Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 129 Gathering in Xunyang County

Official road, within sight ahead.

Three figures appeared, sitting on horses and blocking the carriage.

On horseback, there are two guardian-like figures in gray and red robes, with strange and ancient patterns embroidered on their bodies. Between the two of them, there was a man dressed in black robes, his whole body shrouded in darkness, and his appearance could hardly be seen clearly.

This person is the great elder of Tianshen Sect!

Sitting on the horse, he looked expressionlessly at the man in red on the carriage in front of him. The face shrouded in black robes only revealed a pair of downcast eyes.

Liu Su also stood on the carriage and looked calmly at the great elder in front of him.

After the great elder glanced at her up and down, he said solemnly: "Holy girl, where are you going?"

Liu Su said calmly: "Go and see the leader."

"The leader has an order. Without his permission, no one is allowed to disturb the leader's spiritual practice. Could it be that the saint has forgotten it?"

Liu Su raised her eyes and said calmly: "Of course I haven't forgotten it!"

"Since I haven't forgotten, why did the saint disobey the leader's order?"

The great elder's voice was low, with a hint of accountability.

Liu Su remained indifferent, with her hands behind her back, her long red dress swaying gently in the breeze, cold and beautiful: "This saint is looking for the leader, she has something important to report."

The Great Elder said coldly: "Since there is something important, we should report it in advance. If the saint leaves her post without authorization, is she disregarding the rules of our Celestial God Sect?"

Hearing this, Liu Su raised her eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Is the Great Elder teaching this saint to do things?"

The Great Elder's pupils shrank sharply, and his tone became cold: "I'm reminding you... the assassination of Lin Hengzhong failed this time, our sect suffered heavy losses, and the sect leader is very angry!"

"The Great Elder is blaming this saint?"

A hint of sneer appeared on Liu Su's face: "Did the Great Elder forget who came up with the plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong? This saint tried my best to stop it, but who of you will listen?"

Upon hearing this, the great elder's face darkened.

The plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong was indeed brought up by several elders in their sect, and they were only ready to be implemented after getting the approval of the sect leader. For this plan, they made sufficient preparations and finally selected Liu Su.

Liu Su is a saint of the Tianshen Sect with a mysterious identity, and she has a strange poison from the Miao border in the past. Their initial plan was to take advantage of the lecherous character of Prince Lin, allowing Liu Su to get close to him and find a way to use the poison to control the prince.

Even if the plan fails, Prince Lin can still be killed!

But the plan still went wrong after all.

Lin Hengzhong is still safe and sound, but the revenge of Prince Lin's Mansion has begun. After the plan failed, people from Linwang Mansion began to hunt down Tianshen Sect members in Linjiang City.

In Linzhou, many Tianshen Sect disciples failed to retreat in time and accidentally fell into the hands of Prince Lin's Mansion, resulting in heavy losses.

Today, he wanted to hold him accountable, but he didn't expect that Liu Su would put the blame on him. The great elder's face was gloomy, and he wanted to say something, but when he saw Liu Su's cold and indifferent expression, he held back .

He knew very well that the leader valued Liu Su very much, and if he really broke up with her, he might not be able to gain much advantage.

Within the Tianshen Sect, apart from the leader, the great elder has the greatest power. But many times, the status of the saint is higher than that of the great elder.

This is a struggle within the Celestial Sect, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The Great Elder's expression gradually recovered after being gloomy for a while, and he said solemnly: "The plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong was approved by the leader. This plan was planned by you. What mistakes were made that I shouldn't ask you about?"

Liu Su said calmly: "This saint will explain this matter to the leader personally, so I don't need you, the great elder, to remind me."

The great elder's face was slightly gloomy and he snorted coldly: "I'm not here today to remind you. I brought the leader's order."

"The leader's order?"

Liu Su was startled and frowned: "What is the order from the leader?"

"The leader is in retreat and won't see anyone for the time being."

The great elder glanced at her: "However, before the leader went into retreat, he specially ordered me to come to you and ask you to do something."

Liu Su frowned deeper and stared at the great elder in front of him, thinking about the credibility of this man's words.

She has always been at odds with the great elder of the Tianshen Sect. This has long been known to everyone in the Tianshen Sect.

The reason for the blame was naturally that Liu Su's existence had threatened the great elder's status. Therefore, the two formed separate factions within the Tianshen Sect, confronting each other and often competing secretly. In addition, there is also chaos within the Tianshen Sect.

Liu Su came to Beijing this time to meet the leader.

Her plan to enter Beijing this time is very low-key, and not many people know about it. Unexpectedly, the great elder would appear and stop her halfway.

Not letting her go to see the leader?

Is it really the leader's instruction, or is he making his own decisions?

The thought flashed past, and Liu Su looked calm. With the great elder's courage, he probably wouldn't dare to falsely preach the orders of the leader.

Liu Su calmed down and said calmly: "What are the orders from the leader?"

The Great Elder looked at her expressionlessly: "The leader has ordered you to go to Xunyang County and kill a few people..."

"Xunyang County?"

Liu Su frowned. She had just passed through Xunyang County, and now she was going back?

Go to Xunyang County to kill people?

As an important boundary in Yanzhou, Xunyang County connects Linzhou in the south and the capital of Zhongzhou. It is considered the most important transportation hub of the Daning Dynasty, and its geographical location is extremely important.


When did their Tianshen Sect lose a chess piece in Xunyang County?

Why would the cult leader suddenly ask her to go to Xunyang County and kill her...

Thinking of this, Liu Su's heart skipped a beat.

"How many to kill?"

The Great Elder remained expressionless: "Leave no one behind, eradicate the roots."


Chaoyang County.

West of the city.

Several carriages quietly left the city from the west and headed west.

There were many strong men dressed in rough linen around the carriage, following the carriage in a low-key manner. After leaving the city, they quickly left the official road and turned along the side path.

"Be careful, keep your spirits up, and don't make any mistakes!"

"After this trip, let's go to the brothel in Xunyang County later. Maybe we can sleep with a few girls..."

"Cheer up, everyone."

In the crowd, Xie Yongan, who had dressed up in disguise, was mingling among the crowd, teaching a few strong men who had not yet woken up, how to hate iron for not being able to make steel.

The things of this small gang are just unreliable. They usually spend their days either drinking, gambling or visiting brothels. If they weren't able to do some small things, they would have been dealt with long ago.

At this critical juncture, there cannot be any accidents!

The carriage swayed along the path all the way west, stumbling along the way, and occasionally you could hear the sound of a woman crying from inside the carriage.

The shout made Xie Yongan worried, and he felt increasingly uneasy.

One of the two women arrested last night escaped from prison, which made him extremely uneasy. Those two women knew these secrets. If something went wrong, he wouldn't be able to live with it.

Looking ahead, Xie Yongan could only bless him in his heart. After this trip, all the evidence was destroyed, and even if they were searched, they would definitely not be able to find it. After this time, wait until a year and a half later, and everything will be fine.

Xie Yongan kept comforting himself while reminding those around him to cheer up.

Chaoyang County, county government.

Night falls.

Wang Shi, the magistrate of Chaoyang County, sat in front of a chair and looked out the door from time to time, with a bit of uneasiness and worry in his eyes.

Why haven't you come back yet?

Is it already dark?

Why is there no news at all?

What happened?

Wang Shi felt particularly uneasy. Since yesterday's incident, he always felt that something was going to happen. Especially these days, a lot has happened.

I heard that just a while ago, something happened to some people in some small towns in the south. I even heard that Prince Lin from Linzhou in the south was going to Beijing to marry the eldest princess. Counting the time, he should have arrived in Yanzhou by now.

Doesn't this mean...

Wang Shi took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Will not.

They have no enmity or enmity with Prince Lin, so how could Prince Lin care about them? What's more, Prince Lin is not a good person himself...

Feeling comforted in his heart, Wang Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Xie Yongan never came back, which made Wang Shi still unable to let go of the stone in his heart.

"Somebody come!"

Soon, a policeman appeared outside the door: "Sir? What's wrong?"

"Is Xie Yongan back?"

"Return to my lord, not yet."

Wang Shi frowned: "Is there any news about the woman who escaped from prison?"

"Not yet..."

Wang Shi became more and more uneasy. Finally he couldn't sit still anymore and stood up: "Let's go to the cell and have a look."

In a dark cell.

Wang Shi walked through the cell corridor and came to the door of the room.

He raised his eyes and saw the woman in a bamboo hat sitting in the cell, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a cool and elegant temperament.

Wang Shi's eyes narrowed, and he could tell at a glance that this woman was different.

Just when Wang Shi appeared, the woman in a bamboo hat on the ground slowly raised her head and looked at Wang Shi.

Wang Shi saw a pair of bright eyes through the gauze.

But for some reason, it gave Wang Shi an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Deja vu?

Where have you seen it?

"Who are you?!"

Wang Shi spoke coldly and asked.

The woman in the bamboo hat didn't speak, she just looked at him calmly.

"My lord asked you something, didn't you hear it?"

The jailer next to him scolded.

She still didn't respond.

Wang Shi stared into her eyes. The more he looked at her, the more familiar he felt. He must have seen her somewhere.

But at the same time I couldn't remember that very familiar feeling.

He even had a hunch...that this woman was coming for him?

"Do you think you can get away with it without speaking?"

Wang Shi suppressed his uneasiness and snorted coldly: "You are suspected of murder. The evidence is conclusive. If you don't tell the truth, you will bear the consequences!"

No matter what kind of familiar person he is, kill him first!

Wang Shi, who felt uneasy, immediately had murderous thoughts!

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

"Sir, it's not good, it's not good!"

A figure quickly walked into the cell, leaned into Wang Shi's ear and said something. Immediately, Wang Shi's expression changed drastically, becoming extremely gloomy and ugly.

"How could it be discovered? Who did it?!"

"Yes, it's a woman..." The visitor was panting and looked embarrassed.


Wang Shi seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the woman in a bamboo hat in the cell, his eyes instantly fierce: "Is it you?"

"Is he your accomplice?!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

Wang Shi's eyes were filled with anger and fear.

He became more and more certain that the woman in the cell was here for him!

This feeling is unmistakable!

Who is she? !

In the cell, the woman in a bamboo hat finally seemed to react.

She stood up slowly, looked at Wang Shi outside the cell across the cell, and then slowly took off the hat.

Under the bamboo hat, a delicate and beautiful face is revealed.

Cool and unparalleled, alluring and stunning!

It was incompatible with the dark cell and formed a strong contrast.

When Wang Shi saw the true appearance of the woman wearing a bamboo hat in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.


Really familiar!

That feeling of familiarity hit him, but he couldn't remember when he had seen such a beautiful woman.

If I had seen it, how could I not be impressed?

"Who are you?"

Wang Shi stared at her coldly, his eyes unkind.

"My surname is Jiang."

The woman in the bamboo hat lightly opened her red lips and spoke softly.

As if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, his eyes were calm: "The Jiang family that was framed by you more than ten years ago and was destroyed..."

At this moment, the world is quiet.

Wang Shi's pupils shrank sharply, and he froze on the spot. My whole body was cold, terrified, and in disbelief.

Jiang, Jiang family? !

A long-lost yet familiar surname!

He almost forgot!

But at this moment, it is so deeply familiar!

Jiang family? !

The Jiang family of Xunyang County in the past?

The former prefect of Xunyang County? !

Wang Shi trembled all over and stared at her: "You, are you from the Jiang family?"

"No, you are a remnant of the Jiang family?!"

After a brief moment of shock, Wang Shi's eyes instantly turned fierce, "How dare you come back?!"

"Back then, your Jiang family colluded with foreign countries and betrayed the country for glory. Your Jiang family was slaughtered by everyone. You, the remnant, survived by luck... God spare your life. If you didn't hide well, how dare you come back?!"

"court death!"

Wang Shi realized that the woman in front of him came from the Jiang family to seek revenge!

No matter who she is!

Everyone in the Jiang family must die!

Must die!

"This person is a traitor to the country and deserves death. If anyone comes, he will be executed on the spot!"

Wang Shi's eyes were fierce and he ordered coldly.

The policeman behind him quickly approached and pulled out the long knife from his waist.


There was a crisp sound.

The door lock clicked and the cell door opened.

Inside the cell, Zhiyuan stepped out slowly.

One step, two steps, three steps...

On the ground behind her, there were several unconscious police officers lying on the ground, their lives and deaths unknown.

In front of him, Wang Shi, who was pale and trembling all over, had a horrified look in his eyes: "You, what on earth do you want to do?!"

He stepped back repeatedly, his eyes horrified.

"As a parent official of Chaoyang County, you secretly escort the evil forces, engage in extortion, and kidnap and traffic women. The evidence is conclusive. Every crime is enough to make you die dozens of times!"

Zhiyuan looked at him expressionlessly: "Do you want to live?"

Wang Shi was shaking all over, almost paralyzed and unable to stand: "You, you..."

"If you want to live, I'll give you a chance!"


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