Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 127 The whereabouts of the paper kite

Lin Jiangnian already understood when he saw the waiter's eyes gleaming with excitement and gradually no longer concealing his excitement.

The waiter in this shop really had his mind set on Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing.

"It seems that I still underestimate this black shop of yours."

Lin Jiangnian squinted at the waiter in front of him, half-smiling.

The waiter's smile faltered: "Sir, you have misunderstood. Our store is not a black shop... The shop operates with integrity and clearly marks the price. It is definitely not a black shop."

"If this is not a black shop, then what is a black shop?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him: "Could it be that you really think of me as a fool?"

The smile on Xiao Er's face gradually disappeared, and he realized something. The ‘taken advantage of’ in front of me doesn’t look stupid?

"Sir, what do you mean?" The waiter's eyelids twitched, and at the same time, he made a secret gesture with his hand hidden behind his back.

"Originally I wanted to see how dark your dark store is, but I didn't expect it to be so unexpected!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Three hundred taels? Are you really good at talking? Are you darker than me?"

Three hundred taels of silver, in some places within the Daning Dynasty, some ordinary people would not be able to earn this amount in their lifetime.

The waiter in this shop is really ruthless!

The waiter realized that the 'taken advantage of' in front of him seemed to be going back on his word, and his expression immediately changed: "Do you want to... refuse to pay?"

"Didn't pay?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "I've never been a bad person, but if you want my money, it depends on how much money you have."

Smiling at the waiter, Lin Jiangnian slowly stood up and patted the round buttocks of the maid next to him.

"Let's go."

I was bored along the way and ran into a shady shop. Lin Jiangnian was naturally happy to follow the waiter in the shop and talk nonsense. Now that he had eaten and drank enough, and was sure of the waiter's purpose, Lin Jiangnian didn't need to worry about the rest.

The little maid was originally watching a play when she was suddenly attacked by His Highness in public. Her face was immediately red with embarrassment, her eyes were filled with resentment, and she stood up aggrievedly.

When the waiter saw that the 'fat sheep' was about to leave, he became anxious and stopped pretending.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

"You owe money to this store. If you don't pay back the money, none of you will be able to leave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen strong men and thugs rushed in from outside the door, blocking the way of Lin Jiangnian and others.

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhu's blushing face suddenly turned pale with fright. He subconsciously took a step back and hid behind His Highness. Lin Jiangnian looked at these strong men with indifferent eyes. What surprised him was that although these strong thugs looked very powerful, they were all bruised and swollen?

It looks extremely weird!

"Catch them!"

Seeing that the medicine didn't work, the waiter couldn't do much more.

This ‘big fat sheep’ must be caught today.

As several strong thugs approached, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and stood motionless. A figure passed by like an afterimage in a trance, and then, at some point, Lin Qingqing stood in front of Lin Jiangnian.

"Your Majesty... Young Master, please leave first. I will leave this place to my subordinates."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and nodded slightly: "Check it out."

After that, Lin Jiangnian took Xiaozhu out of the restaurant.

Those strong thugs wanted to chase, but were blocked by Lin Qingqing. What they saw was Lin Qingqing's cold face and her increasingly strong momentum.

"call out!"

The sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

Then, there was a series of screams and howls.

Less than a quarter of the time it took to burn the incense, there was silence in the restaurant. Lin Qingqing stood on the spot, her eyes cold and her face expressionless.

Not far away, the waiter looked at the scene in front of him with dull eyes and disbelief. Until Lin Qingqing's eyes fell on him, the waiter trembled suddenly.


His legs weakened and he fell to his knees.

"Woman... spare your life!"


in a small town.

Lin Jiangnian led Xiaozhu on the street.

Although the town is small, it is not deserted, and there are quite a lot of goods sold on the streets. I passed by a few stalls and bought some small trinkets for Xiaozhu. Although it was worthless, the little maid was delighted with it, her smile was as bright as a flower, and she didn't know where to throw away the little resentment she had felt before.

But at some point, Lin Qingqing's figure returned behind Lin Jiangnian, motionless.

Only when Lin Jiangnian turned around did he notice her presence.

"How's it going?"

"Checked it out."

Lin Qingqing said expressionlessly: "As expected by His Highness, this is indeed a black shop... This shop specializes in killing businessmen along the way, and at the same time, it also does some dirty deeds secretly..."

The waiter in the shop was not a tough person at first. After seeing Lin Qingqing's methods, he admitted his mistake on the spot and confessed everything honestly.

"Human trafficking?!"

After listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. Unexpectedly, this small black shop was still engaged in the business of abducting and trafficking women?

"So, the power behind this black shop is probably quite big!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

This place is not far from Xunyang County, but in such a small town, there is a black shop that forces girls into prostitution, and the backing force behind it is not small. Even...mostly it has something to do with the local government.

Collusion between government and businessmen has long been commonplace.

"Your Highness, what should we do next?"

Lin Qingqing said: "How to deal with them?"

"If they were just robbing customers to make money, it would be understandable. But they kidnap and traffick people, and force girls into prostitution. Such abominable behavior, I must take care of it!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Selling women and forcing girls into prostitution were such bad behaviors that were outraged by both humans and gods. They had long violated the laws of the Daning Dynasty. Since he encountered it, he naturally had to take care of it.

"Since it is a black shop, seal it down first, and then investigate the backing forces behind them!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Uproot the forces behind them and don't let anyone go!"



It is indeed not Lin Jiangnian's character to be nosy, but now that he has encountered it, he naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it. To encounter such a thing in Xunyang County is enough to show that the prefect of Xunyang County has failed in his duty.

Lin Qingqing was worthy of being a subordinate trained by Zhi Yuan himself, and his work efficiency had never disappointed Lin Jiangnian.

The black shop was closed, and all the thugs in the restaurant were killed. Even Xie Yongqing, who was injured in bed, was thinking about how to take revenge on the two girls yesterday. The next second, someone held a knife to his neck.


Xie Yongqing, who was covered in injuries, was thrown into the yard in a panic. He looked up in horror and saw several figures wearing black armor standing in the yard.

The cold aura was filled with murderous intent.

Xie Yongqing trembled suddenly, looking horrified.

What's going on?

These black-armored figures seemed to have a lot of background at first glance... He, when did they provoke such a person?

At this moment, a young man appeared on the main seat in front.

The man in brocade robes was sitting lazily on a chair, his eyes indifferent, and his handsome face was looking at him indifferently.

"Are you the owner of this black shop?"

When Xie Yongqing saw this young man and the two beautiful women standing beside him, his pupils shrank and he suddenly realized something.

Again, getting into trouble again? !

At this moment, he was so angry that he wanted to slap the waiter to death.

Every day is nothing but trouble for him!

"Mr. Gongzi...this master..."

Xie Yongqing forced an extremely ugly smile on his face: "Young man, yes, he is the owner of the inn..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were still casual: "I heard that two women came to your restaurant yesterday?"

Xie Yongqing's eyelids twitched: "Yes, yes?"

"So, the injuries on your body were caused by them?"

The expression on Xie Yongqing's face was very stiff, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Yes, yes..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, that's right.

Everyone in this black shop, from the waiter to the thugs, to the boss in front of him, was scarred. I was still puzzled before, but it was only after the waiter explained everything that the truth came to light.

Just the day before Lin Jiang's new year, this black shop had just been smashed!

"I ask you."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him again: "Where did the two women from yesterday go?"

Xie Yongqing suddenly felt uneasy: "Little, little, you don't know?"


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "You don't know?"

Xie Yongqing said tremblingly: "Yesterday, after the two heroines smashed the shop, they left... I don't know where they went."

Naturally, Xie Yongqing would not admit it.

However, Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Your boss is not very honest!"

Xie Yongqing's heart skipped a beat: "I, I don't understand what you mean..."

"not understand?"

Lin Jiangnian gave him a playful smile: "You'll understand later!"

Xie Yongqing was startled. Before he could react, he saw a strong man with an expressionless face approaching.

"no, do not want……"

"Help, help..."


Restaurant, front room.

Lin Qingqing stood aside respectfully: "Your Highness, he has fully explained that the owner of this restaurant does have some relationship with the county government of Xunyang County..."

"And the two women who came yesterday..."

Lin Qingqing paused for a moment, and a glint appeared in her eyes: "According to the descriptions of the boss and the waiter, one of the two women is indeed very likely..."

"Paper Kite."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows.

Lin Qingqing nodded, her eyes jumping excitedly: "I didn't expect that we would catch up with Sister Zhiyuan."

Lin Jiangnian was noncommittal.

According to the descriptions of the restaurant owner and the waiter, they do match up.

The woman in the bamboo hat is probably a paper kite, and as for the other one... From the description, she is somewhat similar to the female assassin who left just before.

Calculating the time, the time since the female assassin left is exactly the same?

While excited, Lin Qingqing quickly remembered something, and a trace of worry appeared in her eyes: "Your Highness, according to what the boss told her, the government officials have intervened. Sister Zhiyuan is very likely to be caught in the county jail. Do we want to help her?" …”

"That's not necessary!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Lin Qingqing didn't know Zhiyuan's purpose of coming to Xunyang County, but Lin Jiangnian knew it all too well. There are still a few days away from Xunyang County. Zhiyuan left the palace early, but now she is caught up by Lin Jiangnian. This is enough to show that she must have other purposes.

Lin Jiangnian really wanted to see what his little maid was doing!


"My subordinate is here."

Lin Jiangnian said in a low voice: "Go and investigate in secret first... By the way, don't expose your whereabouts. Don't act rashly without my order."

Lin Qingqing's eyes were filled with surprise and excitement: "I obey my orders!"


Chaoyang County.

It is a small county town in Xunyang County.

The county seat is not too big, but as the closest county seat to Xunyang County, it can be considered prosperous.

Chaoyang County Government.

Inside the cell.

"They are slandering and framing the blame!"

In the cell, Shen Lingjun's face was full of indignation and his eyes were angry.

After leaving the town and sending Wu Qianqian home safely, Shen Lingjun agreed with the woman in the hat to hit the road together to Xunyang County.

Unexpectedly, they met someone from the county government office on the way, and they couldn't help but take the two of them back to the county government office and put them in jail.

And the crime for which they were imprisoned turned out to be...murder?

When have they ever killed anyone? !

Shen Lingjun was angry and frightened, and was keenly aware of a hint of conspiracy.

"Sister, what should we do now?"

Shen Lingjun turned around and looked at the woman in a bamboo hat not far away from the cell. Now that she is framed and imprisoned, the only person she can turn to is the woman in a bamboo hat next to her.

In the cell, the woman in the bamboo hat was particularly calm. The cold face under the bamboo hat looked around quietly and shook her head: "Don't be anxious yet!"

Don't worry?

Can this not be urgent?

Shen Lingjun was anxious. Just when he was about to speak, he realized something and was startled: "You, did you do this on purpose?"

She remembered that she had been blocked by the officials before, but the woman in the bamboo hat in front of her seemed to have no intention of resisting... With her martial arts, if she did not want to be caught by the officials, it would be easy.

Then the only possibility is...she did it on purpose?

"That's right." The woman in the hat nodded slightly.

After Shen Lingjun was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Then, why did you..."

The woman in the bamboo hat did not answer, but said lightly: "Don't be anxious, just wait."


Shen Lingjun was a little confused.

But now that she was locked in a cell, she had no other choice but to wait.

This wait lasts all day.

Until it got dark and night fell, no one came to the cell again.

As if forgotten.

In the silent cell, Shen Lingjun sat in the corner, worried. At this time, she realized that something was wrong.

Being imprisoned in a cell for no apparent reason was probably related to the owner of the restaurant. It must be his cousin who is up to something...

I didn't expect that a little head catcher could have such power. How could he confuse right and wrong and slander and arrest people at will?

The sky in Xunyang County is so dark!

Just when Shen Lingjun was thinking about a plan to escape, he saw the woman in a bamboo hat in the corner stood up and walked slowly to the door of the cell.


As she raised her head slightly, the lock on the cell door shattered.

The cell door opened, and the woman in a bamboo hat stepped out of the cell.

Behind him, Shen Lingjun's eyes gradually became dull.

Just, just get away like this?

If you want to jailbreak, why don't you tell me earlier? Sister, hey!

You've made me worry like this all day long. It's very hard, okay?

Shen Lingjun was in a particularly complicated mood. When she raised her eyes and saw the figure of the woman in a bamboo hat walking away, she reacted suddenly and hurriedly followed.

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