **** in front of greed!

A lot of old men were blushed and red-faced by him, and Pang said with shame and anger, "So what? We found Yun Che, as long as he was willing to surrender the omnipotent space, we would join forces to destroy the Northeast base and those mutants. There is omnipotence Space, human beings will no longer be hungry and frozen, even if the outside world is not suitable for survival, we can enter the universal space together and re-create a new world. "

"Lao Pang is right, we are a little sorry for you this time, but we are also for China and for humanity."

"How can a mutant be strong? It can withstand our nuclear bombs? Really not. We will launch nuclear bombs to destroy the entire Northeast." As long as there is universal space "

With Pang Lao taking the lead, other grandfathers also followed one another. In their view, Yun Che alone controls the universal space, which is simply too selfish and too much. That kind of thing should be used to benefit all human beings. Hiding in his arms, looking after his own life?

These people have completely gone crazy for the universal space, and they don't want to think about it. If Yun Che is replaced by who they are, they will proactively speak out about the space and give control to others? Yun Che wants to say from the beginning that he has universal space. It is estimated that there is no such person in the world.

"Just for the sake of all humankind? Don't make us laugh, the disaster in front is not going to stop, what to talk about after all? No matter if Xiao Che really has a place for everything, even if there is? Why should I give it to you? Who dare to say that you wo n’t take it for yourself after you get the space? This time, our criminal family is unlucky, and in your way, if you want to kill you, you will have to listen to the respect, and you will have Xiao Che's whereabouts. Two words, no ! "

Xing Tianyi is mixed, but he always insists on his own bottom line, that is, he is a family of criminals, and the family of criminals only has to stand alive and not kneel to death!

"Yes, please kill if you want to kill or scrape. We will never bow."

The other members of the criminal family also said in unison that the most important thing for a person to live is to have solar terms, without any solar terms. It is better to die early and die.

"This is the attitude of our criminals. You don't have to say anything. If you want to kill, you can kill, and if you don't dare to kill, get away. Don't pollute our criminals' territory."

Satisfied look at his children and grandchildren. Xing Wanxin stared at the old comrades who were facing him with a strong stare. Even if he is really dead today, the army of his family is still there. Everyone wants to live, he will wait for them in the Yin camp.


"Let's go back and you think about it."

Pang Lao was about to attack, Xiao Lao quickly held him, they all knew

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