Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 219 The rising and setting of the moon

Not long before the sleeping Moon Goddess opened her eyes.

In a small town.

Today's "demigod" Chen Si is sitting with the stranger Luo Gen, drinking and chatting with each other.

It is actually a bit inappropriate to say that it is about drinking and talking. To be precise, it is just drinking and not talking about it.

Or to be more precise.

Chen Si is the only one showing "happy" emotions now, or at least appearing to be happy on the surface.

"Come on, my friend, have a drink!"

He held the wine glass and bumped it towards Logan.

The expression on Logan's face was a little embarrassed.

He doesn't know what the situation is now.

When he euphemistically stated that he did know a "very outstanding-looking" guy, Chen Si started clamoring to come for a drink.

He didn't even ask Logan the gender of the guy.

But it's normal to think about it. Logan used "beautiful" when he called that person. And those who can be called beautiful are rarely of the same gender as them.

It can only be said that the existence of Pandya is really an incredible thing.

Especially in this wasteland after the disaster, there has never been a man with such an outstanding appearance.

Therefore, it is natural for the demigod Chen Si to misunderstand.

And this is indeed what Logan wanted to achieve at the beginning - to use the demigod's facial control to stabilize this guy, and then gradually manipulate him to achieve his goals.

But there was something he didn't expect.

Chen Si would actually be so... proactive.

He started drinking with Logan without any hesitation, regardless of the environment here, he just held the glass with a smile, and then asked Logan to drink it forcefully.

He looks like a cheerful and silly guy.

This makes Logan feel very complicated now.

On the one hand, he felt that the guy in front of him was very difficult to resist. After all, he is the strongest human being in the world, and one careless move could put him in danger. Especially if you stole his mirror, the consequences might be even more serious.

On the other hand, the guy in front of me was too easy-going and abstract.

He simply doesn't look like a true transcendent.

Logan even feels that he is more in line with the "extraordinary" position than a demigod.

However, the strength of the other party is no joke, and it is true that he is asking for help from the other party now.

So even though there were countless flaws in his heart, Luo Gen could only force a smile and start talking to Chen Si.

And just when he was blowing hard on the wine bottle, the amber bottle cap blocked his sight.

What Logan didn't notice was that the silly, honest-looking man in front of him gave him a deep look.

The emotions contained in this glance were quite complex, and completely opposite to the character he had shown before.

It was like at this moment that he truly had a hint of depth that matched the title of demigod.

But this expression went away just as quickly as it came.

"Oh, not bad, not bad!"

He looked at Logan with a smile: "Well, it seems that the wine is gone. Let's do this, I'll buy some more."

Just when he was about to leave.

Logan, who was already a little drunk, quickly stopped him: "That!"

Logan's head was a little dizzy, but he was still able to maintain the most basic sense: "If you can, it's best not to leave this room."

"This town is very troublesome. At least as far as I know, there are three mysterious forces in this place. Even you may face a situation where you are unable to handle it."

He said it very sincerely.

This also made Chen Si look at him thoughtfully.

For a moment like this, Chen Si smiled: "I don't think anything can stop me here."

"Don't worry, my friend!" He slapped Logan's shoulder hard, "I can guess what is hidden in this town, but trust me."

"There is nothing in this world that I need to avoid!"

He said this with great confidence.

He does have some confidence and capital.

At least in Logan's opinion, there really is no human being more powerful than a demigod in this world.

Because he had seen this guy fight in person and up close.

At that time, he was standing in the sky, with lightning and thunder rushing behind him. The clouds seemed to be able to press down at any time, and this man was the only knife that could tear the sky apart.

Opposite him is the equally mysterious "Chosen One."

Tianxuan is the second person recognized as being under the demigods in this world. In fact, many people don't know the origin of that guy.

Many people don't even know whether the guy is a boy or a girl, because the chosen one always wears a mask.

A mask that is pure white and hollow.

It is said that the mask can summon thorns from the void to restrain others, and its power is quite terrifying.

In addition, the power of Tianxuan himself is also unpredictable, so he has always been feared by many people.

And that day, Logan watched with his own eyes two humans with terrifying strength displaying their power wantonly in front of him.

Words such as "lightning and thunder" and "the sky and the earth changed color" are not enough to describe the scene at that time.

Logan felt that he had never seen such a terrifying change in the sky.

It was as if at that moment, everything around him, whether it was the air, environment or light, became weapons for those two people. They use their "hands" to knead those substances into various shapes and vent them on another person.

If it weren't for the fact that they seemed to be afraid of something and kept the battle scene in a small place, Logan might not have had the chance to steal the mirror.

But even so, the terrain that had been changed several times and even completely destroyed still frightened him.

And his mood now is definitely not much better than that time.

Although he saw the battle scene before, he was still far away, and it did not affect him at that time.

But right now, one of the two monsters was beside him, and he was arm-in-arm with him.

That's right.

Only words like "monster" can describe the image of those two people in Logan's mind.

Not a demigod, not a chosen one, these are obviously beautified terms.

Just pure "monster"!

Thinking this, he took a deep breath: "We still need to continue to hold him back."

What he needs now is to keep the demigod in this room.

If you let this guy leave, the God of Space who is currently staring here will also move away. And if you are unlucky and the direction the demigod goes to happens to be Pandya, the problem will be big.

So I asked about the plan. At present, it is best to let the demigods stabilize in this place!

This is the thought.

A forced smile appeared on Logan's face: "Well, I still think..."

But this time he didn't finish.

Just like the previous time, at this moment, the expression on Chen Si's face changed slightly.

It's just that the last time he asked Logan to leave directly, and then he met the "Shadow Chief" hiding in the shadows.

But now.

Without hesitation, Chen Si directly picked up Logan by the collar, and then walked out of the hotel in a hurry!

This action was so fast that before Logan could react, Chen Si had already caught him in his hand like a chicken.

By the time he came to his senses, his entire body was already suspended in mid-air.


Logan struggled with his limbs in confusion: "What, what's going on?!"

He looked at the demigod, somewhat confused as to what the hell was happening now.

But the expression on Chen Si's face was more severe than ever.

He looked at the hotel in front of him without blinking.

And Logan subconsciously followed his gaze.

Then, in less than two seconds.

Logan saw with his own eyes that the room he was staying in just now was like being cut in the middle by a knife, silently cut in half.

The flat section of the fracture slowly fell down, and finally fell to the ground without strength, smashing out countless dust and gravel.

What is this... ghost? !

Logan's expression twitched.

He suddenly realized that if he hadn't been pulled out of the room by Chen Si just now, I'm afraid he would have been stabbed horizontally from the middle just like in this hotel.

Then it split into two halves, one half flew into the sky and the other half fell into dust!

After figuring this out, Logan gasped uncontrollably.

Could it be that the Space God started taking action in advance? !

He thought so in his heart.

And just when his mind was filled with questions, Logan vaguely heard Chen Si whispering something.

Because Chen Si's voice was so soft, Logan couldn't hear it very clearly. He could only distinguish words such as "yingkui", "plan" and "not like this".

Before he could figure out what this sentence meant.

Soon, a figure came flying from a distance with sparks.

It really flew here.

Logan, who has relatively good eyesight, saw with his own eyes that there was a sharp brilliance behind the guy. It seemed that the speed was too fast and exceeded some limit, so it burned out like a streak of color.

And that guy's goal.

right here!

After seeing that guy, the demigod obviously "tsk".

"He's really haunted, that guy." He whispered.

Logan didn't ask who the guy was referring to.

Because he discovered that he actually recognized that side.

And the guy's identity is actually not difficult to guess.

The slash just now was obviously used by the guy in the distance, and he was able to strike such a sharp blow against the demigod without considering the consequences.

Only the "monster" who fought with the demigod before!

as expected.

In just a few seconds, that guy rushed all the way here.

And Logan also officially saw what the Chosen face looked like at this time.

As rumored by the outside world, this guy whose gender cannot be distinguished wears a pure white mask on his face. Under the gaze of such a mask, Logan felt that his soul was being sucked in.

Like a bottomless whirlpool.

Chen Si, on the other hand, stared at the other party.

"What are you doing here this time?" he said coldly.

The other person didn't respond directly, but stretched out a hand.

It was still impossible to tell the gender of the other person from these hands, because Tianxuan hugged her tightly.

I have to say that his movements are extremely abstract, and most people probably can't read them.

But it is obvious that Chen Si is not an ordinary person.

"Do you really want that mirror that much?" Chen Si gritted his teeth, with flames burning in his eyes, "You actually keep pestering me for that thing!"


Logan was shocked when he heard this word.

He felt as if he had caught something.

Faced with Chen Si's question, Tianxuan just shook his head, but the movements of his hands remained unchanged.

Still reaching out towards Chen Si.

This seemed to make Chen Si even more annoyed.

"I've said it countless times," he said stiffly, "I need that mirror, and I'm just borrowing it, and I'll give it back to you soon. Why can't you still understand?"

"Or maybe you didn't intend to understand from the beginning, and you just wanted to find trouble with me?!"


Logan was startled again.

It turns out that the mirror wasn't the demigod's in the beginning, but the opposite one? !

And the demigod seems to have brought the mirror over in some way, regardless of the other party's wishes?

Otherwise, Logan wouldn't know why the Chosen One would be so persistent.

It must have been against the Chosen One's own ideas when the demigod took action!

Soon, the actions of the Tian players confirmed Logan's guess.

Without hesitation, this man who was as famous as a demigod took action.

Another wave invisible to the naked eye was slashed out of this guy's hand, as if something had detached from this person's body, and it was slashing directly towards Chen Si and Luo Gen!

Die, die, die!

Logan was shocked.

He could feel that this slash was no joke!

If it were based on his strength, he probably wouldn't be able to stop it at all, and even before the energy leaving his body could touch him, he would be completely broken in half like that hotel!

But fortunately, now he is still being caught like Chicken Little.

Chen Si didn't even move as he completely eliminated the invisible slash in the air.

Just like snowflakes under the sun, they melt cleanly.

But it was obvious that such a gesture also made him somewhat difficult.

He stared at the white mask in the distance: "This annoying power... is really troublesome. It can strike out from the body."

"I've been troubled by your move from the very beginning, but this time it's different!"

The pollution on Chen Si began to condense.

The twisted form of energy gathered on him with such intensity that Logan almost fainted on the spot.

No, not almost.

Logan had passed out.

He just fell down straight and didn't even have time to say a word.

The transcendence of the superior ones suppresses the low-level transcendences in this way.

It was obvious that Chen Si was planning a big move.

And it was obvious that the white mask on the opposite side was preparing to take this big move.

Just when both of them were ready to go.

The next second.

Not far outside the town.

A bright moon, with a strange and absurd situation, in this daytime...

rise quietly.

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