Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 112 Autumn Water Sword

The morning sun rises slowly, the autumn season is about to begin, and the weather remains the same.

Behind the palace, halfway up the mountain, there are lush branches and leaves, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the air is pleasant.

The surroundings are quiet and fresh, and occasionally the sound of cicadas and birds can be heard in the air, adding a bit of vitality to the surroundings.

Just halfway up the mountain, Lin Jiangnian's figure appeared in the cemetery.

The cemetery was cleaned and spotless, and some fresh tributes were placed in front of the tombstones.

Lin Jiangnian offered incense, worshiped and burned paper money. When the paper money in your hand is burned out, the breeze slowly blows away the ashes.

Lin Jiangnian stood in front of the tombstone, staring at the words on the tombstone, silent for a long time.

"I gotta go!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a young voice, as if talking to himself: "I have to leave here temporarily and go to the capital!"

"I won't be able to see you for a long time!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at it with a calm expression.

"Although you and I have never met, I have heard about your deeds during your lifetime and admire you very much..."

Lin Jiangnian had heard about Princess Lin's deeds during her lifetime from many people, and was full of admiration for this simple and kind-hearted Princess Lin.

It is indeed not easy for her to achieve such a high position.

Although Lin Jiangnian had never seen it with his own eyes, he still admired this Prince Lin in his heart.

"This time I left Linjiang City for the capital. Firstly, I wanted to resolve the marriage between Linwang Mansion and Daning Tianjia, and resolve the crisis in Linwang Mansion. On the other hand... I also wanted to not embarrass you!"

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became firmer: "Now that I have become Prince Lin, it is difficult for me to change the results of all these mistakes. But I promised you last time that I will never embarrass you, and I will never embarrass you." I won’t disgrace Prince Lin!”

"When I go to the capital this time, I will definitely investigate the truth last time, find out the murderer of the real Prince Lin, and avenge you!"


The surroundings were still quiet and there was no response.

Lin Jiangnian stayed quietly in front of the tomb for a long time, until the incense in front of the tombstone burned out, then turned around and left, going down the mountain.

The last person who accompanied Lin Jiangnian to pay homage to Princess Lin was Zhiyuan, and now Lin Jiangnian was left alone.

At the foot of the mountain, several familiar maid figures have been waiting for a long time.

There was Xiaozhu, whose eyes were averted and uneasy, and Lin Qingqing, who looked respectful.

After Zhi Yuan left, Lin Qingqing took over many of the affairs left behind by Zhi Yuan and was responsible for handling matters surrounding His Royal Highness.


Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly, touched Xiaozhu's head, and turned to look at Lin Qingqing.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Lin Qingqing spoke.

"Let Lin Kong come to see me."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly and glanced at Lin Qingqing: "By the way, you should also prepare."


Lin Qingqing's eyes were blank: "Your Highness, what should I prepare?"

"Take it up."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Come to the capital with me."

"Entering Beijing?!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes suddenly opened wide, but she quickly understood something: "His Royal Highness has decided to go to Beijing to marry the eldest princess?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "I heard that before Zhiyuan left, he handed over the command of the troops around me to you?"

Lin Qingqing nodded: "Sister Zhiyuan has indeed ordered my subordinates to temporarily take charge of His Highness's personal army."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I'll talk to you later. You go ahead and prepare."


Lin Qingqing's face was solemn. His Highness decided to enter Beijing. This was big news, and she had to prepare quickly.

After Lin Qingqing left, Xiaozhu, who had been silent for a long time, raised his little head, looked at Lin Jiangnian with wide eyes, and said uneasily: "Your Highness, you, you are going to the capital?!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"Then, then..."

Xiaozhu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Your Highness is going to the capital?

I heard that the capital is very far away, in the very, very far north... So how long will it take for His Highness to go there?

A year and a half?

Or longer...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu's heart tightened, and a strong feeling of reluctance surged into his heart. Your Highness is going to the capital. Doesn't this mean that you will be separated from Your Highness for a long time?

Long, long time no see His Highness?

Thinking of this, the little maid felt complicated and disappointed.

There was even a hint of indescribable discomfort, with his head lowered and dejected.

"Okay, you should go back first!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't notice the little maid's strange reaction. He still had very important things to do. He waved his hand and told the little maid to go back, and he turned and left.

Ruyi Building.

Senior Li picked up the wine on the table and took a sip with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"It's really a good wine!"

Mr. Li sighed: "Your Highness, after you leave Linjiang City this time, I won't be able to drink this wine. It's a pity."

Lin Jiangnian laughed and said, "There is no need to worry, Mr. Li. I have ordered people to prepare the wine. If senior is greedy, someone will bring it to the house. Senior, there is no need to worry about running out of wine."

Mr. Li was startled, then sighed: "Your Highness is interested!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head slightly: "Compared with the seniors, this is just a drop in the bucket... During this period, I have to thank the seniors for their generous guidance in martial arts!"

During this time, thanks to the senior Li in the building who gave Lin Jiangnian unreserved guidance on martial arts, he knew almost everything Lin Jiangnian asked.

Senior Li had a profound understanding of martial arts, and just a few words could enlighten the novice Lin Jiangnian, like an enlightenment.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Jiangnian was able to avoid many detours and made rapid progress in martial arts in such a short period of time.

All of this is indispensable without the guidance of Senior Li. Not to mention, the set of nine sword skills taught to Lin Jiangnian by Senior Li!

Although Lin Jiangnian has not yet been able to exert one-tenth of the power of the nine sword skills, he can vaguely feel the terror of the sword skills.

For this reason, Lin Jiangnian should have reason to respect the senior in front of him.

Mr. Li looked indifferently and waved his hand: "Your Highness does not need to be like this. Your Highness's current achievements are due to His Highness's talent and hard work. I am just His Highness's guide..."

"Anyway, I still have to thank Senior Li!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Senior Li in front of him quietly, suddenly stood up, and then slowly bowed deeply to Senior Li.

Senior Li was stunned: "Your Highness, why are you doing this?"

"Senior taught me martial arts and taught me the nine skills of swordsmanship... Although senior has no intention of accepting a disciple, I still want to call senior master."

Mr. Li looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, and a glimmer of light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

After a while, a look of relief appeared.

"Your Highness, there is really no need to be polite. This is actually unnecessary!"

Mr. Li sighed lightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian again: "Has His Highness decided to enter Beijing?"

Lin Jiangnian sat back down and nodded.

"Since you have decided to come to Beijing, you must be mentally prepared!"

Mr. Li paused for a moment, and his tone was rare and serious: "The place in the capital is not as good as Linjiang City. Over the years, the prince has made great achievements in heaven, and at the same time he has made countless enemies. There are countless people in the world who want the prince to die, and there are also countless people He is secretly waiting for his plan to come to the palace."

"You must be extremely careful when you enter the capital this time. Don't trust anyone in the capital!"

Lin Jiangnian looked equally serious: "I will remember the teachings of my predecessors."

"Your Highness is very talented in martial arts. Even if you enter the capital, you must not neglect your martial arts... If Your Highness can persevere, there will definitely be a place for Your Highness in the world in the future..."

Lin Jiangnian still nodded. The martial arts of self-preservation was the foundation for him to settle down and live here, so he naturally couldn't waste it.

"Since His Highness is going to Beijing, I, a bad old man, have nothing to warn His Highness. I must have discussed it with His Highness, right?"

Mr. Li shook his head gently: "I won't talk nonsense!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Li seemed to have thought of something and raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness, wait a minute!"


Lin Jiangnian looked puzzled. When he saw Mr. Li in front of him, he slowly stood up and turned to leave.

Not long after, when Mr. Li came back, he suddenly had a box in his hand.

A rectangular box, dark and heavy.

Senior Li came back with the box and placed it on the table.

"Your Highness must be extremely careful when entering the capital this time. Before leaving, please give His Highness something!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the dusty rectangular box on the table, as if he guessed something: "What's inside is..."

"A sword!"

Senior Li lightly patted the dust on the box and opened it. What caught Lin Jiangnian's eyes was a light long sword!

The sword is about three feet long, with a cyan orb inlaid at the end of the hilt. The scabbard is engraved with exquisite patterns, and the whole long sword presents a permeating aura.

As the box opened, a chilling air hit my face.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know much about swords, but when he saw this sword for the first time, he could tell that it was a rare and peerless sword.

The lingering cold air made Lin Jiangnian's eyes brighten.

"Mr. Li, this..."

"This sword is called Qiu Shui. It was acquired by me when I was young. It has been dusty and unused for many years. Now that Your Highness is going on a trip, I will give this sword to His Highness!"

"This... is absolutely impossible!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately waved his hand: "This sword is too precious. Giving it to me would be such a waste!"

With Lin Jiangnian's current martial arts skills, it was indeed a bit unfair to match this sword.

He could see the preciousness of this sword at a glance, and naturally understood the importance of this sword to Mr. Li, otherwise he would not have kept it for many years.

But Mr. Li shook his head: "What's the use of this bad old man like me keeping this sword? I don't know martial arts, and I have no intention of leaving Ruyi Tower. If this sword is left here, it will only collect dust. It's better to give it to His Highness... "

Mr. Li glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "With His Highness's talent, martial arts will surely make rapid progress in the future, and the future is limitless. Although this sword is not the best in the world, it can still be among the top..."

"I believe that His Highness will be able to unleash the true power of this sword sooner or later!"

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

Mr. Li shook his head: "Your Highness, there is no need to be polite. This sword was originally intended to be reserved for Your Highness!"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and looked up at him: "You were planning to leave it to me?"

Mr. Li nodded lightly and sighed: "Since His Highness made up his mind to practice martial arts, this sword has been His Highness's... The original plan was to wait until His Highness decided to go out to practice martial arts before handing it over to His Highness. Now, I think it is just the right time. …”

"In that case, I would be disrespectful!"

Since Senior Li spoke like this, Lin Jiangnian was no longer polite.

One look at the sword in front of him showed that it was not an ordinary sword. Lin Jiangnian originally planned to look for a handy weapon in Ruyi Tower when he came to Beijing this time.

Right now, it’s just right!

"Your Highness, would you like to try the sword?"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward slowly, his eyes falling on the sword.

"Autumn Water Sword?"

The name is very strange.

Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand and touched the sword, and suddenly a cold air hit his fingertips, freezing cold.

There was an indescribable coldness that made Lin Jiangnian energetic.

He grasped the scabbard and picked up the sword.

The sword was not too heavy and the size was just right. Lin Jiangnian held the hilt of the sword, stared at it for a long time, and then pulled out the sword!

"call out!"

There was a dull but crisp sound of unsheathing, and a light flashed in the dark attic.

As the autumn water sword in his hand was unsheathed, the room became slightly brighter.

"What a sword!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The blade of the sword was sharp and filled with cold air. It was as crystal clear as black iron stone. When Lin Jiang young touched it lightly, he felt the horror of this sword.

The sword body filled with cold air seemed to be able to cut through everything with one sword. Holding the sword in his hand tightly, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of confidence.

No wonder it is said that martial arts practitioners who travel around the world need a handy weapon. A good weapon will indeed greatly improve themselves.

After quietly admiring the sword in his hand for a moment, Lin Jiang put the sword into its sheath and raised his eyes to look at Senior Li in front of him: "Junior, thank you for the gift of the sword!"

Senior Li looked indifferently and waved his hand: "I leave this sword to you, I hope it won't continue to gather dust, and..."

After a pause, Senior Li slowly spoke: "Since His Highness is preparing to enter the capital, today, I will teach His Highness the final form of the Nine Sword Techniques..."

"This style of swordsmanship has been lost for a long time. In the future, His Highness will travel around the world, and do not let others discover it unless absolutely necessary, so as not to cause trouble in the swordsmanship!"


In the afternoon, the weather gradually turned cooler.

Lin Jiangnian left Ruyi Building and returned to the courtyard of his room.

Outside the small courtyard, there was a figure waiting for a long time.

Lin Kong.

"Your Highness."

Seeing His Highness return, Lin Kong spoke, his eyes swept over His Highness and stopped at something in His Highness' hand.

A sword?

At first he didn't take it to heart, but after taking a few more glances, Lin Kong's expression seemed to condense.

This sword...


Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"His Highness has something to do with his subordinates?" Lin Kong calmed down and asked.

"My prince is about to leave for the capital. Before that, I have a few things for you to do!" Lin Jiangnian said slowly.

Lin Kong was stunned for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Your Highness, please give me your instructions!"

He had already guessed the news that His Highness was going to Beijing.

And he also had a premonition of what His Highness wanted him to do. During this period, His Highness has been ordering him to investigate some things secretly.

"Where is Li Qianlin?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and asked.

Lin Kong said in a deep voice: "This person heard the news a few days ago and tried to leave Linjiang City, but was secretly intercepted by our people..."

"Let him leave." Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

Lin Kong was startled: "Your Highness, this..."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Let him leave. If he doesn't leave, the show won't go on!"

Lin Kong was silent for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"And one more thing……"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Lin Kong in front of him and spoke slowly.

After giving instructions to Lin Kong, Lin Jiangnian turned around and returned to the yard.

The journey to the capital this time is long, arduous and dangerous, so Lin Jiangnian must be fully prepared.

He doesn't want to encounter successive assassinations along the way!

So before that, you have to make preparations.


Waiting for those people to be arrested!

Slowly walked down the corridor to the door of the room, opened the door, and just stepped into the room with one foot, then stopped again.

"How did you come?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised when he saw the familiar figure appearing in the room.

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