Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 123 I will give it to her

early morning.

It was just dawn, and the motorcade located in the suburbs had already begun to pack up.

There were tents and bonfires dotted on the flat ground, and the smoke from burning firewood filled the air as the flames went out. Not far away in the bamboo forest, there were guards on duty who were on duty.

The sun has not yet risen, and in the autumn season, the weather is getting colder. Morning dew hangs on the grass outside the tent, and the air is moist.

Lin Qingqing, who was dressed in a smart outfit, lowered her head and hurriedly walked towards His Highness's tent. There were only two maids guarding outside His Highness's tent. The identities of these two maids are not simple. They are Lin Qingqing's subordinates, and their martial arts are not weak.

As soon as Lin Qingqing walked in, a maid came forward and said something in Lin Qingqing's ear. After listening, Lin Qingqing's face was stunned. After a moment, she came back to her senses and subconsciously glanced at the tent in front of her.

last night……

As if thinking of something, Lin Qingqing's face became a little strange.

When the sky was completely bright, a ray of sunlight shone from the bamboo forest, dispersing the moisture in the forest.

The tent was slowly opened, and a figure sneaked out of the tent. His smart eyes looked left and right, looking around, and after making sure there was no one around, he stepped out lightly.

But just after taking two steps, the girl frowned slightly, with a hint of pain on her face. He bit his lower lip lightly, looking a little pitiful.

Accompanied by a hint of resentment.

There seems to be a bit of joy and shyness in the facial features, a bit less of a girl's immaturity, and the water is as full as a waterfall.

Your Highness, you really don’t know how to show mercy...

The little maid bit her lower lip lightly, looking a little aggrieved, and pouted her mouth slightly. He wrapped his clothes around himself as if he were a thief, and then he lowered his head and ran away furtively.

Not long after Xiaozhu left, a figure came out from behind the tent.

It was Lin Qingqing. She looked at the scene not far away. After Xiaozhu ran away, she sighed softly.

Then, she walked outside the tent.

"Your Highness."

Soon, Lin Jiangnian's familiar voice came from the tent: "Come in!"

Lin Qingqing pushed open the tent and walked in.

There was a faint atmosphere filling the warm and dim tent.

Lin Qingqing sniffed it, as if she realized something, and her face looked a little unnatural.

She didn't know what the smell was, but when she thought of Xiaozhu's departure, and the sound the maid outside the door said she heard last night... it was self-evident.

Lin Qingqing glanced subconsciously. On the bed not far away, Lin Jiangnian seemed to have just woken up. He sat up, his upper body naked, and the bed was even more messy.

With her sharp eyes, she saw that there seemed to be a woman's clothes beside the bed...?

After Lin Qingqing glanced at it, she quickly lowered her head.

"Your Highness, it's time for us to set off!"


Lin Jiangnian yawned and felt sleepy. He pulled some clothes from the side and put them on before getting up.

"Your Highness, the toiletries have been prepared. Your Highness should go wash and change clothes first."

Lin Qingqing spoke softly, Lin Jiangnian nodded, stood up and left the tent. Outside the tent, there was a maid waiting for a long time.

In the room, Lin Qingqing began to help His Highness pack the tent and organize the items on the bed. When he opened the quilt, he saw a girl's bellyband left at the head of the bed.

Lin Qingqing's face suddenly became strange. She looked down and soon saw the bright red on the messy bed that was particularly dazzling.


Lin Qingqing murmured to herself, her face turned slightly red, she came to her senses after a while and sighed softly.

As expected, His Highness still didn’t let Xiaozhu go!

After a moment of silence, Lin Qingqing quickly arranged the bedding on the bed, took off the blood-stained sheets, and put them away. After all signs in the tent were "destroyed," she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said: "Come in."

Outside the door, several maids walked in.

"Help Your Highness pack your things and get ready to hit the road!"

In the autumn season, the further north you go, the colder the weather becomes.

On the official road to the north, a lone horse walked alone on the official road. Above the horse, there is a tired silhouette.

His cold face was slightly pale, and he couldn't hide his tiredness. He ran all the way north until a small town appeared not far ahead.

Only then did a hint of joy appear on her face.

It's finally almost here.

There was a hint of excitement and excitement in Shen Lingjun's eyes that could not be concealed.

Last night, perhaps inspired by that little maid, she finally decided to leave.

Before leaving, she snatched a horse from Prince Gou and headed north.

She was going to move reinforcements.

Now that her martial arts skills have been lost, traveling around the world is extremely dangerous. She must rush to Xunyang County as soon as possible.

There, there were friends of her master during his lifetime.

The master once said that if she encounters difficulties in the future, she should go and seek help as soon as possible.

After running around all night, she was sleepy and tired. When she saw the town appearing in front of her, she decided to take a break.

He rode his horse slowly to the outside of the town, then dismounted and entered the town in a low-key manner.

Nowadays, she must be careful and not attract anyone's attention. And to prevent unnecessary trouble, she kept a low profile and changed her outfit along the way, trying not to cause any trouble.

Shen Lingjun led the horse into the town, and soon came to outside a restaurant. When he smelled the aroma of rice coming from the restaurant, Shen Lingjun was so hungry that he couldn't walk.


So hungry!

During this time, she had a miserable life!

Not to mention having a hot meal, even eating was a luxury. She had not eaten for almost a whole day since she left last night.

Finally, she walked into the inn.

"Sir, please come inside!"

The waiter in the restaurant enthusiastically welcomed Shen Lingjun in, "Sir, what do you want to eat?"

Shen Lingjun sat at the table and ordered a large table of food in one go.

The waiter’s eyebrows almost stood up when he smiled, what a rich man!

"Okay, sir, wait a moment!"

While waiting, Shen Lingjun glanced around the restaurant subconsciously. The restaurant was quiet and almost empty.

For some reason, Shen Lingjun felt vaguely... weird!

A huge restaurant with no one at all?

No... there is someone!

Shen Lingjun raised his eyes and saw a figure sitting quietly by the window not far from the restaurant.

From the direction of Shen Lingjun, we can only see the side face of the other party. It seems to be a woman?

Looking at the clothes the other party is wearing, he looks like a man of the world. Wearing loose clothes and a hat, he hid his appearance.

It has a slightly decent temperament.

After Shen Lingjun glanced at it for a few times, he looked away without seeing anything strange.

There are too many people dressed like this in the world.

Not long after, the inn waiter brought the food up.

When she saw the hot and fragrant food on the table, Shen Lingjun couldn't help but grab her chopsticks and devour it.


So satisfying!


When the taste buds of delicious food were stimulated on the tip of her tongue, Shen Lingjun was so excited that she almost cried. The grievances she had suffered these days seemed to flood into her heart at this moment, and she devoured it.

"Sir, do you want some wine?"

The waiter not far away saw this and immediately said: "Would you like to try our home-brewed wine?"

Shen Lingjun's mouth was full of food and he couldn't speak clearly: "Serve the wine!"


The waiter quickly brought a bottle of wine.

Shen Lingjun poured a glass and took a sip.

It's boring!

What kind of wine is this? It's average.

Shen Lingjun shook his head and continued to work hard with his head down, as if he wanted to make up for all the hunger he had suffered these days.

After all the food on the table was wiped out, Shen Lingjun touched his belly with satisfaction.

Eighty percent full!

When the waiter standing not far away saw this scene, his eyes were slightly shocked.

Have you finished eating?

This really delicious!

As if thinking of something, the waiter quickly glanced behind him and gave him a look.

At this time, Shen Lingjun, who had eaten and drank enough, slowly stood up and said, "Waiter, pay the bill!"


The waiter enthusiastically walked forward with the account book, clicked the calculations, and then said: "My guest, you spent a total of twenty taels."

"How many?"

Shen Lingjun was startled, wondering if he hadn't heard clearly.

"Twenty taels." The waiter repeated, looking at her with a smile.

"What kind of black shop are you doing?"

Shen Lingjun spoke subconsciously.

Twenty taels?

In this era when three cents can buy a steamed bun, how about twenty taels for a meal?

What is this if not a black shop?

"Sir, you have misunderstood. Prices are clearly marked in our store."

The waiter was very professional and pointed to the plaque behind him, which indeed had the prices of various dishes written on it.

Shen Lingjun took a closer look and quickly saw something was wrong: "That's not right. I just ordered so many meals, and I only had five taels of silver. Where did I get the twenty taels?"

"Sir, you just drank some wine from our store." The waiter explained patiently.

“How much does that awful wine cost?”

"Fifteen taels!"

"Isn't this a black shop?"

Shen Lingjun was immediately annoyed. He sold her fifteen taels for a flask of broken wine and was tasteless. Isn't this extortion?

"Look at what you said, sir, the wine you drank is not a bad wine. It is a longevity wine brewed with our secret holiday recipe. It contains a variety of rare herbs and is priceless... This wine will cost you fifteen taels, which is already a lot. It’s cheaper.”

Shen Lingjun is not a fool, so he naturally doesn't believe it.

What kind of rare medicinal herbs were sold to her for fifteen taels?

Shen Lingjun opened his eyes wide: "This is blackmail!"

"Sir, do you want to eat the King's meal?"

The waiter suppressed the smile on his face, looked at Shen Lingjun in front of him, and his attitude became tougher: "Our store clearly marks the price. If you drink our wine, you have to pay!"


Just when Shen Lingjun was about to scold the waiter angrily, from the corner of his eye he caught sight of the stairs not far away, and a few dark shadows flashed past.

Her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It’s over!

I really ran into a black shop!

On a normal day, she would naturally not be afraid. For a small black shop, she would just act like a chivalrous person and do what is right for heaven.

But now that her martial arts skills are all gone, if she gets entangled, she may not gain much advantage.

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun reached out and touched her waist unwillingly. The next second, her heart skipped a beat again.

Not enough money!

She took out a few pieces of silver from her arms, and the total amount was only five taels of silver.

During this trip, she didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, and she didn't bring much money with her.

Her expression changed slightly, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "I only have five taels of silver!"

"Five taels?"

The waiter glanced: "It's not enough, there are still fifteen taels left!"


Shen Lingjun gritted her teeth. She had just escaped from the clutches of the bitch prince, but she didn't expect that a waiter would dare to embarrass her now.

"No money left?"

The waiter looked up and down at Shen Lingjun in front of him. Although she was disguised and couldn't see her original appearance, she could still see some good temperament.

This woman has a good temperament, but I don’t know what she looks like...

"Then you just want to eat the King's meal?"

The waiter narrowed his eyes: "It's not impossible if you don't have money, but... you have to stay!"

Shen Lingjun immediately looked wary, "What do you want to do?"

The waiter shook his head: "Since you have no money, naturally you have to stay here. You can't leave until you pay back the money!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Shen Lingjun didn't realize that there was fraud in it, so he immediately rejected it.

When the waiter saw this, his face suddenly darkened, "It's not up to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, four or five figures appeared at the entrance of the stairs, all of them burly men, surrounding Shen Lingjun with evil eyes.

Shen Lingjun's face turned a little pale, it was indeed a black shop.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Shen Lingjun looked stern and said inwardly: "Aren't you afraid that I will report to the official position? Is there still a king's method?"

"Report to the official?"

The waiter crossed his arms and sneered: "Here we are, let alone the government, even if the King of Heaven comes, it will be useless."

"If you dare to eat the King's meal, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Get her for me!"

I thought that the other party was a rich man, but I didn't expect that he was actually a poor man. But it doesn't matter, the woman in front of me is pretty, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't have money. You can still make a fortune by selling her.

As soon as he finished speaking, the four or five strong men around him quickly approached. Shen Lingjun looked extremely ugly and clenched his fists. At this moment, a cold voice came.


At the same time, a cold voice came.


The sound of silver falling on the counter.

"I will pay her the money she owes!"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lingjun was startled and subconsciously looked at the figure that appeared in front of him. It was the woman who was in the inn just now.

Why did she help herself?

Hearing someone coming forward, the waiter immediately became angry: "Who told you to mind your own business?"

A woman in plain clothes, wearing loose clothes and a bamboo hat, her face covered by gauze, making her appearance invisible.

The waiter was no stranger to this person. He had noticed him since he entered the inn.

However, he also saw that this person had a good temperament and was probably not easy to mess with, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Their restaurant and inn have been open for so long, the waiter has already developed a pair of sharp eyes. He knew exactly who he could mess with and who he couldn't mess with.

The woman in front of them is someone they don't want to mess with!

But they didn't expect that when they didn't mess with her, she would come out and meddle in other people's business?

The waiter immediately became furious: "What does this have to do with you? Go, go, go!"

The waiter waved his hand to drive this person away.

The woman under the bamboo hat had no discernible expression. She raised her head slightly, revealing a pair of cold and beautiful eyes, and repeated in a calm tone.

"I'll give it to her!"


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