Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 110 Fulfilling the Promise

Although she already knew Zhiyuan's true identity, she also knew that she was indeed not a qualified maid in the palace. Neither King Lin nor anyone else in the palace ever treated her as a maid.

But at least in name, she was Lin Jiangnian's maid.


Listening to Lin Jiangnian's slightly barbaric words, Zhiyuan's delicate brows wrinkled slightly, then quickly relaxed.

He raised his eyes, looked at Lin Jiangnian, and suddenly said: "Your Highness, do you want to keep me?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "You are my eldest son's maid, so you belong to my eldest son. If you leave, won't my eldest son suffer a loss?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, but quietly looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. The two people's eyes intertwined, and the air around them seemed to freeze a little.

Until a moment later, Lin Jiangnian looked away and sighed softly: "When do you plan to leave?"

Zhiyuan was startled, but quickly retracted her eyes and said calmly: "Just these two days."

"Do you need me to send you a gift?"

Zhiyuan was startled for a moment, then shook her head slightly: "No need."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the paper kite in front of him quietly, feeling a little filled with emotion in his heart. After a while, he suddenly said: "Can I ask a question?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes but said nothing.

"If this prince doesn't let you leave the palace, will you still leave?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Zhiyuan was silent, as if he was obviously stunned for a moment, thinking about this question carefully, a trace of hesitation flashed on his delicate features.

In the end, she nodded: "Yes."

"Do you have to leave?"


"What's the reason?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Do you hate my prince?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and didn't speak.

"Really annoying?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised and asked again.

Zhiyuan's cold expression was calm: "Your Highness, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"What do you think?"

"The truth doesn't sound good."

"Then don't say it."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, he had already guessed the answer. I just don't want to ask.

Since it doesn’t sound good, then don’t say it.

"It seems that you really hate this prince?"

Lin Jiangnian muttered to himself and sighed: "Is this prince so miserable?"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him. Under the night, this familiar yet slightly unfamiliar figure appeared.

She was slightly in a daze.

It wasn't until a while later that he suddenly spoke softly: "At least His Highness now... is better than before."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at her: "How do you say this?"

Zhiyuan didn't explain much, just shook his head slightly. He glanced at the night and said softly: "It's getting late, and I'm sleepy. If your highness is okay, please come back."

The tone was very light, but he ordered the guests to be kicked out.

Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to hear it. He still looked at the indifferent maid in front of him with the same expression.

He sighed softly: "Will you come back?"

Zhiyuan lowered her head slightly, avoiding Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and hesitated in silence for a long time.

Still no answer given!

"Okay, I understand."

Lin Jiangnian calmed down and waved his hands: "If that's the case, then our master and servant are destined to meet again in the world?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

"go to bed early."

Lin Jiangnian looked back at the night in the courtyard and said, "It's indeed getting late."

After that, he turned around and left slowly.

The kite stood under the eaves, watching Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure quietly, motionless.

Even after Lin Jiangnian's figure disappeared for a long time, she still didn't come back to her senses. She just stared into the night and remained silent for an unknown amount of time. It wasn't until the dead of night that she slowly withdrew her gaze and lowered her eyes, her expression still calm.

Then, she turned back to her room.

Close the door, go to the cabinet on the side of the room, open the cabinet door, and take out a small box from inside.

The box is very delicate, with exquisite patterns carved on it. It looks a bit old and has seen some age.

Zhiyuan opened the box, and there was a hairpin placed inside the box. The hairpin seemed to be made of wood and was not expensive, but it could be seen that it was a bit delicate.

It's not a valuable thing, but Zhiyuan is as careful as if he had found a treasure.

Staring at the hairpin in the box, his eyes were in a daze.


Zhiyuan murmured to herself, her beautiful eyes becoming more and more confused.

He raised his eyes and looked out the window at the night.

"Princess, Your Highness, he..."

"You are no longer Your Highness..."

Zhiyuan murmured to herself, her cold eyes showing confusion, hesitation, and a look of being unable to make a decision.

As night fell, Lin Jiangnian dragged his tired body back to his small courtyard.

In the courtyard, there were several maids and maids waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness!"

The little maid was among them, and she stepped forward cautiously: "Your Highness, are you hungry? Do you need a meal?"

"The hot water is ready. Would you like to take a bath, Your Highness?"

Today's little maid is already familiar with the process of serving His Royal Highness, and is extremely considerate.

After a day of exhaustion, Lin Jiangnian felt indescribable sleepiness both physically and mentally. He glanced at the pink and jade-cut little maid in front of him and nodded: "Let's eat something first."

The servants quickly prepared the food. After Lin Jiangnian had a simple meal, he went to bathe and change clothes with the maid waiting on him.

Taking off his clothes, Lin Jiangnian soaked his whole body in the pool of the medicinal bath. Feeling the touch of the medicinal effect being absorbed into his skin, Lin Jiangnian's fatigue was briefly washed away.

He soaked quietly in the pool, squinting his eyes and thinking about the series of things that happened today.

Liu Su left, quietly!

What was even more unexpected was that she and Zhiyuan turned out to be half-sisters. When he went to see Zhiyuan earlier, Lin Jiangnian planned to mention this matter, but in the end he held it back.

Although they are half-sisters, there is indeed a blood relationship between the two.


The relationship between the two is not necessarily good.

There may not be that touching scene of relatives meeting each other, hugging each other and crying.

Strictly speaking, Zhiyuan is the eldest lady of the Jiang family, while Liu Su can only be regarded as the illegitimate daughter born to Uncle Jiang's mistress outside!

The relationship between the two may not necessarily be good, not to mention that the Jiang family was exterminated more than ten years ago, and it is difficult to explain clearly the grievances and relationships between the previous generation.

Lin Jiangnian also vaguely guessed that the last time the two met, they might have reached some kind of agreement. As for what it is specifically, Lin Jiangnian doesn't know, but he is not in a hurry.

Now Liu Su has gone back to Tianshen Sect, and Zhiyuan is leaving too!

When he went to see Zhiyuan tonight, Lin Jiangnian originally planned to keep her. But when he saw Zhiyuan, Lin Jiangnian changed his mind.

Like Liu Su, she can't be stopped.

During these two months of getting along, Lin Jiangnian clearly saw that Zhiyuan, the little maid, was rebellious. She often opposed Lin Jiangnian, but now even if Lin Jiangnian forced her to stay, how could he keep her?

After all, her departure was promised by Lin Hengzhong.

What's more, what Zhiyuan has to do is more important... The Jiang family was wrongly accused of treason more than ten years ago, and everyone in the family was executed. For Zhiyuan, this is a blood feud. Now that the enemy has appeared and Zhi Yuan wants to take revenge, Lin Jiangnian will naturally not stop him.


Lin Jiangnian gradually narrowed his eyes.

Although he would not stop Zhi Yuan, he certainly would not watch Zhi Yuan leave the palace.

"The Jiang family in Yanzhou?"

Lin Jiangnian muttered to himself, until after a long time, he slowly stood up, wiped his body, and put on some clothes.

Open the bathroom door and walk out.

Outside the door, the little maid stood quietly at the door. She lowered her head and glanced up quietly. She seemed to have thought of something and her face turned red: "Your Highness."


Lin Jiangnian nodded, looking at the little maid in front of him with her little head lowered, her pink and jade face, and seemed to be thinking of something, "Xiao Zhu?"


Xiaozhu raised his head in confusion and looked at His Highness: "What are your orders?"

"come over."

Lin Jiangnian waved to her.

Xiaozhu didn't know why and subconsciously approached: "What orders does your Highness have..."

Before she could finish her instructions, she felt her delicate body stagger. The next second, a big hand put on her shoulder and pulled her into his arms.


Xiaozhu exclaimed, and only realized something after he stood firm.

When she realized that she was being hugged by His Highness, and felt His Highness's familiar and hot body temperature, Xiaozhu's pretty face turned red and she nervously stuttered: "Your Highness, Your Highness, you, you..."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the flustered, nervous and shy little maid. While hugging her, he gently lowered his head to her ear and said with a faint smile: "By the way, you promised me before Things haven’t fulfilled their promises yet, right?”

Xiaozhu looked shy, his face was red, and he was flustered and nervous: "My, Your Highness...I have no...what, no promises..."

The little maid's mind went blank and she couldn't think of anything for a moment... When did she agree to His Highness's request?

What delivers on the promise?


Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly narrowed his eyes: "You must have forgotten, right?"

"Forget, forget?"

Xiaozhu opened his eyes blankly, trying to remember.

What did she promise to His Highness? !


Her mind was in a mess at the moment, she was nervous and scared, shy and confused, and she couldn't think of anything at all for the moment.

During this period of time, she has not been able to spend more time with His Highness, and has even been ignored by His Highness... How can she agree to anything?

Lin Jiangnian stared at the pink and jade face of the little maid in front of him, pinched it gently, and when she was panicking, he whispered into her ear again.

"Warm the bed!"

The soft voice made Xiaozhu's delicate body tremble, and Shuiling's eyes suddenly opened wide!

Warm, warm the bed? !

This, this is not before...

Xiaozhu clenched her little fists nervously under her sleeves, with an indescribable shy look on her face: "Your Highness, Your Highness, I, I..."

She was about to explain something, but she saw Lin Jiangnian's face: "What? Have you forgotten?"

"Want to default on your debt?!"

"No, no..." Xiaozhu waved his hands in panic and denied it.

"That's good!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction, without giving her a chance to continue to defend herself. He stretched out his hand and slapped the girl's round buttocks behind her: "Go ahead and wait for me in the room!"

"Help me warm the bed, don't be lazy!"


Xiaozhu's face was as red as an apple, he bit his lower lip lightly, his eyes were shy and filled with a hint of grievance and resentment. Cover your butt and run away!

It's late at night, outside Linjiang City.

In a house somewhere.


In the courtyard, under the dark moonlight, several figures were kneeling.

A beautiful figure appeared under the eaves. She quietly glanced at the people in front of her and said calmly: "Everyone, get up."

Everyone in the courtyard stood up, and the atmosphere was dull.

Liu Su, wearing a long red dress, slowly stepped out of the eaves and came to the courtyard. Under the moonlight, this bright red dress looks particularly mysterious and enchanting.

"The plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong failed. As expected, Prince Lin's Mansion will take action soon. Please inform everyone in the church to avoid the limelight and evacuate Linjiang City."


Someone in the crowd whispered: "Saintess, is it too much to make a fuss about? So many of our believers have been hiding in Linjiang City, and they have lived peacefully for so many years. How can he be found in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

Liu Su had no expression on her face and gave this person a cold look: "Are you questioning my words?"

The man suddenly trembled and quickly lowered his head: "No, I don't dare!"

The saint is second only to the leader in the religion, not only because of her status, but also because of the saint's unfathomable martial arts strength. No one in the entire religion can match it except the leader.

It is precisely because of this that no one dares to refute the saint's words in the church.

No one dared to question it anymore. After a brief gathering, everyone dispersed.

Liu Su stood in the courtyard, watching everyone leave with an expressionless face. Then he took a deep breath.


Her face turned slightly pale and she coughed.


At this moment, a figure appeared under the eaves.

If Lin Jiangnian had been present, he would have recognized this person at a glance. It was the excited little girl who caught him in the ruined temple.

The little girl stepped forward with a panicked look on her face: "Saint girl, are you injured?!"

How could the saint be injured?

"It was Lin Heng who seriously injured you? Saint, how are you injured? Is it serious?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Liu Suqing covered her chest and shook her head: "The injury is no longer a problem, don't worry."

She was severely injured by Lin Heng, and her injuries were considered serious. Under normal circumstances, it would take less than a month or two for her to recover.


As if thinking of something, Liu Su's pale face gained a touch of pink. That Xuanyang Mind Technique is indeed one of the few miraculous healing techniques in the world.

She bit her lower lip lightly, looking embarrassed and angry. But then, her beautiful eyes gradually became trance-like, and she looked up into the distance at night, seemingly thinking about something.

It wasn't until a long time later that he looked back.


"Saint, I'm here!"

The little girl on the side spoke.

"Leader, where are you now?" Liu Su asked.

The little girl said: "The letter from the leader came from Beijing..."


Liu Su was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Get ready, follow me to the capital to see the leader."

Ling'er opened her eyes wide: "Holy girl, you are going to see the leader, but the leader said... let you stay in Linjiang City and continue to monitor and control the fake prince..."

"I know!"

Liu Su's beautiful eyes were calm: "But I have something very important and I need to see the leader in person."

Ling'er raised her eyes in surprise and said worriedly: "But if the leader blames you, Saintess..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Liu Su raised her eyes and looked not far away, her expression calm.

She was going to the capital to see the leader and ask him a question!

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