Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 130 The Governor of Xunyang County

Xunyang County.

Xunyang Prefecture.

In the mansion, a middle-aged man was sitting in front of the hall, frowning as he looked at the government affairs on the table.

The middle-aged man has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a standard face with Chinese characters, which can quite show the temperament of a handsome young man. After middle age, his whole body has a bit of the calm aura of a superior, calm and self-defeating.

This person is now the prefect of Xunyang County, Wang Shiquan.

More than ten years ago, a major event occurred in Xunyang County. Jiang Cheng, who was the prefect of Xunyang County at the time, was suddenly revealed to have liaison with the enemy. Letters and various evidences of correspondence with the enemy were found from his home, which confirmed the Jiang family's conspiracy. Evidence of guilt.

The Jiang family was raided and executed!

The fall of the Jiang family gave Wang Shiquan a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but Wang Shiquan, who was just a small civil servant, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and rose to prominence.

In the past ten years, Xunyang County has been under the governance of Wang Shiquan. It cannot be said that the achievements are great, but the world can be regarded as peaceful. Perhaps due to years of hard work, Wang Shiquan has only reached middle age, and his hair has turned gray, making him look much older.

At this moment, in the room, Wang Shiquan looked at the information and government affairs documents sent from below and sighed deeply.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen in Beijing!"

Not far from Wang Shiquan, an elegant man said: "Sir, what do you mean by this?"

This person is a counselor beside Wang Shiquan, named Zheng Chang. He can also be regarded as the master of Xunyang County, responsible for helping Wang Shiquan handle daily government affairs.

Wang Shiquan put down the information in his hand, rubbed his temples, and said with a frown: "Your Majesty has been in seclusion for several months and has not been seen. People in the capital are panicked. All forces are ready to move, and I am afraid there will be chaos..."

Zheng Chang's eyelids twitched, he glanced at his lord, and asked tentatively: "My lord, your majesty has been in seclusion for longer and longer in recent years. This time he has not appeared for half a year. He has been deep in the palace without any movement. ...Could there be an accident?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shiquan's eyes suddenly condensed.

He understood the meaning of Zheng Chang's words. Did he suspect that His Majesty had passed away? !

This thought emerged, and Wang Shiquan's heart skipped a beat.

...It’s not completely impossible!

Since His Majesty fell ill a few years ago, he began to distance himself from government affairs and stayed in the palace to recuperate for several years.

In the past few years, His Majesty has rarely appeared in the public eye, especially in the past six months, there has been no news at all. Many ministers in the capital wanted to see His Majesty, but without exception they were all blocked.

"His Majesty has not shown up for half a year, which is very unusual..."

Zheng Chang concentrated and said: "Before your Majesty went into seclusion to recuperate, he ordered His Highness the Crown Prince to supervise the country, but at the same time he favored the old eunuch... In the past few years, His Highness's decrees have occasionally been passed on by the old eunuch. This is extremely abnormal. I doubt……"

Zheng Chang did not continue, but how smart was Wang Shiquan?

His pupils shrank suddenly: "You mean, His Majesty has..."

"The origin of the old eunuch is unknown, I'm afraid there is something wrong!" Zheng Chang said solemnly.

Wang Shiquan was silent, his eyes becoming more solemn.

Indeed, before his retreat, His Majesty had great trust in the old eunuch next to him, and even handed Mi Tiansi into the hands of the old eunuch. During His Majesty's retreat, most of His Majesty's decrees were passed down by the old eunuch. Apart from that, almost no one has seen His Majesty.

Who can guarantee that the old eunuch has no evil intentions?

The eunuchs are in power and causing chaos in government!

"Sir, you and I should make plans in advance!"

Zheng Chang reminded.

The situation in Beijing was chaotic, and they naturally could not stay out of it. Not to mention the importance of Xunyang County in Yanzhou, they also have their own influence and control in Beijing. Changes in the situation in Beijing will also affect their future destiny.

"Nowadays, many forces in the capital are fighting openly and secretly. The party headed by the prince is the most powerful. Although most of the veterans in the court support His Highness the prince, but in addition, the old eunuch must also be on guard..."

"That gelding has mastered Mitiansi. I don't know how many spies he has placed in the dynasty, and how many ministers he controls in the capital. If, as you and I guess, His Majesty is controlled by him, or...then something is very wrong. !”

"In addition, there is Prime Minister Zhao in the capital. As a veteran of three dynasties, Prime Minister Zhao has a pivotal position in the court. Even His Majesty has to give him a little favor, and Prime Minister Zhao's influence cannot be underestimated. But so far , and no one knows which side he is on..."

Wang Shiquan continued to rub his temples, feeling a headache.

The impact of the situation in Beijing was extremely serious for him. Wang Shiquan's current achievements are indispensable without the support of the backing forces behind Beijing. Once something goes wrong, the consequences can be disastrous.

Now it seems that the three parties in North Korea and China are at odds with each other, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

Apart from the Crown Prince, there are also many princes in the court who covet the throne. Especially the third prince in the capital, who has grown up but still does not go to the fief to receive the title, his purpose has long been known to everyone. If something unexpected happened to His Majesty at this juncture, the fate of the Daning Dynasty would really change.

"And one more thing……"

Zheng Chang seemed to have thought of something and said, "Some things have happened in Yanzhou recently... There are also some things happening in our Xunyang County, which involve my family..."

The Wang family behind Wang Shiquan can be considered a big family in Xunyang County. After the fall of the Jiang family, the Wang family inherited the Jiang family's heritage and became one of the largest families in Xunyang County.

It is difficult for even Wang Shiquan to control such a large family. The Wang family's business power is spread all over Xunyang County, and there have been many shady activities secretly over the years. Wang Shiquan naturally knows this.

However, he chose to turn a blind eye!

Wang Shiquan's current achievements are naturally indispensable without the support of his family.

"Send someone to check!"

Wang Shiquan said attentively: "Look who is doing this!"

Anyone who dares to attack the Wang family in Xunyang County is tantamount to seeking death.

"Sir, I have found some clues!"

Zheng Chang hesitated for a moment and then slowly said a name: "Prince Linwang."

Wang Shiquan was startled and frowned: "He?"

"Some time ago, news came out that Prince Lin Wang left Linzhou and was going to the capital to marry the eldest princess... From Linzhou to the capital, you have to pass through Yanzhou."

Wang Shiquan's brows furrowed even deeper: "Are you saying that he was responsible for the troubles in Yanzhou?"

"It's possible!"

Wang Shiquan's eyes were solemn: "My Wang family and his Lin family have no enmity or enmity. We have been in peace with each other all these years, right?"

Zheng Chang shook his head slightly and sighed: "It is rumored among the people that Prince Lin seems to have some mental problems... In Linzhou, the people all hate Prince Lin deeply... Presumably, he may have caused some troubles unintentionally. dispute?"

"But I can't guarantee that there is no instruction from King Lin behind it!"

The news of Prince Lin's arrival in Beijing had already spread throughout the country and attracted the attention of many people. The traces of Prince Lin on his way to Beijing are no longer a secret. And the purpose of his visit to Beijing this time naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

Marry the eldest princess?

Although this is true in name, no one can guarantee whether Prince Lin has any other purpose.

Prince Lin may be an ignorant fool, but Prince Lin is not. Prince Lin's visit to the capital this time must be under the instruction of Prince Lin.

So, who can guarantee that King Lin is not playing a big game in secret?

"Calculating the time, Prince Lin will probably arrive in Xunyang County in the next few days!"

Zheng Chang raised his head and looked at Wang Shiquan: "Sir, if Prince Lin comes, how should we deal with it?"

"Should we win over each other, or..."

Wang Shiquan was silent, thought for a moment, and shook his head gently: "No need!"

Zheng Chang was startled, a little confused.

"The purpose of Prince Lin's visit to the capital is currently unknown, and it has nothing to do with you or me!"

Wang Shiquan thought for a long time and said calmly: "We have always been peaceful with the Lin family over the years, and there has been no conflict. At this juncture, if he doesn't cause trouble, he can just pretend that nothing happens!"

Zheng Chang stopped talking, thought for a moment, and said, "Sir, do you intend to express your position?"

"Do you think I should be the one who stands out?"

Zheng Chang was thoughtful, and after a while he handed over his hands: "Sir, you are really smart!"


Nowadays, the Daning Dynasty is in internal chaos, with internal strife within the court, and the dynasty is also riddled with crises.

If the imperial court wants to cut down the vassal vassal, its first target is naturally the highly accomplished King Lin! Before the current situation is clear, taking sides is indeed not a wise choice.

"Lets see."

Wang Shiquan waved his hand and said calmly: "If he doesn't cause trouble, you should treat him with courtesy. No matter what, after all, he is the Crown Prince, so you should give him some face. But if he has other purposes..."

"Then don't blame me for being unkind!"

Wang Shiquan spoke expressionlessly.

Liuxiang Tower.

The largest romantic place in Xunyang County.

As an important hub running through the north and south of the dynasty, Xunyang County's geographical location is extremely important, and at the same time, its economy is naturally extremely prosperous.

And this Liuxiang Tower is the largest smoking willow place in Xunyang County.

Liuxiang Tower can no longer be regarded as an ordinary brothel. It is almost the place with the largest customer flow in Xunyang County. Countless dignitaries and talented people come here every day.

Even the penniless beggar in Xunyang City would eagerly appear outside Liuxiang Tower, wanting to catch a glimpse of the beauty of the woman inside Liuxiang Tower.

To be able to attract so many dignitaries and talented people, the woman in Liuxiang Tower is naturally extraordinary. The women inside are all top-notch in terms of beauty and talent.

With unparalleled beauty and outstanding temperament, she is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry. The women from Liuxianglou are especially good at playing the flute, and their oiran is a good flute player and is famous far and wide.

In this Yanliu place, on the third floor, in an elegant attic.

The attic was in disarray and desolation.

A young man dressed in luxurious clothes was lying lazily on a soft bed, his clothes were disheveled, and he was holding two stunning women in his arms, and he was drunk.

"Come, Prince Wang, I'll give you another drink!"

"Oh, Mr. Wang, you don't want it..."

"Young Master Wang, you are evil..."


The woman's shy yet seductive tone came from the room, mixed with hearty laughter.

In the private room, there were several young masters who were also like this, hugging each other, with faces full of intoxication and enjoyment.

"You have to be a prince!"

"Well, don't you also look at the status of our prince? In Xunyang County, who in Xunyang County should not treat our prince with respect?"

"I see, even if Prince Lin from Linzhou comes, he still has to be respectful in front of our prince!"

The other young masters in the private room all complimented him, and for a while the atmosphere inside and outside the room was filled with joy.

The Wang Qin they talked about was the only son of Wang Shiquan, the current prefect of Xunyang County, and he was considered to be extremely powerful. In Xunyang County, Wang Qin is the largest second-generation ancestor.

Wang Qin was lying on the soft couch, hugging him from left to right, squinting his eyes. When he heard them mention Prince Lin, an imperceptible sneer appeared on his face.

"Prince Linwang?"

"Who is he?!"

His eyes were stern, with a bit of sneer and disdain, and he didn't take the other person seriously at all.

Several people in the room heard this and agreed.

"That's right, how can He De, Prince Lin's son, be qualified to be compared with our prince?"

"I heard that Prince Lin was a complete weakling. I also heard that he almost died at the hands of a brothel girl. His father was really embarrassed!"

"A second-generation ancestor from a barbaric land is just arrogant and arrogant in Linzhou. If he dares to come to Xunyang County, I can deal with him without the help of the prince!"

The tone of the young men in the room was full of ridicule and laughter.

Prince Lin in that barbaric land has long become a laughing stock for them. From time to time they dragged out corpses and whipped them, and trampled them to flatter the prince.

Wang Qin narrowed his eyes and sneered: "I hope he can come to Xunyang County, and I want to see how much of a waste he is, Prince Lin!"

"I heard that Prince Lin plans to go to Beijing to marry the eldest princess, and he may pass by our Xunyang County along the way." Someone mentioned on the side.

Upon hearing the news, Wang Qin's eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

"There are rumors outside. I heard my father mention it, saying that Prince Lin will probably pass by our Xunyang County, and we might meet him then!"

"Okay, good time!"

After hearing the news, Wang Qin sneered: "I didn't expect him to dare to come? I want him to see who is in charge of this Xunyang County!"

"Prince, I support you!"

"When the time comes, I will give Prince Lin a severe blow and he will be disgraced!"

"Slap Prince Lin in the face and steal his woman!"


As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the person who said this.

The woman who robbed the prince?

Who is the woman who is Prince Lin's son?

The eldest princess of the dynasty!

Steal the eldest princess?

Is this person crazy?

Dare to provoke the eldest princess? !

The young master who blurted out these words suddenly looked a little embarrassed when he saw everyone looking at him. He also realized that there was something wrong with his words: "I just said it casually... The eldest princess can't grab it, but others can... Then Lin Prince Wang occupied Linzhou and looted many beauties and kept them in Prince Lin's Mansion, why don't you rob them?"

However, Wang Qin suddenly sneered at this time, his eyes were fiery, with a hint of jealousy and a hint of coldness.

"The eldest princess..."

"How virtuous and capable is Lin Jiangnian that he is qualified to marry the eldest princess?"

"He doesn't deserve it!"


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