Under night.

Chaoyang County, the county government office.

In a room with dim lights.

A middle-aged man wearing a police officer's uniform was standing aside with his head bowed and a respectful look.

This person is Xie Yongan, the county police chief who captured the woman in a bamboo hat and Shen Lingjun during the day.

He is also the cousin of Xie Yongqing, the restaurant owner in that small town!

After learning that something happened in the small town restaurant, Xie Yongan received the tip immediately, and immediately led people to block the road to Xunyang County and arrested the two women.

Not far in front of Xie Yongan, there was a calm figure sitting quietly, dressed in plain clothes and with a calm aura. He was the magistrate of Chaoyang County.

Wang Shi.

Although Chaoyang County is a small county, but it is next to Xunyang County, this small county will naturally benefit from it. Wang Shi, a small county magistrate, has different powers than ordinary county magistrates.

Chaoyang County has an important geographical location. As the only pass connecting the north and south of the dynasty, the economy of this small county is not bad. And to be able to become the magistrate of Chaoyang County, the power behind Wang Shi is naturally not weak.

Right now, in this room.

Xie Yongan lowered his head slightly and said respectfully: "Sir, those two women have been captured by the subordinates and are being held in prison. How to deal with them?"

Wang Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and said expressionlessly: "Have the identities of these two women been found out?"

"I don't know yet. It seems that he is probably from the Jianghu community, not from the imperial court..."

Wang Shi opened his eyes, and a coldness flashed in his eyes: "You must know that if the matter is exposed and something happens to me, you will not end well!"

Xie Yongan's head trembled, and he immediately gritted his teeth and nodded: "Don't worry, sir, my subordinates will definitely find out."

His achievements today are all due to the support of the magistrate Wang in front of him. Without Magistrate Wang, how could he be as prosperous and wealthy as he is today? If something happens to County Magistrate Wang, he will not be able to reap the consequences.

"No need!"

Wang Shi looked cold and said coldly: "No matter where those two women come from, since they already know our secret, they can't keep them!"

Xie Yong'an's eyes instantly became fierce: "What do you mean, sir... to eradicate the roots?"

"Do it cleanly!"

Wang Shi had no expression on his face and gave him another cold look: "Also, let your cousin be smarter and almost ruined my major event. If he does it next time, I won't be able to spare him!"

Xie Yongan broke into a cold sweat and his eyes were firm: "Don't worry, sir, my subordinates will definitely warn him. There will never be a next time..."


Above the eaves.

Shen Lingjun, who witnessed all the conspiracy and planning in the room, opened his eyes in disbelief.

"This this……"

She originally thought that she was arrested today because of Xie Yongan, the cousin of the restaurant owner. He was the county government's chief catcher to avenge himself. Shen Lingjun even thought about filing a lawsuit against him when he met the county magistrate tomorrow.

However, the scene she saw tonight made her feel cold and extremely angry.

The magistrate of Chaoyang County is colluding with his subordinates? !

No, strictly speaking, the mastermind behind all this is most likely the magistrate of Chaoyang County. Are the so-called brothers Xie Yongan and Xie Yongqing just helping him?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun trembled with anger. He didn't expect that the dignified county magistrate and the parents of Chaoyang County would do such a thing behind his back!

Is he still human? !

Shen Lingjun was so angry that he wished he could go down there and bring the dog officer and the dog catcher to justice. But in the end, reason got the better of her.


She can't act rashly now!

more importantly……

Shen Lingjun looked up and looked aside. Next to her, the woman in a bamboo hat listened to the conversation between the two in the room without saying a word.

There was still no expression on his face.

Not long ago, the woman in a bamboo hat suddenly escaped from prison and escaped with Shen Lingjun avoiding the guards in the cell. And when he came here quietly, he happened to overhear the conversation between the two people in the room.

Shen Lingjun was filled with indignation after hearing this, but the woman in the bamboo hat didn't seem surprised. She just looked at everything indifferently through the eaves and bricks.

"Sister, let's go now..."

Shen Lingjun became slightly anxious when he saw that the woman in a bamboo hat beside him had been silent.

"what to do?"

The woman in the bamboo hat raised her eyes and glanced at her: "What do you think we should do?"

"Of course I'll kill this dog official and eliminate harm for the people!"

Shen Lingjun said without thinking.

As a person who can't tolerate sand in her eyes, such a dog officer will never survive for half a day in her hands. If her martial arts skills were still there, she would definitely have caused this dog officer to be dismembered on the spot.

The woman in the bamboo hat looked indifferently: "Then what?"

"What then?"

"You killed him, did you think about the consequences?"

Shen Lingjun was startled, then a little confused.

If you kill a dog officer, do you still need to think about the consequences?

As a knight-errant, shouldn't it be a good thing that the people praise and applaud for his courage to eradicate a dog official who is in trouble for the common people?

After killing this dog official and then escaping, escaping from here to hide his merit and fame... what else do you need to think about the consequences?

Just kill it!

The woman in the bamboo hat just glanced at her casually and said calmly: "He is the magistrate of Chaoyang County, the official of the court who maintains the peace of Chaoyang County. If you kill him at will, how much panic will it cause to the people in the county? Magistrate Once he dies, the county government agencies will be paralyzed. What should we do if someone with intentions takes the opportunity to cause even greater trouble?"

"Moreover, how can you guarantee that the next county magistrate will be an upright official? If he is still a corrupt official, will you continue to kill him?"

"There are so many corrupt officials in the world, can you kill them?"

The understatement of the woman in the bamboo hat left Shen Lingjun stunned.

She never thought about this problem!

In her eyes, right and wrong are simple. Good people deserve to live, bad people deserve to die!

Prince Na Lin Wang killed so many people, he deserves to die!

The magistrate of Chaoyang County secretly kidnapped and trafficked women, and he deserved death!

These people will kill as long as they want, death is not a pity!

As for other consequences, she never thought about it. Her thoughts have always been simple and pure, which is also the philosophy she has always adhered to as a person in the world.

Until this moment, the woman in a bamboo hat suddenly fell into confusion after these words.

Yes, there are so many evil officials in the world, can she kill them? !

Kill this one, what if the next one is still a corrupt official?

What about the next one?

After a while, Shen Lingjun came back to his senses and gritted his teeth: "Kill him. The next one may not necessarily be a bad official, but if you don't kill him, keeping this dog official will definitely harm the people, so he should be killed!"

But the woman in the bamboo hat shook her head gently: "The next one will definitely be a bad official."

Shen Lingjun looked confused and puzzled.

The woman in a bamboo hat said softly: "Chaoyang County is close to Xunyang County and is an important area. However, this county magistrate openly did such a thing under the eyes of Xunyang Prefect. Do you think... he has such courage?"

Shen Lingjun seemed to realize something, and his eyes gradually widened: "You, you mean..."

"The problem does not lie with the identity of the Chaoyang County magistrate, but with the position and the person behind the position!"

The woman in the bamboo hat spoke softly, but to the point.

As if enlightened, Shen Lingjun suddenly realized something: "You mean, there is someone behind this Chaoyang County Magistrate?"

The woman in the bamboo hat was noncommittal and said calmly: "You have a righteous heart and want to stand up for the people. It's good, but if you just kill this dog official, you can't solve the fundamental problem."

Shen Lingjun was silent, she was already a little moved at this moment.

"Then, what do you think I should do now?"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "Since there is someone behind the dog officer, they must protect each other. Is there any other way besides killing the dog officer?"

"Of course there is." The woman in the bamboo hat raised her eyes slightly and looked at the indignant Shen Lingjun in front of her. She seemed to think of something and paused: "It depends on whether you think about it or not!"

"any solution?"

Shen Lingjun was startled, and then his face lit up with joy: "Sister, do you have any idea? Just say... As long as these dog officials can be brought to justice and eradicated, I can do it."

"There is indeed a way, but it is a bit dangerous."

The woman in the bamboo hat looked at her quietly: "I don't know if you dare."


Shen Lingjun nodded without hesitation or hesitation, with an excited expression.

Early morning, county prison cell.

"Oops, someone escaped from prison!"

In the cell, the panicked voice of the jailer came.

Xie Yongan walked quickly into the cell with a dark face: "What's going on?"

Looking around, he saw the two jailors who had been knocked unconscious in the cell, and the chain that had been pried open not far away. When he saw the lock that was almost split open, Xie Yongan took a breath of cold air.


One of the two women he arrested yesterday escaped from prison. Xie Yongan was shocked and angry when he learned the news.

These two women were extremely crucial. From his cousin's mouth, he learned that these two women knew something about what they were doing secretly. If they were allowed to spread, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Where have your accomplices gone?!"

Xie Yong'an stepped into the cell and stared at the woman in the bamboo hat who was the only one left in the room with a gloomy expression, his tone anxious and angry.

One ran away, and there’s still one left!

Xie Yongan, who was furious and heartbroken, didn't even think about why only one ran away!

The woman in the bamboo hat sat cross-legged, motionless, and didn't even look at him.

Xie Yongan was extremely angry, "Didn't you hear what I asked you?"

He stepped forward quickly, wanting to reach out and lift off the other party's hat. But just as he stretched out his hand, a majestic coldness suddenly hit him. The surrounding air seemed to be freezing cold for an instant. Xie Yongan shuddered subconsciously, his eyes frightened, and he woke up.

Is there something wrong with this woman? !

Xie Yongan stood there, staring at the woman in front of him in surprise. Having dealt with danger all year round, Xie Yongan is certainly not a fool. The woman in front of me seems not to be trifled with!

Xie Yongan stood there, staring at the woman with a gloomy expression.

These two women know his big secret... Once the incident comes to light, the county magistrate will definitely shift all the responsibilities to him.

By then, it will be his death!

He relied on the county magistrate to gain glory and wealth, but if something happened, he would be the scapegoat!

Thinking of this, Xie Yongan's face turned extremely ugly, and he didn't care to settle the score with her again.

"Come here, keep an eye on her. If she escapes, you can just apologize and die!!"

Xie Yongan did not dare to act rashly against the woman in the bamboo hat in front of him for the time being. After ordering someone to keep an eye on him, he turned around and left in a hurry.

He has more important things to do.

In Chaoyang County, there is a private house located on the outskirts of the city. Xie Yongan hurried to the back door, and after making sure no one was following him around, he stepped into the house.

This is an ordinary house. Inside the house, several strong thug-like people can be seen patrolling everywhere. Xie Yongan walked through the pavilion and came to a small house with simple furnishings. Xie Yongan came to the bookshelf and opened the secret passage. Walking along the secret passage, you soon arrived at a basement.

There were many armed guards guarding the basement, and a few screams could be faintly heard. Xie Yongan rushed to a room and looked up to see several beautiful and slender women in the basement room looking at him with fear.

"Captain Xie, why are you here today?" A man walked over and wondered: "It seems that today is not the day for delivery, right?"

"There was an accident and the delivery time has been advanced!"

Xie Yongan looked gloomily and glanced at the room: "How are these people?"

"It's almost done. Some people are still disobedient... But it doesn't matter. Someone will discipline them when they are sold. This batch of goods is not bad, there are a few good-looking ones, they should be able to sell for a good price!"

The goods they are talking about refer to the women in the room.

Xie Yongan's gloomy face relaxed slightly: "Move them all out to prevent any traces being left behind. Those who cannot be transferred, deal with them all!"


In the basement, there was a sudden burst of chaos, accompanied by the woman's screams and screams, creating chaos.

The people imprisoned here are all women they obtained from various channels. Most of these women are not locals. They come from all over the country and were kidnapped and brought back by various means.

Throughout Chaoyang County, there are countless such shady business transactions. In addition to Xie Yongqing from the small town restaurant, there are also some local small gangs who also collude secretly and cover each other.

Xie Yong'an is their superior, and as the chief catcher of Chaoyang County, he secretly escorts them. With connections at the government level, they naturally become more and more unscrupulous. Kidnapping, extortion, extortion, robbery... In the past few years, there have been countless chaotic cases throughout Chaoyang County, but they have all been suppressed.

In this small county, there is so much filth hidden in the darkness!

There is no daylight!

On the other side, the official road leading north. The weather was cool and a carriage was driving slowly.

Halfway through the journey, the carriage suddenly stopped, the curtains opened, and a man dressed in red slowly walked out of the car.

"Saint, what's wrong?"

Ling'er followed the saint and walked out of the carriage.

On the official road not far ahead, three figures appeared, blocking the way.

The one standing in the center was wearing a black robe and was shrouded in black robes. His appearance was unclear and his breath was low.

When Ling'er saw this, she exclaimed: "Big, Great Elder?!"

Liu Su, who was dressed in red, frowned slightly as he looked at the great elder who appeared in front of him.

"Great Elder?"

"Why are you here?"


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