In the quiet room, there was another figure, who had been waiting for a long time.

It is the eldest lady of the Xu family, Xu Lan!

When Lin Jiangnian saw her, he was somewhat surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come?"

Xu Lan glared at him lightly.

"Of course."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and did not argue with the girl.

This girl herself entered Prince Lin's Mansion just like her own family, and it was normal for her to show up at any time.

However, this girl's presence is indeed very low these days.

She was grounded by her father some time ago, so she finally slipped out of the house and came to see Lin Jiangnian for a day. Then King Lin came back. So many things happened during this time, and she didn't see her for several days.

Not to mention, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat uncomfortable without her nagging in his ears.

"However, can you change your habit of barging into my room when you disagree with me?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and walked to the table.

"Humph, I am happy!"

Xu Lan snorted softly and stared at Lin Jiangnian, as if thinking of something, her eyes were a little complicated: "Hey."


"Are you going to the capital?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at her: "How do you know?"

"Xiao Zhu told me."

Xu Lan snorted, then glared at him: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"What kind of big deal is this?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Do I have to inform you specifically?"


When Xu Lan heard Lin Jiangnian's tone, she didn't seem to care, and she suddenly felt unhappy.

A lot of things did happen during this period. Last time she slipped out of the house and was discovered by her father, and she was caught and refused to go out.

Coupled with the return of King Lin, Linjiang City has been in turmoil these days. She heard that King Lin was assassinated in his residence and was in danger. Although she wanted to go out, she held back.

It wasn't until he had passed the limelight that he couldn't wait to find Lin Jiangnian. In the end, Lin Jiangnian was not found, but he learned the shocking and unexpected news from Xiaozhu who came back from the courtyard!

Lin Jiangnian is going to the capital?

Are you going to marry the eldest princess in Beijing? !

When hearing the news, Xu Lan was in a daze!

She knew very well that the current Lin Jiangnian was a fake, and he was not Prince Lin at all...

But, others don’t know? !

Everyone thought he was Prince Lin, who was already engaged to the eldest princess. Now that Lin Jiangnian was going to Beijing to marry the eldest princess, she had already expected it.

But when she actually heard the news, she felt an emotion that she couldn't describe. This fake guy actually wants to marry the eldest princess on behalf of the real Prince Lin?

How to describe this feeling?

Xu Lan was inexplicably worried about gains and losses, and originally wanted to go home directly. But he still couldn't hold it back and waited until Lin Jiangnian came back to confirm the news.

"You... are going to marry the eldest princess back?"

Xu Lan couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian's answer was ambiguous.

It is true that he will enter the capital, but as for marrying the eldest princess... that may not be possible!


Seeing his perfunctory expression, Xu Lan snorted again: "Are you still going to hide this from me?"

Lin Jiangnian asked strangely: "When did I hide this from you?"

"If I didn't come today, and Xiaozhu hadn't told me... wouldn't you have planned to tell me?"

Lin Jiangnian shrugged: "Can you blame me? I can't go to your Xu family in person and tell you that I'm going to the capital to marry a princess, right?"

Xu Lan was startled and blinked.

It seems, it does sound strange?


"Then I don't's all your fault anyway!"

Xu Lan couldn't tell what was wrong, but she just felt uncomfortable, so she slammed the table and said angrily: "You are leaving, what should I do?"


Lin Jiangnian's eyes became even stranger: "What does it have to do with what you do if I leave?"


Only then did Xu Lan react, her face turned slightly red, a little unnatural, she quickly turned her head and waved her hand: "I, I mean...if you leave, I, where will I go to have fun in the future?"

"This Linjiang City is so boring. How long will it take for you to go to the capital now? It must take a year and a half? If you leave me alone in Linjiang City, won't I be bored to death?"

She had a bad temper, otherwise she wouldn't come to Lin Jiangnian every once in a while, but now Lin Jiangnian suddenly wanted to leave. Xu Lan's heart was filled with mixed emotions, worrying about gains and losses.

Even she herself couldn't explain why she was feeling inexplicable.

Still vaguely...reluctant?

And inexplicable unhappiness!

I can’t tell, but I’m just unhappy anyway.

"If you say so, is it possible that this prince is your pleasure?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

"Hmph, that's right!"

Xu Lan spoke confidently.

Only she dared to talk to Lin Jiangnian like this.

Lin Jiangnian curled his lips, "Do you think I am willing to go to the capital, travel a long way to the capital, and marry a woman I have never met?"

Xu Lan was startled and blinked again: "You don't want to?"

"if not?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Are the maids in Prince Lin's Mansion not smart enough? If it weren't for nothing, would I have to travel across mountains and rivers to marry a strange woman thousands of miles away?"

"Think it through with your uncivilized mind!"

"You scolded me again?!"

Xu Lan glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily, but then thought thoughtfully: "It seems... makes sense?"

Yes, this guy is now the prince of Linwang, and there is never a shortage of women around him. Let alone Linjiang City, there are many charming maids in his house, such as Zhiyuan, and the little girl named Xiaozhu before. Maid.

There is really no need for him to go to the capital to marry a princess?

Could it be that she simply values ​​her status as a princess?

Thinking of this, Xu Lan felt much more comfortable.

She glanced at him with gloating: "Who called you Prince Lin's son?"

A pun.

Lin Jiangnian ignored her. Xu Lan gloated for a while, but soon lost all interest: "But you still have to go to the capital. When you leave, won't I be too bored?"

"How about you take me with you?"

Xu Lan had a hopeful look on her face. After staying in Linjiang City for so long, she had long been tired of it. She had always wanted to venture into the outside world, but she had no chance.

She heard that the land in Beijing was completely different from the south, and she had always wanted to see it.


Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down: "Will your father agree?"


Xu Lan soon became dejected again.

Her father doesn't allow her to come to the palace now, so how could he let her follow Lin Jiangnian on a long trip.

"Isn't that enough? I'm your father and I have to be pissed off by you!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "My trip to Beijing this time is long and dangerous, and I'm not going on vacation. You'd better stay here with peace of mind."

Xu Lan's face immediately fell: "But, it's really boring..."


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Since you are bored, why not find something to do?"

Xu Lan looked at him hopefully: "What about?"

"Find someone to marry."


Xu Lan's face turned red and she glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?! I, this lady... I will never marry!"

"Aren't you saying it's boring? If you find someone to marry and raise a husband and raise children, won't you have something to do?"

"I don't!"

Xu Lan blushed and said angrily: "I am still young... Besides, I, I will not get married..."

At this point, her voice became softer for some reason. She subconsciously glanced at Lin Jiangnian and saw a playful smile on his face, and immediately became a little annoyed.

"Do not laugh!"

"Then there's no way!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

Xu Lan's face was still flushed with a hint of blush, and her girlish posture was clearly visible. He hummed a few times, but he didn't know what he was mumbling.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and suddenly remembered something. He raised his eyes and glanced at the doors and windows. Seeing that they were closed, he turned his eyes to Xu Lan and said, "I want to ask you something?"

Xu Lan was just thinking, when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words, she was stunned and subconsciously asked: "What's the matter?"

"It's the same problem as last time."

Lin Jiangnian sat opposite her, staring into her eyes without speaking.

Xu Lan felt a little uncomfortable under Lin Jiangnian's sudden gaze.

"You, why do you look at me like that?"

"You, what do you want to ask?!"

Just when Xu Lan was having extremely complicated thoughts, Lin Jiangnian suddenly said: "Why did you plot to kill Prince Lin before?!"


Night falls.

A beautiful figure jumped off the carriage and returned home.

"Miss, are you back?"

The maids from the house hurriedly greeted her. Xu Lan had no expression on her face and seemed to be in a low mood.

"Miss, if you sneak out today, the master already knows..."

"I see."

Xu Lan still had no expression on her face. She returned to her yard, drove away the maids and servants, and stood alone in the yard.

Looking at the empty atmosphere around the courtyard, she couldn't help but feel an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

Very uncomfortable.

Perhaps because her mother died early, she never liked being alone since she was a child and hated being alone.

Today, when she learned that Lin Jiangnian was about to leave Linjiang City, she felt an indescribable feeling of trance and reluctance, as if something had been suddenly taken away from her heart.

Inexplicably panicked!


It's strange, why didn't you feel this way before?

She stood in the courtyard, looking up at the moonlight. In the sky, the moonlight was cunning, slowly falling to the ground. Xu Lan was sitting on the steps under the eaves, with her hands on her knees, and a look of confusion on her delicate face.

"I'm sorry, I messed up..."

Xu Lan murmured to herself, biting her lower lip, her fair and delicate face becoming more and more confused: "He has already guessed something, but... I didn't tell him the truth, but..."

"He's leaving now too!"

Xu Lan sat quietly under the eaves for a long time, until finally, she slowly calmed down the emotions on her face, a trace of determination appeared in her eyes, she gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and immediately stood up and came outside the hospital.

"Someone is coming."

"Miss, what are your orders?"

"Where's my dad?"

"The master is in the study..." Before the maid could finish speaking, she saw Xu Lan leaving in a hurry.

Linwangfu, in the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian sat in the room with deep eyes.

Xu Lan didn’t say anything after all!

She was one of the few people who knew Lin Jiangnian's fake identity, and she was also one of the 'culprits behind the murder of Prince Lin.

But when Lin Jiangnian asked the reason again, she was still unwilling to say anything.

However, Lin Jiangnian saw something strange on her face.

Obviously, it was not her original intention to murder Prince Lin. There must be someone behind her.

However, Lin Jiangnian has not yet found out who the person who instigated her was. He had asked Lin Kong to investigate before, but there were no clues yet. After all, the Xu family is not a small family and has a very deep connection with Prince Lin's Mansion. It is difficult to find out this.

The only breakthrough right now is Xu Lan.

However, she didn't want to say it.

Although Lin Jiangnian was still suspicious, he didn't ask any more questions. There must be a deep meaning and unknown purpose behind her doing this. As Lin Jiangnian leaves Linjiang City this time, as expected, the truth and the person behind it may gradually emerge.

And this is one of the real purposes of Lin Jiangnian's visit to Beijing.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was thinking a lot, a petite body appeared outside the door.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes: "Come in."

Xiaozhu walked in cautiously.

Lin Jiangnian waved to her, and she approached step by step.

"Your Highness..."

As soon as she spoke, Lin Jiangnian pulled her into his arms, picked her up and sat on his lap.

Xiaozhu immediately blushed with embarrassment and tightened her delicate body: "Your Highness..."

Since last night, His Highness has become more and more bold and excessive, and Xiaozhu is extremely nervous and shy.

"Is the hot water ready?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged the little maid in his arms and asked with a chuckle.

After Zhi Yuan left, no one in the entire palace stopped Lin Jiangnian's behavior. Xiaozhu in front of him naturally couldn't escape his clutches.

No need to worry about the kite suddenly breaking in and doing bad things.


Does this feel good?

"Yes, ready!"

Xiaozhu lowered his head, and his ears almost turned red.

"Let's go take a bath with my prince!"

Lin Jiangnian gently patted the little maid's buttocks and said, "Wipe my prince's back."

The little maid's face was flushed and she was wiping her back?

Is it really just a back rub?

Thinking of what happened last night, Xiaozhu's face turned red and he was extremely shy. When he was about to stand up, he was picked up by Lin Jiangnian and walked towards the door.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty... put, let this slave come down!"

"Obey, don't move."



In Linjiang City, it had been quiet for a few days since the news of King Lin's assassination in his mansion. Calm days, everything is safe and sound.

Until this day, another breaking news came from Linjiang City!

Prince Lin, according to the emperor's decree, will go to the capital to marry the eldest princess of the dynasty from now on.

As soon as this news came out, it once again aroused heated discussion among the people in the city.

Some people were extremely angry and yelled at how this son of a bitch could marry the noble eldest princess? The eldest princess is unparalleled in intelligence, beauty and martial arts. She is like a flower stuck in cow dung.

Some people happily set off firecrackers to celebrate... This son of a bitch is finally gone. He won't be able to come back for a year and a half this time. It's great. Linjiang City is at peace.

There are also some people hiding in the darkness who are already preparing to take action after learning the news.

Outside Linjiang City, in a certain house, Li Qianlin, who had escaped from Linjiang City, had a cold expression on his face and said in a deep voice, "Then the prince of the dog has really left Linjiang City?"

"It's absolutely true. Yesterday, someone discovered that there were many carriages leaving the city in Prince Lin's Mansion, and someone saw the prince of the dog showing up. It's unmistakable!"

"very good!"

Li Qianlin's cold eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"He finally came out! This time, it will be his death!"

Thinking of the humiliation he had suffered during this period, Li Qianlin's face became extremely gloomy and his face was ferocious.

"When do we do it?"

"Not urgent!"

Li Qianlin said with a gloomy expression: "Linzhou is thousands of miles away from the capital. When he leaves Linzhou, he will die!"

"No one can save him this time!"



It's another sunny day.

Inside Ruyi Building.

In front of the balcony window, two figures were playing chess.

"Jiang Nian has left Linjiang City."

Lin Hengzhong settled down and sighed softly.

Mr. Li's eyes were cloudy, "Your Majesty, are you worried about His Highness's safety?"

"That's not a worry."

Lin Hengzhong shook his head slightly. He had made complete preparations for Lin Jiangnian's visit to Beijing this time.

What's more, entering Beijing this time is just a pretense!

On the contrary, he was worried that those people would not come.

"I am just worried about whether he can gain a foothold in Beijing."

Lin Hengzhong sighed softly, the complexity of the land in Beijing was far more serious than imagined.

"After all, the capital is too far apart. All my enemies are here. If they attack this time..."

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. His Highness is calm and mature. Even if he is in the capital, there is no need to worry too much."

Mr. Li glanced at Lin Hengzhong: "What's more, if His Highness wants to inherit the throne of the prince, isn't this a necessary process?"

Lin Heng nodded. This was the real reason why he let Lin Jiangnian come to Beijing!

Whether he can marry the eldest princess is not important. The key lies in whether Lin Jiangnian can grow during his trip to Beijing. After leaving the protection of Prince Lin's Mansion, can he stand alone and gain a foothold in the capital where there are many powerful enemies?

This is a test for him and a necessary experience!

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Li even gave the Qiushui Sword to Jiang Nian." Lin Hengzhong glanced at him: "It is indeed beyond my expectation."

Mr. Li downplayed it: "It's just a broken sword. It's a waste to leave it here. It's better to leave it to His Highness. Maybe it can be of some use."

Lin Hengzhong didn't say anything else, and finally said, "You lose."

Mr. Li's eyes were cloudy, but there was a bit of a smile on his face: "Yes, I lost!"

Lin Hengzhong stood up: "That's it for today. I still have some matters to deal with."

Mr. Li nodded: "Your Majesty, please do."

Lin Hengzhong left Ruyi Building, exited the attic, crossed the suspension bridge, and came to the shore.

On the shore, Zheng Zhiming waited quietly for a long time.

When Lin Hengzhong approached the shore, Zheng Zhiming walked up to Lin Hengzhong and said something in his ear.

The next second, Lin Hengzhong's eyes suddenly condensed.

"Where are the people?!"


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