Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 220 Soul Out of Body

What is this? !

Chen Si looked at the moon in the distance and vaguely felt some unspeakable fear.

This feeling was like seeing a match slowly burning against his forehead. The strange feeling of the foreign object touching the skin and the burning sensation of the flame about to burn before his eyes made him feel very uncomfortable.

It didn't take him long to come to a conclusion.

There's something wrong about that moon.

And it can make people at his level come to the conclusion that "something is wrong".

Of course, there are only gods!

"This is different from what was promised."

Chen Si tugged on Logan's collar and sighed: "According to what the film leader said, now we should seduce this stranger and that woman and let them activate the mirror step by step."

Instead of waking up the sleeping Princess of the Moon like now.

If possible, Chen Si didn't want to deal with that guy so quickly.

But the current situation doesn't mean he can just stop doing it if he doesn't want to.

"Are you plotting against me, Shadow Chief," Chen Si murmured to himself, "Could it be that he intends to use the moon to influence the previous plan and then make profits for himself?"


Chen Si glanced at the Tianxuan in the distance.

With such a guy watching, I can't help but feel a little helpless now. Not to mention that he still needs to protect the stranger at hand, so it is even less suitable to have a conflict with that guy.

Therefore, even if Chen Si was a little annoyed by the white mask opposite him, he could only take a deep breath in the end.

"That's it for today," he said in a stiff tone, "even you don't want to confront that woman, right? So how about a temporary truce?"

"If you insist on getting that mirror, just stay in this town for a while. It won't take long. When the matter is completely completed, the mirror will be in your hands."

"Of course, if you insist on taking action with me, then I have no choice. But when that time comes, you will have to face some unexpected situations. After all, we all know what this town is like."

Chen Si said meaningfully: "We are not the only ones watching here."

As soon as this sentence is said.

The white mask opposite him paused slightly in his movements.

As if convinced by Chen Si's words, the eyes under the mask glanced at Chen Si.

White Mask lowered his hand.

And the special energy that was wrapped around this guy and could exist without the body quietly dissipated at this time.

This is proof of the truce.

After realizing this, Chen Si quickly shifted.

He had no intention of communicating with a woman who had just woken up, especially if the guy might be angry about getting out of bed.

Bai Mask, on the other hand, silently watched Chen Si go away.

Then He turned around.

He turned around and looked at the place where the moon was setting.

At the end of the sight, a pair of pure white eyes slowly opened under the pothole.

Those eyes are like glass lamps that have spanned countless time, looking extremely magnificent and clear under the illumination of the silver moon. Like a bottomless whirlpool, all other parts of the facial features were blurred, and only those eyes occupied everyone's brain.

This is true for the white mask looking at it from a distance, let alone those who come into close contact.


Pandya dragged his body, a trace of obvious pain flashed across his face.

He felt unprecedented pressure and pollution.

A higher level of transcendence would oppress weak human beings just by standing there, similar to a forbidden object, not to mention that the person currently releasing pollution energy is a "god".

This level of pollution is simply not something Pandya can contend with.

Now he feels like a lonely boat floating on the ocean. The rich pollution energy around him is the water in the ocean, which is vast, distant, and extremely aggressive.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the vast sea lifted up waves of tens of meters, mercilessly sweeping towards the small boat in the center!

Pulling on her collar tightly, Pandya felt like she was about to faint.

But it's just a feeling.

In fact, even though he was so uncomfortable, he still didn't roll his eyes and faint on the spot.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he can't.

The power of pollution is stimulating his spirit and making his soul extremely active. If we insist on an analogy, there is a powerful force that is forcibly pulling Pandya's soul out of his body.

This kind of pain cannot be resisted by fainting, because it is pain acting on the soul, and physiological behaviors such as fainting will not work at all!

Therefore, under such pain, Pandya could only grit his teeth and hold on.

This is very uncomfortable.

But perhaps because his willpower played a certain role, after a period of patience that lasted for a thousand years, Pandya felt that this painful feeling slowly weakened.

Although the pain was still excruciating, he was able to endure it and had some room to think.

Reluctantly leaning against the wall next to her, Pandya quietly opened her eyes a little.

He wanted to observe his surroundings.

But I don't know what's going on.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was not the scene before he endured the pain.

But a kind of... more "higher" scenery.

It's hard to describe this feeling.

It's like his perspective is flying to a higher level, overlooking his figure from a higher angle.

It's a bit similar to the feeling of being drunk.

Just when Pandya was confused because of this state.

The next second, this perspective disappeared.

His hands became as white as before again, and what he saw was no different from before.

Everything just seemed to be just a dream, some kind of fantasy caused by him being unable to bear the pain.

This is the conclusion given by reason to Pandya.

However, the previous vision of looking at the world from a higher perspective made him feel that it was not just his own delusion.

So what is that?

Pandya was a little confused.

And there's no way he could figure it out now.

The pain has greatly reduced his thinking ability, and now he is no different from a broken pendulum. It only moves once in a while, and most of the time it just stays in place.


The beautiful little boy took a deep breath and forced himself to steady himself.

After a while.

He opened his eyes, his eyes full of determination.

The previous pain is becoming tolerable as it adapts.

Under such circumstances, his ability to think gradually returned, allowing him to better observe his surroundings.

Raising his head, Pandya looked at the top of his head.

Above him, the blonde goddess looked calmly at the moon above her.

It was obvious that she had "woke up".

But it was also obvious that the woman was not fully awake.

Because her eyes were very empty.

Even if she is not a human being and is the so-called Moon Goddess, a god should not have such a soulless look that is no different from a stone.

This kind of sight is no different from a sculpture or an empty shell.

I don't know why, but when seeing her mother like this, Pandya always feels like she can think of other things.

For example, the giant cocoon held tightly in his mother's arms.

In other words, the man in the giant cocoon.

The two men bear a striking resemblance.

The same sleep, the same empty body, the same so-called god.

There were so many similarities between the two that Pandya would occasionally wonder whether her mother was in the same state as the man in the giant cocoon.

For example...


Pandya muttered to himself.

After staying in this small town for who knows how long, Pandya gradually felt that she understood what the status of these two people was.

Like the townspeople, they have lost their souls and autonomy.


If Pandya had to describe it, it would be that these two people are empty shells at the moment.

Their souls are no longer in their bodies!

But this is just a guess in the end.

After all, Pandya has never heard of anyone whose soul can still exist after leaving the body.

Even God may not be able to do this.

Otherwise, they would have already had countless incarnations, so why would they stay in this place like the current God of Space, and could only silently watch Pandya and Logan wreak havoc?

But no matter what, his mother, the man in the giant cocoon, and the sculpture are generally accurate.

So Pandya has been looking for a way for so many years.

A way to bring his mother's soul back into this empty shell!

This has been his entire purpose so far.

He is the most important step in guiding this town from "wrong" back to "right"!

The ancient mirror was his clue to finding this method.

Pandya knew about the ancient mirror, or in other words, before this town was eroded by the God of Space, most people knew about the ancient mirror.

Because they existed as students of a certain college before that.

This academy believes in the Lord of Truth and received help from the original war lord, so it is independent of this polluted and chaotic world.

But due to the superposition of the God of Space and various other minor factors, the town eventually turned into this ghostly appearance.

Not only did the residents of the town become puppets without any sense of autonomy, but the entire town was also deviated from the normal world and turned into an isolated island.

And these are some of the things Pandya needs to correct.

And want to do this.

"Mother, I need your strength."

Pandya said softly: "I will use my body to carry your power. I will become the 'Moon God' for a short time, and then go to resist the space."

"So this requires me to become a 'female'. Only by being similar to you can I maximize your power."

This is everything Pandya had planned so far.

He planned to use his body as a container to carry the power of the Moon Goddess.

At the moment, the Moon Goddess is just an empty shell, equivalent to a treasure without an owner, and what Pandya needs is to simulate the state of the treasure owner and then take these treasures with her.

You don't need an ancient mirror to do this. After all, Pandya has been dormant for so long, and he knows how to enter this treasure house.

He had also thought about it. After entering the treasure house, he would first try to use the power of God to break the spatial confinement, and then use the ancient mirror to continue his plan.

This was supposed to be a plan without any major problems.

But he never imagined that most of his plans would be ruined by a sudden "earthquake".

This is an anomaly that Pandya would never have thought of.

On the one hand, this pit is buried deep underground, and the earthquake in the town should not and cannot affect his position; on the other hand, in the pit with the remaining power of the Moon Goddess, how could ordinary earthquake fluctuations make him Almost fell.

So this must not be an ordinary earthquake.

And there are only a few people in this small town who can do this.

"It looks like plans need to be accelerated."

Pandya rubbed his face: "Mother, please lend me your strength. Let me put everything that went wrong back on track, and then return to what I once was."

"This is our only long-cherished wish for a long time!"

Saying this, Pandya took out the pair of iron hooks again.

He wanted to climb onto the woman's shoulders for a second time.

He knew that he would not be harmed, because his mother was now an empty shell, without even the most basic instincts, and naturally could not react to his actions.

However, the premise of all this is based on the premise that his mother has no independent consciousness.

Just when Pandya was about to throw the hook to a certain position.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that the huge shadow above his head seemed to be moving for a moment.

The moon directly above him seemed to have shifted a little in a certain direction unconsciously.

And under the moonlight.

A white mask reflected the light of the silver moon.

White Mask, who had had some conflict with the demigod before, stood quietly next to the blond woman, silently watching Pandya's movements.

It was at this time that the moon could shine on Him.

Let His withered, dirty hair show its original color.

That golden color is as bright as gold.


"Out of body experience?"

In the real world, night falls.

Chen Qing and Alice were waiting for the arrival of the moon, and took advantage of this time to start chatting.

Although he is not a serious user of spiritual power, Chen Qing is still able to interpret spiritual power from the perspective of pollution.

This also gave him a certain topic to chat with Alice: "Yes, out-of-body experience."

Chen Qing looked at Alice: "Do you occasionally have the feeling of being able to see the world from a higher perspective? I think people with stronger spiritual power should also have higher soul strength. So maybe unknowingly, You will have an out-of-body experience.”

"The soul is separated from the body, but the body remains in the same place. This is a very interesting and dangerous experience."

Listen to Chen Qing's words.

Alice thought for a moment.

He gave an affirmative answer: "I should have."

"Out-of-body experience," she said, "is like having two bodies to control, one empty and the other ethereal."

As she said that, she looked at Chen Qing: "What about you, teacher?"

"Have you had a similar experience?"

She was probably looking for companions.

And Chen Qing also gave her a positive answer.

"I've also had it," he said with a smile on his face, "that feeling of an empty body and a soul floating in the air."

"I've experienced it many times."

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