Young Military Rarities

Chapter 160: Provocation, appointment! (2)

Love, Rao is stupid, Luo Huai also stiffened, retracted his hand quite awkwardly, and Tao Cheng, who was blocked by him, suddenly rushed up. "Isn't he the captain of the second-year-old second? Really himself Is the base growing? "

"The second year old is better than the second year old, isn't it?"

"Hahaha Che, you are so talented."

Obviously, they didn't recognize them in the last second, and then told their team rankings at the next moment. They simply told them that the labor and management were unhappy with you. They deliberately embarrassed you, and saw each other with their teeth. Now, Zhou Zeyu didn't hold back and laughed again. Some squads who were oppressed by Shura in the last days also applauded secretly, sighing that the peak did not disappoint them.

"You, soon overtake you!"

Tao Cheng pointed his finger tremblingly, apparently not very angry, only knowing that he could speak hard, Yun Che retracted his eyes and adjusted the whole sleeve.

"It's up to you to have a space department? This is strange. When did the space department also become a combat department? If you surpass me, you can only go back to your mother and rebuild it."

Yun Che's tone was soft and soft, basically there were not too many ups and downs, but every word spoken could kill people, and Tao Cheng was stunned with anger.

"Dare you challenge me with no power?"

Is this already dizzy? Tao Cheng challenged Yun Che because of his good health.


After a short silence, the entire hall booed, but he was embarrassed to say that they were embarrassed to listen to it. The height of one meter and eighteen meters challenged the one and seven meters that looked thin and thin. Still not?


"Am I crazy? I don't have to fight against you with powers?"

Seeing that the wind wasn't right, Luo Huai just wanted to stop, Yun Che's voice sounded again, and then he said, "You are an ordinary ability. If I win you as Captain Pinnacle, you will be disgraceful, but you all challenge. Should I fight? In the future, others may think that we are timid and afraid of things. Why not? This is our top space department or a novice. For the first time today, you have done a good job? "

Yun Che wasn't talking about someone else. It was Meng Xu who had just restored his vision. His thigh injuries had long been repaired by Xiu Jie. Now they are all back to normal, but after listening to him, the others have n’t been doing anything. The people inside the peak are staring at him in disbelief. If they remember correctly, Meng Xu is a dual line, right? Is this shameless really good?

"Just him?"

Ignoring the captain's warning look, Tao Cheng glanced mockingly at Meng Xu, who seemed weaker than Yun Che, who was also an incapable space system. Such a weak chicken could crush him with one finger.

"Well, just him, if you can win him, he will do whatever you want, regardless of life or death. As long as you are able to kill him, I promise not to stop it, of course, the situation is the same, and how to dare to take this challenge. ?"

He smiled and nodded, Yun Che said lightly and lightly, it seemed that he didn't care about the life and death of the team members, knowing that the boss of their family was going to hang people again.

"it is good"

"and many more!"

The strength between them does not need to be evaluated at all. Tao Cheng was ready to agree without thinking about it, but Luo Huai took the lead to stop it. His deep eyes kept staring at Yun Che. According to the information they got, Yun Che He is not so impulsive regardless of the life and death of the team members, he dares to make such a proposal, he must have a lot of confidence, and hastily agreed, I am afraid they are the ones who suffer.

"team leader?"

Turning around, Tao Cheng was upset, but this was a great opportunity to get rid of the space department of the other party. Although I heard that Yun Che was also a space department, Yun Che rarely took the task himself. Without the space department, they could take over The task is very limited, and the strength of the peak will be greatly reduced.

Looks like he seems to have forgotten. Yun Che just said that Meng Xu is a newcomer. For the first time today, whether he exists or not, has anything to do with his peak strength? Besides, Yun Che is the kind of person who knows that there are pits in front and is jumping inside?


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