It's quiet at night.

Lin Jiangnian returned to the room alone, closed the door, and turned around.

Bright lights illuminate the room, making it quiet and deserted.

Not far away, in front of the table outside the screen, a restless little figure appeared, sitting at the table tremblingly. When Lin Jiangnian walked into the room, he was obviously a little nervous.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The little maid lowered her head, holding on to the skirt in front of her with her bare hands, her delicate body extremely nervous. Her hot and red face seemed to be getting more and more uneasy in anticipation of what was about to happen.

"Hey, you're quite obedient. Didn't you run away this time?"

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, a playful smile appeared on his face.

The little maid in front of her had obviously just taken a bath. She changed into a close-fitting light pink skirt and long dress. Her hair was tied up, revealing her small and exquisite face.

He was sitting there slightly restrained, looking a little helpless and pitiful.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's teasing, the little maid became more and more nervous, lowering her head and not knowing how to speak.

Last time...

The last time was a long time ago.

That's because...

While the little maid was thinking wildly, Lin Jiangnian slowly walked up to her.

"However, it's not obedient enough."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the slim little maid in front of him, her delicate and lovely face, her budding, young and slightly mature body.

Petite and attractive, coupled with this charming appearance, she seems to be resigned to everything.

"My prince asked you to warm the bed, why are you still sitting here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What? Are you waiting for me to warm your bed?"


Hearing this, the little maid looked panicked, her little head shaking like a rattle: "No, no... I don't dare!"

"Then why are you still standing there?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Do you still need me to teach you what to do?"

Xiaozhu's face was red, as hot as fire. She was holding on to her skirt tightly, breathing rapidly, and her small breasts were rising and falling, nervous and shy.

She didn't dare to raise her head, and her head was almost buried in her inconspicuous chest. She said weakly: "Then, the slave appears, now, just..."

"Help His Highness warm the bed..."

The voice was very soft, with a hint of trembling, and a hint of resentment and grievance.

Lin Jiangnian heard it and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Okay, let's go."

Xiaozhu still lowered his head and stood up carefully, not daring to raise his head to look at Lin Jiangnian. Under his gaze, he slowly walked behind the screen and came to the bed.

Standing beside the bed, Xiaozhu's face became even hotter. She recalled the words and instructions that Sister Zhiyuan and the other sisters in the house had told her before, and the girlish shyness in her eyes could not be concealed.

She took a deep breath, secretly clenched her fists, and made up her mind. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and carefully took off the small white embroidered shoes and the white stockings as thin as cicada wings, revealing the girl's delicate white feet.

Crystal clear, snow-white like jade, even the tiny blood streaks on the snow-white instep can be seen clearly, small and delicate.

Then, the girl climbed onto the bed carefully, looked at the spacious bed, and bit her lower lip lightly as if thinking of something, her already hot face became even more rosy.

She subconsciously raised her head and glanced outside the bed, and through the screen she saw His Royal Highness, not far away, looking over. The girl's instinctive sense of shame made her extremely shy, so she immediately got into the quilt and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt.

Then, the little maid wrapped herself in the quilt and was tossing something carefully. Not long after, a snow-white catkin emerged from the quilt, and at the same time threw out a light pink skirt...

In the room, Lin Jiangnian slowly withdrew his gaze, temporarily hiding the strange emotion in his eyes.

He turned around and went to the bookshelf nearby, took out a pen and paper, spread the rice paper on the table, then picked up the pen and slowly wrote something on the rice paper.

He started writing very slowly and stopped writing, as if he was thinking about something, and his expression was solemn and serious.

The room fell silent, except for the sound of Lin Jiangnian writing.

Not far away, on the bed, the little maid, who was gradually suppressing the shyness in her heart, saw that there was no movement for a long time, and then she carefully poked her little head out of the quilt.

Your Highness...why haven't you come yet? !

With those smart, shy and curious eyes, she looked carefully and saw His Highness outside the screen with his back to her, writing something in front of the table.

What is your highness doing?

As if she thought of something, a slightly aggrieved look appeared in the little maid's eyes.

His Highness asked her to warm the bed, but why didn't His Highness seem very interested?

She, she is already like this...

The little maid's delicate body was tense, her face was hot, and her pink color was extremely beautiful. She bit her lower lip lightly and raised her eyes to look outside the screen, with a bit of curiosity, doubt, shyness, grievance, and a variety of emotions gathered together. .

At the table, after a while, Lin Jiangnian stopped writing and looked at the densely packed names written on the rice paper and the relationships between the characters. Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and stared for a long time.

When all the clues were put in sight, the clues were gradually connected, and the plan that Lin Jiangnian was brewing gradually became clear.

She squinted her eyes and focused on the two names circled on the rice paper.

"Li Yuan, Xu Changsheng!"

Li Yuan, the third prince of the Daning Dynasty!

He was born to the current emperor and the queen, and was born at the same time as the current prince and the eldest princess.

According to the intelligence, this person was a prince, but he did not receive any external title and stayed in the capital for unknown reasons. This person has a cruel and ruthless behavior, and his character is equally suspicious. He had a grudge against Prince Lin!

He is also one of the biggest suspects in the assassination of Prince Lin outside the temple!

While talking with Lin Hengzhong in Ruyi Building today, Lin Jiangnian finally decided to go to Beijing after careful consideration.

This was his decision after careful consideration!

Now that Lin Jiangnian has completely become the eldest son of Prince Lin, there are some responsibilities that he cannot avoid, such as... marrying the eldest princess!

Whether Lin Jiangnian wanted to or not, he had to go to Beijing! Otherwise, it will definitely give evidence to those in the court, which will be extremely detrimental to the entire Linwang Mansion. Nowadays, the Linwang Mansion tree attracts the wind, and those people have been lurking for a long time, just waiting for an opportunity to attack Linwang Mansion.

Although neither Lin Hengzhong nor Zhiyuan elaborated, Lin Jiangnian could sense that if he really regretted his marriage, it would be extremely troublesome.

Instead of waiting for trouble to come, it's better to follow those people's wishes!

Of course, Lin Jiangnian's consideration of entering Beijing was not an impromptu decision. If it were before, he would really not be willing to do such a thing.

Staying in Linjiang City, his status as the prince of Linwang is almost equivalent to that of the prince of Linzhou. Living like this is a carefree life. Is there any need to travel far away to dangerous places like the capital?

But in the past few days, everyone around me has left. First it was Liu Su, then Zhiyuan. Their sudden departure made Lin Jiangnian somewhat uncomfortable.

Coupled with Lin Hengzhong's reasons, Lin Jiangnian finally decided after careful consideration... to enter Beijing!

Go meet the third prince in the capital and the fiancée you have never met before!

Of course, besides this, there is another very important reason...

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the rice paper on the table, and on another name.

"Xu Changsheng!"

The son of King Xu, located on the northern border of the Daning Dynasty, the eldest son of another hereditary king with a different surname!

There is very little information about this person. We only know that this person grew up in the north. There is not much information. Lin Jiangnian only knows a few words about him. He does know that this person has a sister who is said to be talented and tall. She is as beautiful as a flower and has the power to captivate a country.

And this person is also one of the suspects in the assassination of Prince Lin!

When Lin Jiangnian came to Beijing this time, these two people needed to be on guard most. At the same time, the rice paper also recorded countless relationships between the names of the people.

Lin Jiangnian glanced one last time and wrote down all the clues, which gradually became clear in his mind.

The plan is clear and vivid!

Prince Lin is hiding in Linjiang City, and there are still so many people trying to assassinate him!

Instead of doing this, it is better to take the initiative and give them this opportunity!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became cold.

He slowly put away the rice paper on the table, kneaded it into a ball, and then gently applied force to activate his internal energy. After a moment, smoke began to emit from his palm, and the rice paper spontaneously ignited for no reason. Lin Jiangnian dropped the rice paper. The rice paper that fell to the ground quickly burned up and disappeared completely.

After doing all this, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked out the window. It was late at night and it was getting late!

It's time to rest!

He slowly turned around, passed through the screen, and came to the bed.

On the bed, the little maid had already gotten into the quilt and wrapped herself tightly, like a ball of rice dumplings.

She was asked to warm the bed, but instead she regarded it as her sleeping place?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care. It's late summer now, and the weather isn't too cold.

An excuse to warm the bed, the drunkard’s intention is not to drink!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the side of the bed, and he saw the neatly arranged light pink skirts, neatly folded, and then glanced at the girl covered in quilt on the bed, his eyes flickering slightly.


Under the quilt, the little maid clearly felt His Highness approaching, her delicate body tensed, and her breathing became more rapid. When she heard His Highness suddenly calling her, her head went blank.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The sound seemed muffled under the quilt, but the trembling nervousness could still be heard.

Xiaozhu was confused and extremely nervous.

After waiting for a long time, His Highness is finally coming to rest!

Then, then...

As if anticipating what was about to happen, the little maid was extremely nervous.

"Slave, this slave has already warmed up His Highness..."

When she was about to say something, her vision suddenly went dark.

The oil lamp in the room suddenly went out, and the room fell into darkness. There was a sparse sound, and then a figure got on the bed, lifted the quilt and got in.

Xiaozhu's delicate body trembled suddenly, her eyes widened in vain, the familiar and hot body came closer, and before Xiaozhu could recover, she felt herself falling into a warm embrace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Xiaozhu's face grew hotter and hotter, and his voice trembled so much that he could hardly speak.

"Very good, quite obedient."

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian's satisfied voice came to his ears: "My prince likes an obedient maid like you, you deserve a reward!"

Xiaozhu's head was dizzy at the moment, and he felt that his whole body was so hot that it was almost burning. Every part of his body seemed to be steaming, even his ears were hot.

The feeling of shame and anger was indescribable to her, and her delicate body tensed up.

Lin Jiangnian hugged the petite body in his arms, felt the touch of the delicate white skin, smelled the faint fragrance of the girl, and was ready to move.

The big hands hugging the girl's delicate waist slowly rubbed and moved away.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

In the darkness, the difficult and slightly shy voice of the little maid came. She seemed to be breathing rapidly and with great difficulty.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Don't...don't touch..."

"Don't move. I am rewarding you... Be obedient, let go of your hands, be good..."


early morning.

In the small courtyard.

Pushing open the room, a petite figure staggered out of the room. His clothes were messy, his pretty pink and jade face was blushing, he was shy and confused.

He lowered his head, bit his lower lip and ran away.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lin Jiangnian's figure also appeared at the door of the room.

Neatly dressed, flushed and refreshed. Standing at the door, looking at the sun rising slowly in the distance.

"Your Highness!"

The maids outside the courtyard saw this scene and looked at each other, seeing the surprised look in each other's eyes.

Last night, Xiaozhu actually spent the night in His Highness's room?

Wouldn't that be...

Thinking of this, several maids had complicated and envious looks in their eyes.

"Where's the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at a few people, and when he was about to speak, he waved his hand: "Forget it, I will go alone."

He turned around and left the small courtyard, walking slowly to the courtyard where Zhiyuan was.

In the quiet courtyard, Lin Jiangnian followed the eaves to the door and knocked on the door.

no respond.

Lin Jiangnian pushed the door open tentatively. Unexpectedly, the door opened.

But when the door opened, Lin Jiangnian was startled.

The room was empty.


In an instant, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something.

Behind him, footsteps suddenly came.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

"Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing appeared in the courtyard at some unknown time and spoke respectfully.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Where is the paper kite?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head: "Sister Zhiyuan, you have already left the palace..."

"When did you leave?"

"This morning!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her and said expressionlessly: "Why didn't you inform me?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head, her expression still respectful: "Sister Zhiyuan left alone without notifying anyone, and my subordinates only learned of the news..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the empty room behind him and walked away secretly?

Play this game with him?

Lin Jiangnian, who gradually came back to his senses, gradually understood.

This is really something she can do!

Zhiyuan was obviously worried about something happening to Lin Jiangnian, so he came early and left without saying goodbye?

"It seems that she still doesn't take my master seriously!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the empty room, but there was not much disappointment on his face. On the contrary, his face was a little more playful, and he murmured to himself: "Yanzhou?"

"You little maid can't escape from the hands of this prince!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, looked not far away, and sneered: "When I catch you, I will make you willingly call me master this time!"


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