The waiter appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, as if he had been beaten. His face was bruised and red, and he was wrapped in a small bandage. He looked a little funny.

The waiter, who happened to hear Lin Jiangnian's question, his face condensed and anger emerged.

Isn't this exposing his scars? !

I can still remember the beating yesterday, and the swelling on my face has not subsided. They have been running a black shop all year round, and they have always been the only ones to deceive others. I never thought that one day they would run into a tough fight, and end up losing both their wives and their troops!

But it’s okay…

A hint of coldness flashed in the waiter's eyes.

After all, those two women were young and inexperienced in the world. They didn't know the dangers of the world, so they let them go.

Isn't this just letting the tiger return to the mountain?

Then, it's their turn to suffer!

If they offended their boss in Xunyang County, these two women would get nothing good!

Thinking of this, the waiter felt a lot more relieved.

The restaurant was open as usual today. The waiter was relaxing in the backyard to recover from his injuries. When he heard a voice coming from the front hall, he knew that business was coming, so he got up and came out... Although we encountered a tough situation yesterday, business must be done.

Especially since not only were they beaten yesterday, the two women temporarily escaped, but the little girl who was already in the boss's pocket was rescued. This is a lot of money. After yesterday's loss, it will naturally open today. Earn it back.

As soon as the waiter came out, he suddenly heard someone asking him if he had been beaten?

Doesn't this rub him the wrong way?

The waiter immediately looked up, and the next second, he was startled.

Three figures appeared in his sight.

One man and two women.

A man with a handsome appearance and good temperament, who looks like the son of a certain family. Beside the man, there was a beautiful maid who looked like a flower, following him every step of the way.

Behind the man, there was an equally delicate-looking woman!

After the waiter was stunned for a moment, a hint of excitement suddenly appeared in his heart.

These two women are both stunning, no worse than the two women yesterday!

She is fair-skinned, beautiful, and has an outstanding temperament. At first glance, she is not an ordinary woman.


A flash of excitement flashed through the waiter's eyes, but he quickly calmed down and quickly stepped forward to greet him warmly: "Are you guests staying in a hotel or working as a receptionist?"

The waiter's reaction naturally caught Lin Jiangnian's eye. He glanced at the waiter and said calmly: "For dinner, bring over whatever special dishes you have here."


The waiter enthusiastically welcomed Lin Jiangnian and the others to the seats next to the window in the hall. Lin Jiangnian took the seat first, then glanced at Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing: "Come and sit."

Xiaozhu obediently approached His Highness and sat down. Lin Qingqing hesitated, then silently stepped forward and sat down.

The waiter took this scene in his eyes and became even more certain that the young man in front of him was probably the son of a wealthy family!


Fat sheep!

"Sir, our store has some excellent home-brewed wine. Do you want to try it?" the waiter said enthusiastically, trying to build a relationship.

Lin Jiangnian didn't move his eyelids: "Bring on two pots and try it!"


The waiter's face was full of smiles, but he seemed to have thought of something, and rolled his eyes: "By the way, the guest officer's accent doesn't sound like a local?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him, "What's the problem?"

"That's not true..."

The waiter waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile on his face: "This store is in this town, and there are often guests from other places. I was looking at the guests' appearance and dress, and guessed that the guests are not locals..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile but not a smile: "It's true that he is not from here. We are all from other places."

The waiter's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said with a smile on his face: "Looking at the young master's good temperament, handsome appearance and reading poetry and books, he must not be an ordinary family, right?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "That's not true, it's just that my father has been in business for many years and has a little money..."

The waiter's eyes could hardly conceal the glint in his eyes, he was extremely excited.

Fat sheep!

Just like a big fat sheep!

The waiter concealed his excitement and said, "Please wait a moment, sir. I'm going to prepare meals for you guys!"

With that said, the waiter turned around and walked quickly towards the backyard.

When the waiter disappeared, the smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually dissipated, but his playful eyes were still there. He turned to look at Lin Qingqing aside: "What do you think?"

"This person has a problem." Lin Qingqing said coldly with a hint of coldness on her face.

From the moment she stepped into the restaurant, she noticed something was wrong with the waiter.

His eyes were treacherous and malicious.

"That's true!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and sighed softly: "It seems that we have encountered a black shop again?"

"I don't know if they want to make money or kill people?"

Lin Qingqing's face was cold and murderous intent emerged: "Go down and catch him?"

"That's not necessary."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly. It was just a black shop, and he didn't take it to heart. Going north from Linjiang City, it's not like I haven't encountered illegal shops. However, those black shops had basically been eliminated by the secret prince's army before Lin Jiangnian's arrival.

"Let's see what they want to do first."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the backyard, half-smiling but not smiling: "If they want to make money and kill people, then they should think of me as a knight and a hero!"



"What? You said a big fat sheep came!"

In the backyard, in the room.

Xie Yongqing, who was lying on the bed, stared at the waiter at the door: "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely true!"

The waiter felt happy when he looked at his boss who looked much worse than himself. Fortunately, the target of the woman yesterday was their boss. If it were him, he would be the one lying in bed today.

"There are a man and two women outside. They are from out of town. They are very rich. Those two women are more beautiful than the two women yesterday. They look like the maids and maids next to the man. They don't look like they know how to do martial arts... If we can defeat them Take it, and all the losses from yesterday will be recovered..."

After listening to the waiter's words, Xie Yongqing's eyes immediately lit up.

If it is true as he said, there are two top-notch women outside, and if they can be captured, yesterday's loss will not be a problem.

Thinking of this, Xie Yongqing sat up excitedly, but soon the injury was involved. He took a breath and wailed in pain.

"Oh shit!"

"Those two ladies, just wait for me. I'm not done with you!"

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Xie Yongqing's eyes were sinister and he bared his teeth.

The waiter whispered: "How were those two women yesterday?"

"They can't run away!"

Xie Yongqing said sadly: "If you dare to offend me in Xunyang County, they will be forced to live in poverty! If you don't sell them to a brothel, my surname will no longer be Xie!"

Having said this, Xie Yongqing turned to look at the waiter: "Don't be careless. Are you sure that these three people today don't know martial arts? Don't cause any problems for me again?"

"Don't worry, boss."

The waiter immediately patted his chest and sneered: "I will directly put medicine in their food today... I will make sure they don't notice it!"

"These two women must be ours!"


Restaurant, lobby.

Not long after, the waiter brought the food up.

"Sir, these are our signature dishes. Please use them with caution."

The waiter smiled and spoke.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes swept over the food on the table. They were all ordinary meals, which were not bad compared to the restaurants along the way.


"Is this your restaurant's signature dish?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the waiter.

"Sir, are you dissatisfied with anything?" the waiter said quickly.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Not even satisfied!"

The smile on the waiter's face immediately froze, and after a while, he spoke: "Sir... I know that you are used to eating delicacies from all over the world, and these ordinary meals are not suitable for you. But our restaurant is one of the best in the area. This is the best restaurant in the township, and this is also the best food in our restaurant..."

"If the young master is not used to eating, there will be no food that is suitable for the young master in these ten miles away..."


Lin Jiangnian glanced at the food on the table and nodded slightly: "Okay, you go down first."

"Okay, sir, if you have anything to do, just ask me."

The waiter lowered his head and stepped back. But he didn't leave, but stood at the top of the stairs not far away, glancing over from time to time.

Lin Jiangnian picked up his chopsticks and prepared to pick up the food.

"Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing hurriedly stopped her. Just when she was about to say something, she saw Lin Jiangnian giving her a look. Lin Qingqing was startled, as if she had realized something.

Lin Jiangnian continued to pick up food, while returning it to Xiao Zhu and Lin Qingqing beside him.

"You guys are eating, what are you doing standing there in a daze?"

Xiaozhu didn't understand why, so he blinked his innocent eyes and started to move his chopsticks obediently. Lin Qingqing had a puzzled look on her face. Isn't His Highness... confused?

Already knowing that this is a shady shop, how can His Highness still dare to eat the food here? Aren't you afraid that they will drug you?

However, seeing that His Highness and Xiaozhu beside him were already eating, Lin Qingqing finally hesitated and picked up the chopsticks.

Not far away, the waiter at the stairs saw the three people using chopsticks, and his eyes became brighter and excited.


These three people have all been tricked!

Get rich!

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Lin Jiangnian touched his stomach.

"The food is okay, but the wine tastes terrible and hard to swallow!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and glanced at the two of them: "Are you full?"

"I am full!"

Xiaozhu squinted her eyes and nodded her head. She ate all the vegetables His Highness gave her, and she couldn't finish them. She was full.

As for Lin Qingqing on the other side, she only took a few bites. She had no intention of eating.

"Now that you're full, let's go."

After eating and drinking, we took a rest and were ready to leave.

"The waiter."

The waiter not far away walked up quickly.

"Check out."

"Ah? Sir, are you just leaving?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian leaving, the waiter was startled.

Something is wrong!

Why hasn't the medicine taken effect yet?

Why isn't there any reaction yet?

"Sir, why don't you sit down for a while?"

"No need."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the waiter playfully, "Let's pay."

"Oh well."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then turned around to settle the account. But he walked very slowly, as if he was trying to delay as much time as possible.

However, until the waiter finished settling the accounts, there was still no reaction from the three people in the hall.

There is no sign of the drug taking effect at all.

What's going on?

A trace of anxiety flashed in the waiter's eyes. He had obviously taken the medicine, and he also clearly saw the three of them eating it...

Is the medicine expired?

"It's not settled yet?" came Lin Jiangnian's lazy voice.

The waiter then woke up as if from a dream: "Okay, sir, you have spent a total of... one hundred taels of silver!"

The lion opened his mouth.

Since the medicine has not yet taken effect, the waiter can only continue to think of ways to delay it.

"One hundred taels?!"

Upon hearing this number, Lin Qingqing's eyes narrowed sharply.

Is this not a money grab?

When she was about to react, Lin Jiangnian gave her another look.

"Give me money."

Lin Qingqing was startled and somewhat confused about His Highness's purpose, but she still said nothing. She unwrapped the package from behind and took out one hundred taels of silver.

"for you!"

This time, it was the waiter's turn to be dumbfounded.

Really, really?

This is one hundred taels of silver!

He opened his mouth like a lion, just to find trouble on purpose and to keep the other party here.

Unexpectedly, they really have one hundred taels?

Really give it?

At this moment, the waiter even doubted whether he was missing something!

But then, his eyes became hot again.

I'll give you a hundred taels as long as you want, this is a big fat sheep!

Thinking of this, the waiter's eyes immediately narrowed: "Sir, you have misunderstood... I said that the meal is one hundred taels of silver, and the drinks you just drank will be calculated separately!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more playful: "Oh?"

"How do we count drinks?"

"Sir, what you just drank was our own secret recipe wine, which is extracted from hundreds of rare herbs... It has the effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body..."

"You just drank two pots of wine, and each pot of wine cost one hundred taels of silver. So... Sir, you still have to pay two hundred taels of silver!"

The waiter spoke slowly.

Two hundred taels?

Even Xiaozhu changed his face slightly, sensing that something was wrong.

Isn't this robbery and extortion?

Lin Qingqing's eyes were not kind. This person was really brave... Two hundred taels?

Are you crazy about money?

"Two hundred taels?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "It's not expensive, it's cheap."


Lin Qingqing couldn't help but look back at His Highness.

Does Your Highness really have no idea about money?

Even the waiter’s eyes were particularly excited and fiery!

Two hundred taels is not expensive?

This fat sheep must be slaughtered to death!

"But I didn't bring that much money today."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "What should we do?"

No money?

This is easy to handle!

This was exactly what the waiter wanted. This was what he was waiting for.

"It doesn't matter if the guest doesn't bring any silver. You can send someone back to get it. If the guest can't get it in time, you can also mortgage your valuables in the shop and redeem them when the time comes!"

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face grew wider: "I went out in a hurry and didn't bring any valuables with me. What should I do?"

"That's okay, I have a way..."


"If the guest does not have valuable collateral, he can also use other things as collateral... For example, the guest can keep these two women here temporarily. When the guest gets the money, he can take them back... "

The waiter looked at me with a proud smile on his face: "Sir, what do you think?"


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