Young Military Rarities

Chapter 160: Provocation, appointment! (3)

Deathmatch is not allowed. "

Withdrawing from researching Yun Che's sight, Luo Huai looked at Tao Cheng and said that his consciousness was already obvious, that is, he didn't agree with him to fight with each other's space department, but how could Tao Cheng, who had been enchanted, swallow this breath? With a stiff neck, he said, "No big deal, I will go to the base with diplomats."

In other words, he must fight.

Luo Huai wasn't tight. He looked at the other team members and saw that they were all eager to try. Luo Huai took a careful look at Yun Che. This is a space-to-space battle. They want to take the opportunity to get rid of Does the other party's space department think otherwise? In particular, this battle was initiated by Yun Che, but now the team members' anger has been simmered step by step. If he disagrees, his leadership will be greatly detrimental.

"It's just to learn from each other and talk about what's going on. The Yun team is a big deal."

Ca n’t refuse, but do n’t want to be designed to lose space. Prudently, Luo Huai decided to change this deadly fight to casual tactics. The purpose of controlling them is to hit the peak of the face. It is not so important whether the other person ’s life is And Yun Che himself has space, and it doesn't make much sense to remove his space department.

"Every fight is always inevitable. Besides, this is still a battle between psionicists. We should consider any possible outcomes, don't we? We shouldn't show our attitude sooner, we really have to kill people. Will our two teams be in that time? K?

They are also funny. Just now he said that regardless of life and death, as long as he has that ability, he did not say that this must be a battle between you and me. They actually understood it as a death fight. How much did they want to take the opportunity to get rid of them? What about the space department? Yun Che will never admit it. He just thought of this opportunity to get rid of the space department of Shura in the last days. Even the military, there should be a lack of space department, otherwise this pottery would not be so arrogant. .

¨ "

The more Yun Che said, the more Luo Luohuai felt that he had a conspiracy, and he was unwilling to agree easily, but his team members were more unhappy than others, and they could not wait to jump over him to agree.

"That idiot in Taocheng!"

Among the crowd of power-setters, Captain Feng Xinlan, the leader of the Overlord Flower, couldn't help lowering his curse. Yun Cheming was posing to take the opportunity to get rid of him. This time, Luo Huai is also difficult to ride a tiger. Promise. In case Yunche's trap is really hit, their space is not guaranteed. If they don't, they will lose their hair. How to build prestige among the power squads?

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