Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 122 The disobedient little maid

Shen Lingjun has been an orphan since he can remember.

She didn't know the origin of her identity. She only remembered that when she was very young, her master took a fancy to her martial arts talent and took her back.

The sect where the master belongs is a very small sect and is inconspicuous in the world. There are countless sects like this in the world.

Although the sect is small, it is full of human touch. Whether it is the leader, the elders or the brothers and sisters, they are all very kind. And she has been with her master since she was a child, practicing martial arts with him, and listening to his master telling the heroic deeds of those chivalrous people.

Being influenced by this since childhood, Shen Lingjun is full of curiosity and yearning for the world.

However, all this happened until the master passed away not long ago, and the small sect she belonged to had to choose to disband due to poor management.

The brothers and sisters dispersed to make a living, and Shen Lingjun, who grew up in a greenhouse, finally entered the world for the first time.

Soon, her world view of life changed drastically.

She discovered that the world of martial arts outside was different from what the master had said. There was no chivalry in the martial arts world, and there was no so-called righteousness. What the master told her did not exist, and in the world, there were only intrigues, insidious schemes, and even...



The emperor has been in seclusion for a long time, treacherous ministers are in power in the capital, and various forces in the world are fighting openly and secretly, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. The dynasty was divided, and two opposite-sex vassal kings occupied the north and south, eyeing the dynasty with eagerness.

Especially in Linzhou, there are rumors that Prince Lin is a playboy who bullies men and women, relying on his father's overwhelming power to bully the people at will and do whatever he wants.

Shen Lingjun, who had just emerged from the martial arts world, had Linzhou as his first stop.

Shen Lingjun kept in mind his master's teachings from an early age, to be a righteous person and travel in the world. People who practice martial arts should be chivalrous and righteous, rob the rich and give to the poor, and have the world in mind...

During the few months in Linzhou, she heard too much about Prince Lin's deeds. It wasn't until not long ago that Prince Prince Na Lin brutally murdered Chen Yingying that Shen Lingjun finally made up her mind.

She wants to assassinate that bitch prince and do justice for heaven!

At night, the cold wind blows.

Under the big tree.

Shen Lingjun was wrapped in a fur coat. The furry long coat blocked the invasion of cold air.

An indescribable warmth emerged in my heart.

I don’t know if it’s the function of the coat, or maybe it’s...

Shen Lingjun lowered his head and looked at the steamed bun in her hand that she had devoured. The steamed bun that usually tasted ordinary was so delicious now.

Feeling full and warm, Shen Lingjun slowly raised his head and looked at the little maid in front of him.

She stood lively in front of Shen Lingjun, her eyes blinking in the darkness, looking innocent.

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's heart trembled.

His eyes were slightly red and his voice was a little hoarse: "Thank you, thank you..."

It's been a long time since her master passed away, and no one has cared so much about her. .

Unexpectedly, the person who made her experience this again was actually a maid next to the prince she hated the most!

Shen Lingjun felt very complicated.

"It's fine!"

Xiaozhu waved her hands gently. She saw that this sister was really pitiful. He didn't know why she followed His Highness, but Xiaozhu couldn't bear to see her freezing and starving at night. Perhaps she was reminded of her previous self, so the little maid began to rebel.

She secretly carried His Royal Highness on her back to give this sister some food and clothing.

"Sister, what's your name?"

Xiaozhu asked curiously.

Shen Lingjun was silent for a moment: "Shen Lingjun."

"Sister Shen?"

Xiaozhu blinked.

"And you?"

"My name is Xiaozhu."

Xiaozhu squinted his eyes and smiled, his smile was sweet and somewhat harmless.

Shen Lingjun looked at the little maid in front of him, feeling in a trance.

I originally thought that there was no good person around this prince. How could there be any good people among the servants who could follow this prince and work against him?

But I didn’t expect that there would be such a simple and kind-hearted person around this prince of a dog?

Looking at the clear and pure eyes of the little maid in front of him, and the ignorant yet kind face, Shen Lingjun was somewhat shocked.

"Sister Shen, why are you here?"

Xiaozhu couldn't help but ask again: "Why do you want to follow my Highness?"

She tilted her head and asked.

Shen Lingjun was silent, and finally just shook his head gently.

Seeing this, Xiaozhu blinked and did not continue to ask any more questions. At this time, in the dead of night, she looked at Sister Shen in front of her again, "Then...Sister Shen, what are you going to do tonight?"

It's already very late at this time. This sister has been with me all day. Could it be that... are you still planning to sleep here tonight?

"have no idea."

Shen Lingjun lowered his head slightly, looking a little confused.

She didn't know what to do now.


Xiao Zhuwu rolled his eyes and looked behind him tentatively: "Will you go to my place to rest tonight?"


Shen Lingjun was startled and couldn't help but raise his head and stare at the little maid in front of him.

Very unexpected.


Xiaozhu nodded. She saw that Sister Shen in front of her was really pitiful. It was somewhat unbearable to see her freezing in the cold wind.

"I have a small tent over there. Although it is very simple, it can provide shelter from the wind and rain. Otherwise, you can sleep at my place tonight."

Xiaozhu spoke.

Shen Lingjun's eyes were a little dazed. Looking at the little maid in front of her, she seemed to remember her when she first entered the world. Is there such a kind and ignorant little girl in the world?

She didn't know herself, and didn't even know whether she was a friend or an enemy, so she dared to take in a stranger?

Is it that she is stupid, or that she trusts others too easily?

Shen Lingjun was silent. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Why is such a kind-hearted girl the maid of that bitch prince? If I had been around that dog prince for a long time, would it be...

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun bit his lower lip lightly and gritted his teeth: "Xiao Zhu?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why do you stay with the dog...your highness?" Shen Lingjun's eyes were complicated.

Xiaozhu blinked and said simply, not knowing why, "Because I am His Highness's personal maid!"

"Were you snatched back to Prince Lin's Mansion by him?"

Xiaozhu was startled and quickly waved his hand and shook his head: "No, it's not...Yes, actually it is..."

"Your Highness and Sister Zhiyuan took me in..."

Xiaozhu whispered, if it weren't for Sister Zhiyuan and His Highness, I'm afraid she would have been...

After listening to Xiaozhu's explanation, Shen Lingjun was in a daze and surprised.

This little maid was actually rescued by that bitch prince?

How can the prince of the dog be so kind?

Could he...

Shen Lingjun looked at the pink and graceful little maid in front of him, and immediately understood something.

That prince, could it be that he wanted to...

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun immediately became angry again.

Then he looked up at Xiaozhu in front of him and suddenly said: "Do you want to come with me?"


Xiaozhu looked confused: "Let's go? Where to go?"

"Leave here and go anywhere!"

Shen Lingjun took a deep breath. The little girl in front of her was so kind and innocent. She really didn't want her to be tainted by that bitch prince.

"Prince Lin is bullying men and dominating women, and he does all kinds of evil. If you stay with him, you will be acting as an aid to the tiger..."

Hearing Shen Lingjun's low words, Xiaozhu froze on the spot. After a while, he waved his hands in a panic: "No, it's not..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he is not bad..."

Xiaozhu's face turned red, trying to explain that His Highness was not a bad person. She did think so at first, but as they got along with each other over the past few months, she discovered that His Highness was not as unbearable as outsiders said. Even... His Highness was very kind to her.

Except, except...

Xiaozhu thought of something and his face turned red.

And Shen Lingjun looked at the little girl in front of him with complicated eyes, it's over!

This innocent and kind little girl was indeed deceived by that bitch prince!

"Really, His Highness is not a bad person, he is really good..."

Xiaozhu tried his best to defend, but he didn't know how to describe it. In the end, I was confused and stuttered.

Shen Lingjun naturally didn't believe it and just thought that the innocent little maid had been deceived by the prince.

You son of a bitch, you can even lie to such a kind little girl!

Shen Lingjun took a deep breath, and after she swallowed the last bite of steamed buns, regained some strength, and warmed her hands and feet, she stood up from the ground.

"I gotta go!"

Shen Lingjun looked at the little maid in front of him and said seriously: "Thank you for the steamed buns and clothes... If I have a chance in the future, I, Shen Lingjun, will definitely repay you with thanks."

Xiaozhu's face was slightly red, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no need..."

She didn't do anything either.

But he soon realized something: "Sister Shen, you, you want to leave?"


Shen Lingjun nodded. She was a little confused and didn't know where to go next. But maybe Xiaozhu's behavior infected her. There are many kind-hearted people like Xiaozhu in the world, and she can't give up on herself like this.

Secretly making up his mind, Shen Lingjun's eyes gradually became firmer!

"Don't worry, little girl, I will definitely save you from the sea of ​​suffering!"

inside the room.

It's quiet at night.

Lin Jiangnian slowly finished the exercise, feeling the overwhelming surge of energy and blood in his body, which did not subside until he finished the exercise for a long time.

Lowering his head, Lin Jiang young sighed.

This is probably the sequelae of Xuanyang's mental method. It happens every time, especially after entering the first level of Xuanyang. This feeling is particularly strong.

Young man, your blood is strong!

Naturally, it’s no surprise.

Just when Lin Jiangnian stood up, there was movement outside the door. Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes: "Xiao Zhu?"

"Your Highness."

Xiaozhu's timid voice came from outside the door, seeming a little guilty.

"come in."

The tent door was pushed open, and Xiaozhu's delicate figure walked in. Lowering his head, he took small steps and moved not far from Lin Jiangnian. His little hands were intertwined, as if he had done something wrong, and he was careful.

"Your Highness..." The little maid's voice was very soft.


"This slave is here to admit my mistake."

"Admit your mistake?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and looked at the pink and jade-shaped little maid in front of him. He didn't know what she was wrong about.

"what have you done?"

Xiaozhu took a deep breath and then told His Highness what he had done before.

Xiaozhu felt guilty for secretly delivering food to Sister Shen, and felt a strong sense of guilt. In the end, he couldn't help but apologize to His Highness...

After he finished speaking, Xiaozhu lowered his head and said, "I just gave her food without His Highness's permission..."

"I'm sorry, please punish me, Your Highness..."

After finishing speaking, Xiaozhu lowered his head with a guilty conscience, preparing to accept His Highness's scolding and punishment.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jiangnian was not angry or even reacted much. He just chuckled and said, "Why did you go to give her food?"

Xiaozhu lowered his head and said: "I feel so pitiful about her... She is cold and hungry alone over there, so, just..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, which was in line with Xiaozhu's character.

"What about her?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced outside.

"Go, go."


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Is she willing to leave?"

Xiaozhu lowered his head: "She, she snatched a horse and left, and she said..."

Speaking of this, Xiaozhu stopped, and his voice seemed to be trembling.

"What did you say?"

"she says……"

Xiaozhu bit her lower lip lightly, with a bit of panic on her face: "I told you to take the slave with you next time, so that the slave should not follow His Highness to help others..."

Lin Jiangnian said with a smile on his face: "Then will you leave?"

Xiaozhu shook his head quickly and said anxiously: "Slave, I don't know how!"

She, she will not leave His Highness.

His Highness was very kind to her, and of course she didn't want to leave His Highness.

But for some reason, Xiaozhu was particularly nervous.

Lin Jiangnian saw this and waved to her: "Come here."

Xiaozhu approached obediently.

"Do you want me to punish you?"

Lin Jiangnian took the opportunity to hug the little maid into his arms, squinted his eyes, and looked down at the little maid's pink and jade-like, fair and rosy face.

The blush is so cute.

Perhaps it was due to Lin Jiangnian's unremitting efforts and mature exploration along the way that the little maid's original youthful figure gradually blossomed. The posture that was originally looking at the vast plains under the chest-length skirt showed slight signs of gaining momentum.

Being hugged by His Highness, Xiaozhu's face was flushed, and she was already feeling guilty. When she heard His Highness's words, she blushed slightly and bit her lower lip: "Your Highness, if Your Highness is angry, then punish this slave... "

She was willing to accept the punishment.

"That's it!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, she liked this about the little maid.

Obedient enough.

So much better than the cold maid like Zhiyuan!

Holding the little maid in his arms, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Then I will have to think about how to punish you!"

The voice was soft and playful.

The little maid's face became hotter and redder, and she naturally understood the meaning of His Highness's words. Your Highness, Your Highness is going to...

Lin Jiangnian stared at the blushing and shy face of the girl in his arms, and suddenly picked up the girl in his arms.

"You little maid, let's see how I will punish you tonight!"

The little maid exclaimed, and subconsciously hugged His Highness's neck, curling her delicate body in His Highness's arms. She remembered for no reason what Sister Lin Qingqing told her today, and she felt even more shy, her face was hot, and she was extremely red with embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The little maid's voice was trembling and uneasy.

"Yes, be gentle."


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