Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 133 Everyone has their own agenda

Prefect's Mansion.

The carriage slowly stopped outside the house.

Wang Cheng walked quickly to the carriage and opened the curtain.

"His Royal Highness, we are here!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up and got out of the carriage, looking up. As soon as I saw it, I saw a towering and majestic gate, beautiful decorations, and the words "Prefect's Palace" with gold edges, exuding an aura of majesty inside and outside.

"As expected of the Xunyang Prefecture, it is truly extraordinary."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it a few times and had something to say.

Wang Chengdang didn't hear it, so he lowered his head and said, "Your Highness, the Grand Administrator has been waiting at your residence for a long time, preparing food and wine to welcome His Highness."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him with a smile on his face, then looked at the door without saying a word.

How long will you wait?

Except for a few guards, there was no one outside the gate of this huge prefect's mansion.

In name, the banquet was held to welcome the wind and wash away the dust, but the Xunyang Prefect's attitude seemed a bit like giving him a blow?

Since we are having a banquet, we are guests. The guests have arrived at the door. As the host, how does the prefect treat guests like this?

He, the Governor of Xunyang, really has such a big air!

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's smile became even brighter.

"Okay, the governor is interested. I want to have a good conversation with you!"

After saying this, Lin Jiangnian took the lead in stepping into the prefect's mansion.

Wang Cheng followed behind, and his eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words of His Highness the Crown Prince. Everyone in the world has heard that Prince Lin is a loser with no ambitions, and has an irritable and fragile personality... But when we saw him today, something seemed wrong.

He didn't get angry?

Wang Cheng quickly concealed the doubt in his eyes and followed closely.

In the prefect's mansion.

Lin Jiangnian walked in the front, Wang Cheng followed closely behind, Lin Qingqing and Xiaozhu also followed closely.

The little maid blinked curiously and looked around, while Lin Qingqing stared at the surroundings intently, not slacking off at all.

The Governor of Xunyang invited His Highness to a banquet for no reason. He probably had ulterior secrets that he had to guard against.

"Your Highness, we are here!"

Passing through the pavilion and corridor, we soon arrived at a courtyard gate.

Wang Cheng stopped, lowered his head and said, "The prefect has been waiting for His Highness for a long time."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked inside the door.

At the same time, a hearty laughter came from the door.

"His Royal Highness is here?"

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man walked out of the courtyard quickly, his eyes falling on Lin Jiangnian: "Are you His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

The middle-aged man bowed his hands.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. His breath was restrained and energetic. There seemed to be a tired look in the corner of his eyes, and he guessed something in his heart.

"I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince was passing through Xunyang City this time for his visit to the capital. Therefore, I specially ordered my servants to wait for a long time and invite you to gather at His Highness's house. I apologize for disturbing His Highness."

Wang Shiquan spoke with a smile on his face.

Lin Jiangnian also had a smile on his face: "Sir, I'm here for the first time. I'm here for the first time. I have a busy schedule to meet you, but it's time for me to trouble Mr. Wang!"

"Your Highness, it's no trouble, no trouble!"


Lin Qingqing and Xiaozhu stood aside, quietly watching the business exchange between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Xunyang Prefect. Both of them had a fresh look on their faces, as if they were old friends who had known each other for a long time, and they exchanged polite words one after another.

Passionate yet hypocritical!

The little maid tilted her head and blinked her eyes. Lin Qingqing lowered her head slightly, but she kept staring at the Xunyang Prefect from the corner of her eyes...

So enthusiastic and with questions!

Wang Shiquan looked at the young, handsome, and good-looking Crown Prince in front of him, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He seems to be looking down upon His Royal Highness!

After just a brief contact with the Crown Prince in front of him, he must have made a judgment in his mind...

His Royal Highness Prince Lin is far from being as simple as he seems on the surface!

He was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was able to move forward and retreat in a measured manner. He was able to talk to him with ease, showing no trace of timidity, and no trace of the arrogance of Prince Lin.

It is extremely difficult to have such a mind and heart at such an age. There are rumors in the outside world that Prince Lin is uneducated and incompetent. I'm afraid these rumors are wrong!

Has this Prince Lin been hiding his clumsiness?

Having made the judgment, Wang Shiquan's heart sank slightly, and he put away the last trace of contempt in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness has come a long way. Do you want to wash up and rest first to wash away the dust? I have prepared a meal and a banquet for His Highness!"

Faced with Wang Shiquan's enthusiasm, Lin Jiangnian remained calm and said with a smile: "That's fine. Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your hospitality!"


Prefect's Mansion.

Side hospital.

Lin Jiangnian felt refreshed after taking a bath and changing his clothes. He sat at the table. Xiaozhu followed His Highness, helping His Highness tidy up his clothes and hair.

The little maid served His Highness very seriously and was meticulous.

Lin Qingqing appeared on the side of the room and said with a worried look on her face, "Your Highness, I'm afraid this Xunyang Prefect has some intentions. He's coming with bad intentions. You have to be careful!"

Lin Jiangnian opened his eyes, looked at himself in the mirror, and said calmly: "I know."

He naturally knew that there was something wrong with the Xunyang Prefect.

If you show your courtesy for nothing, there must be something evil!

"Then Your Highness, you need me to go down..."

"Being not."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and looked in the mirror with a faint smile: "Let's take a look first to see what his purpose is."

"This is the Xunyang Prefect's Mansion after all. No matter how courageous Wang Shiquan is, he would not dare to attack this prince!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes, confident.

Now the news has spread that Prince Lin has entered the prefect's mansion. In this way, Lin Jiangnian was not only fine, but also very safe.

If anything happens to him here, Wang Shiquan will be blamed. No matter how courageous Wang Shiquan was, he would never dare to go against Lin Wangfu.

He couldn't afford the consequences.


Lin Qingqing was hesitant, but this was the truth. But no one knows what Wang Shiquan wants to do. Now that His Highness is deep into the prefect's mansion, his safety is not guaranteed.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Wang Shiquan, by leaving my son here, is playing into my heart!"

"My prince must take a good look at this scene!"


On the other side, the backyard.

"Sir, how is Prince Lin Wang doing?"

Zheng Chang appeared in the backyard and came to Wang Shiquan.

Wang Shiquan put his hands behind his back, furrowed his brows, and said solemnly: "This kid should not be underestimated!"

Zheng Chang was startled, and then he concentrated and said, "Sir, what do you mean...that Prince Lin is hiding his clumsiness?"

Wang Shiquan narrowed his eyes: "It's possible!"

Zheng Chang seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed slightly: "If this is true, then they... Prince Lin and his son are probably playing a big game of chess?!"

Wang Shiquan seemed to have thought of something and said in a deep voice: "In the past ten years, as Lin Heng was crowned king again, his power in the south has grown stronger and stronger, threatening the safety of the dynasty..."

"If Prince Lin is really trying to dispel the imperial court's concerns, he deliberately pretends to be a is not impossible!"

"Lin Hengzhong's power is huge and seriously threatens the security of the dynasty. If King Lin's son has both civil and military skills and is a talented general, I'm afraid those in the court will not be able to sleep at night."

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan narrowed his eyes and became more solemn: "I have never understood before. It is not surprising that the imperial court wants to marry the Lin family in order to win over Prince Lin, but why is the marriage partner going to be the eldest princess?"

"The eldest princess is both talented and beautiful, and has unparalleled martial arts skills. She is a rare talent in the world. In time, the eldest princess is very likely to become a great master. Your Majesty has many daughters. Why did you marry the eldest princess to the Lin family alone?"

Zheng Chang seemed to realize something: "Sir, what you mean is..."

"I'm afraid the imperial court has long seen through this. This Prince Lin is both civil and military, and has great talents. How can his son be a mediocre person? Folk rumors are naturally unbelievable. I'm afraid the imperial court has long suspected that Prince Lin is pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, but he is actually hiding his clumsiness! "

Wang Shiquan said expressionlessly: "The marriage with the Lin family and the marriage of the eldest princess are probably to monitor and control the Lin family!"

"The only one who can do this is the eldest princess!"

Zheng Chang took a breath of cold air, "Sir, you are really wise, you can guess this..."

That Emperor, His Majesty, really thought about it for a long time.

But then, Zheng Chang thought of something again and wondered: "If the imperial court was to monitor the Lin family, how could Lin Hengzhong not be aware of this? Why would he let Lin Jiangnian go to Beijing to marry the eldest princess?"

"Isn't it tempting the wolf into the house?"

"That's not clear."

Wang Shiquan shook his head, "Perhaps he has an ulterior motive, or perhaps...that King Lin is dismissive."

Zheng Chang was silent.

Indeed, this is a game between the dynasty and the king with a different surname, and no one knows what the final result will be. And they, the ministers, were caught in the middle and had to face the situation that was about to change at any time, walking on thin ice and being cautious.

"By the way, sir, have you found any information about the young master?"

When this matter was mentioned, Wang Shiquan's face darkened and he said coldly: "Not yet."

Zheng Chang said in a deep voice: "If Prince Lin is really hiding his clumsiness, we cannot rule out the possibility..."

Wang Shiquan's eyes were slightly cold: "Ruo Qin'er's disappearance is really related to him..."

He did not continue speaking, but the coldness in his expression never faded.


Night falls.

Prefect's Mansion.

"Your Highness, I would like to give you a drink!"

Inside the private room.

The table is filled with rare seafood and fine wine.

Around the room, there were several beautiful maids standing, carefully serving and pouring wine.

Wang Shiquan picked up the wine glass and offered a toast to Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness has come a long way, and I have nothing to entertain you. Please don't dislike me!"

"My Lord Wang, I will remember the hospitality you received today in my heart. If Lord Wang goes to Linjiang City in the future, I will definitely entertain Lord Wang well."

"Then I would like to thank His Highness for your kindness."

After three rounds of drinking.

In the room, the two people looked a little drunker on their faces.

After Wang Shiquan toasted again, he sat down and sighed deeply.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it, his eyes seemed a bit drunk: "Why do you sigh, sir?"

"I remembered something disturbing!"

Wang Shiquan hesitated to speak, then waved his hand: "Forget it, I'd better not trouble Your Highness!"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sneered in his heart.

Taking retreat as a way to advance, is this old guy going to follow his lead?

"Oh well."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

This time, it was Wang Shiquan's turn to be stunned.

its not right!

According to the previous routine, shouldn't Prince Lin continue to ask questions at this time?

Why don't you ask?

Lin Jiangnian stopped cooperating, which made him a little embarrassed.

However, since Wang Shiquan was the prefect of Xunyang after all, this accident would naturally have no impact.

He sighed deeply again: "His Royal Highness, you don't know, but a big event has indeed happened in the lower official's family in the past two days!"

"Xiaguan's only son, Wang Qin, suddenly disappeared after leaving home two days ago. He has not returned home yet!"


Lin Jiangnian's eyes were playful, "Master Wang is missing?"


Wang Shiquan nodded: "This traitor usually makes people worry. He is uneducated and likes to run outside... I have been missing for several days this time, and I am very worried!"

Having said this, Wang Shiquan suddenly looked at Lin Jiangnian: "By the way, His Royal Highness has just entered the city. I wonder if you have seen any traces of the traitor along the way?"

"Why do you suddenly ask me, Your Majesty?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Shiquan and half-smiled: "Do you think, sir, that this prince kidnapped Mr. Wang?"

Wang Shiquan's eyelids twitched suddenly, he didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to be so straightforward. He originally wanted to test it out, but he didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to expose it so bluntly.

"Your Highness has misunderstood!"

Wang Shiquan suppressed the discomfort in his heart, "Xiaoguan just happened to remember that His Royal Highness passed through Xunyang County along the way, so I asked... Xiaguan is an only son, and he loves his son very much. Please forgive me!"

"Master Wang loves his son very much, and I will naturally understand him."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "However, it is true that this prince has never met the prince!"

"Then please trouble Your Highness!"

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of the question, Wang Shiquan waved his hand and said, "Let's not mention these. Since today is to take care of His Highness, it's okay not to mention the official's family affairs."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said nothing, quietly watching the old man's performance in front of him.

It’s really a temptation!

Wang Qin is missing, this old guy is suspicious of him!

In this case...

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and decided to help him add fuel to the fire.

"Young Master Wang has been missing for two days. It is understandable that Mr. Wang is worried."

Lin Jiangnian said: "However, it is indeed unusual for Mr. Wang to disappear for two days. Have you ever looked for him?"

Wang Shiquan said solemnly: "I've looked for him, but there's no news."

He glanced at Lin Jiangnian inadvertently.

"So, I'm afraid something has happened to Mr. Wang..."

Lin Jiangnian saw Wang Shiquan's slightly gloomy and ugly expression, and mentioned it casually: "Has Mr. Wang tried to inquire about the people around Mr. Wang? There is no way that Mr. Wang disappears for no reason... Check what he has done recently. What have you been through, where have you been, who have you been in contact with..."

"Maybe we can find some clues?"

Seeing Wang Shiquan's gradually silent expression, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and felt happy.

The show is about to begin!


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