Night is hanging high.

Lin Jiangnian walked through the small courtyard with staggering steps.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

The voice of the maid in the house came from beside her.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands with a drunken face: "It doesn't matter, I can still leave..."

With a drunken look on his face, he staggered back to the door of the room.

Knock on the door.

Soon, the sound of rapid footsteps was heard in the room.

The door opened, and the little maid's figure appeared at the door. Seeing His Highness' face full of drunkenness, she quickly stepped forward to help His Highness up.

"What's wrong with you, Your Highness? Why did you drink so much?!"

With a worried and anxious look on her face, the little maid used all her strength to help His Highness into the room and to the bed.

"Your Highness, please take a good rest first, and I'll get you a glass of water!"

With that said, the little maid turned around to pour water. When the little maid came back from pouring water, she was stunned again when she saw the scene in front of the bed.

"Your Highness, you..."

Lin Jiangnian sat quietly by the bed. Although his face was still a little drunken, the drunkenness in his eyes had completely disappeared.

Where does he still look half drunk?

The little maid carried the water over, her little head puzzled: "Your Highness, what are you..."


Lin Jiangnian took the water, drank it all, and then sneered: "How can it be so easy for that old guy to get my son drunk?"

The little maid was confused and was about to say something when Lin Qingqing's voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness?"

"come in."

Lin Qingqing stepped into the room and looked at His Highness. After seeing that His Highness was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, there is something wrong with the Prefect's Mansion..."

Lin Qingqing seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes narrowed slightly: "My subordinate was deliberately pushed away by someone in this house earlier. Your Highness should be careful!"

Lin Jiangnian's face was no longer drunk and his mind was clear. "This old man suspects that this prince has kidnapped his son."

"Wang Qin?"

Lin Qingqing frowned. Of course she knew about Wang Qin's kidnapping, but she didn't expect that the Xunyang Governor would suspect His Highness?

"It's no wonder... there are not many people in Xunyang City who dare to kidnap the son of Xunyang Prefect, so it's no surprise that he suspects me!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

Lin Qingqing's expression was solemn: "It seems that the Xunyang Prefect is here with bad intentions. Your Highness, just in case, we may have to leave here early."

"Can't leave."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Lin Qingqing's eyes suddenly focused: "Does he still dare to put His Highness under house arrest?"

"It's hard to say."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "The Xunyang Prefect has a son in old age, and he is very precious to his precious son. Now that Wang Qin's whereabouts are unknown, I can't guarantee whether this old guy will die with my son!"

Lin Qingqing's whole body was filled with cold murderous aura: "If he dares to do harm to His Highness, my subordinates will definitely tear down his Xunyang Prefecture!"

"Don't worry either."

Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly: "This old man nominally allowed me to stay in Xunyang City for two more days, but in fact he still suspected that I had kidnapped his son."

"However, I don't plan to leave either. Since I'm already here, I might as well stay and watch the show."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced at her again: "By the way, how about asking you to check on Zhiyuan?"

When this matter was mentioned, Lin Qingqing suddenly felt a little disappointed and lowered her head: "My subordinate is incompetent and I lost track of him!"


"My subordinates were ordered by His Highness to go secretly to investigate the whereabouts of Sister Zhiyuan, and followed the clues all the way to the county government office in Chaoyang County. But soon, Sister Zhiyuan discovered that someone was following her... My subordinates did not dare to reveal their identities. After that, Sister Zhiyuan is also missing, and there is no news..."

Lin Qingqing's tone was disappointed and guilty.

But Lin Jiangnian was not surprised, it was expected.

Zhiyuan's martial arts skills are not weak, so it is really difficult to investigate secretly without being discovered by her.

"It doesn't matter, there's no rush!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "She will always come to Xunyang City, or she may have already arrived!"

How could the dignified son of Xunyang Prefect disappear innocently?

The answer has long been self-evident.


Lin Qingqing hesitated: "Your Highness, what should we do next? What should my subordinates do?"

"Nothing to do."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said with a faint smile: "Next, we just have to wait!"


Lin Qingqing became more and more confused: "What are you waiting for?"

"Just wait and see the show."


On the other side, at the same time, the backyard of the prefect's mansion.

"Sir, what's going on?"

Zheng Chang quickly stepped forward and asked, "Is the young master's disappearance related to him?"

Wang Shiquan looked gloomy, frowned, and took a deep breath: "It's not clear yet."

"I can't see through this Prince Lin!"

"Can't see through?"

Zheng Chang's heart trembled, as if he thought of something: "Is it true that, as the Lord has guessed, Prince Lin has always been hiding his clumsiness? Hiding his edge?"

Wang Shiquan nodded with a deep look in his eyes: "That's probably the case!"


Zheng Chang took a deep breath and quickly realized something: "Since Prince Lin has been hiding before, why did he suddenly stop pretending this time?"

"Or is it that Prince Lin Wang has other purposes for coming to the capital this time?!"


Wang Shiquan's tone was slightly cold: "I can't even see through this guy. Whether Qin'er's disappearance is related to him or not, I can't make a conclusion yet."

Immediately, Wang Shiquan suddenly turned to look at him: "Zheng Chang!"

"What are your orders, sir?"

"Send someone to check... who Qin'er has been with recently, whether he has had conflicts with anyone, and all the places Qin'er has been to recently, check them all!"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy: "Be sure to find out and inform me as soon as possible!"



Xunyang City.

There is an undercurrent.

The news that the son of the Xunyang Governor was missing and whereabouts soon spread in the city, and the people cheered enthusiastically.

After all, the reputation of the son of Xunyang Governor in Xunyang City is no better than Lin Jiangnian's reputation in Linjiang City.

He is also a playboy, he is also a second generation ancestor, he is also a person who bullies men and dominates women. Now that Wang Qin's whereabouts are unknown, the common people should applaud and lament that another green forest hero has done a good deed that pleases people!

But at the same time, the atmosphere in Xunyang City was in vain.

Something happened to the prefect's son, and the whole city was almost in turmoil. The city defense army and the prefect's soldiers were dispatched together to search the city day and night, interrogating all suspects.

Although they failed to find the son of the prefect, they captured many criminals hiding in the city by mistake, and solved many old cases. As a result, the crime detection rate in Xunyang City was extremely high. For a while, the security in Xunyang City was improved. stand up.

Prefect's Mansion, small courtyard.

Perhaps because of the dusty journey north, Lin Jiangnian hardly left home for the past two days, staying in the small courtyard to cultivate his moral character.

The small courtyard here is a place specially used by the Taishou Mansion to entertain distinguished guests.

It has to be said that the Xunyang Prefect entertained Lin Jiangnian to a high standard. Everything was arranged in place and properly. There was almost no slack in food, clothing, housing and transportation. He even thoughtfully prepared beautiful and shy sisters and maids for Lin Jiangnian. sleep.

However, Lin Jiangnian, who was upright and honest, still resolutely rejected the prefect's kindness in the little maid's resentful and aggrieved eyes!

He is not that kind of person!

Apart from anything else, the Xunyang Prefect was indeed not at all vague about hospitality.

"I didn't realize that the Governor of Xunyang can be considered a good official?"

Lin Jiangnian squatted on the eaves steps and narrowed his eyes.

Lin Qingqing stood under the eaves nearby, lowering her head: "Wang Shiquan has been in power for ten years, but not much has changed in Xunyang City. Although he is not a talented person, he is indeed not bad!"


Putting it here, perhaps it should be regarded as a complimentary word, with the meaning of praise.

"However, this old guy still has selfish motives after all!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Indulging the clan members to do whatever they want in private, oppressing the people, etc... This old guy knows it, but turns a blind eye."

"Obviously, it's okay to say he's unqualified!"

Lin Qingqing's face was expressionless.

Indeed, Wang Shiquan is indeed qualified in some aspects, but in some aspects he is too partial and has serious problems.

"His selfish motives will eventually harm him."

Lin Jiang young sighed.

Lin Qingqing was puzzled: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer, but gave her a meaningful smile.

Lin Qingqing was startled, as if she had realized something, and a shocking wave arose in her heart.

"Your Highness, what do you mean..."

She wanted to say something, but she held it back, extremely shocked.

Lin Jiangnian still smiled and stood up slowly: "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore!"

As he said that, he raised his eyes and glanced outside the courtyard: "It's getting dark again. It's been two days since I came to Xunyang City and I haven't gone around yet, Xiaozhu?"

"Your Highness?" Xiaozhu said obediently.

"Let's go with my prince to take a look at the night scene of Xunyang City. Let's see if the girl from Xunyang County is cool or not!"


Night falls.

Inside Xunyang City.

A teahouse, fourth floor!

"I didn't expect that Prince Lin Wang would also come to Xunyang City!"

A deep voice came from the table in the corner by the window.

"I heard that he is now in the Xunyang Prefecture. This is a good opportunity..."

"The plan failed last time and failed to kill Lin Hengzhong. This time, it would be good to kill Prince Lin Wang..."

A man in black robes hid in his robes and spoke slowly with a low voice.

He looked up and saw the beautiful woman in red sitting opposite him looking quietly out of the window, in a daze.

"Liu Su?!"

The man in black robe's voice was obviously angry: "Did you listen to what I was saying?"

After hearing this, Liu Su slowly came back to his senses and glanced at the man in black robe opposite.


Great Elder: "..."

What he just said was in vain?

Do you think his words fell on deaf ears? !

The two people in the teahouse were naturally the great elder of the Tianshen Sect and Liu Su, the woman in red. In addition, Liu Su was closely followed by his disciple Ling'er.

"Saint Liu!"

The Great Elder stared at Liu Su's face, "Prince Lin Wang is in Xunyang City. This is important news... kill him!"

Liu Su glanced at him and said calmly: "The leader's order?"

"My order!"

Liu Su said calmly: "Why should I listen to you?"

The Great Elder sounded a little angry: "Don't forget what the purpose of our Celestial Sect is? Don't forget what the purpose of our plan is?!"

"Of course I have not forgotten this." Liu Su interrupted him lightly, her beautiful eyes falling outside the window on Xunyang City. It fell on the street not far away, with people coming and going and the lights bright.

She looked at the endless stream of people, feeling a little dazed!

When she arrived at Xunyang City and learned that the guy was also here, Liu Su felt uneasy for some reason.

Some nervousness, some inexplicable emotions.

Why is he here?

Going to Beijing?

Liu Su lowered his head, feeling suddenly not in a good mood for some reason.

The Great Elder stared at her and suddenly seemed to realize something: "Saint Liu?!"

Liu Su raised her eyes and saw the great elder staring at her: "Don't tell me, you don't want to kill him?"

Liu Su lowered his head and said calmly: "Our Tianshen Sect and Prince Lin's Mansion are incompatible with each other. How can I be merciful?"

"But what do I think? You don't seem to want to kill him?"

The Great Elder narrowed his eyes: "Ever since you entered Xunyang City, something has become wrong with you..."

"I remember, you sneaked into Prince Lin's Mansion to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, shouldn't you have controlled him with a poison?"

Facing the great elder's question, Liu Su still said calmly: "The poison has failed."


The Great Elder looked suspicious and stared at her sharply: "That love voodoo is a strange voodoo you have cultivated since you were a child. How could it fail?!"

"Great Elder, are you doubting this saint's loyalty to the leader?" Liu Su raised her eyes and sneered.

"Does this saint need to report everything to you?"

The great elder still stared at her with an expressionless face: "I don't doubt the saint's loyalty to the leader, but I do doubt another thing..."

He was still staring at Liu Su, and suddenly asked: "Are you in love with him?"

A sudden question.

Liu Su's heart was like a lake that was originally calm, but suddenly a stone was thrown into it, causing a huge wave.


Will she fall in love with that guy?

How can it be!

What's good about that guy?

Insidious, cunning, reneging on promises, whereabouts, lust, and using force...

Absolutely useless!

How could he like that guy?


"Great Elder, you think too much."

Liu Su glanced at him and sneered: "Do you think this saint will like a dandy prince?"

The great elder was still staring at her, and saw that there was nothing strange on her face. It didn't look like she was lying before he looked away.

His tone softened slightly: "I am also worried. As a saint of our Celestial Sect, you must not be tempted by others, especially Prince Lin... I believe that the saint knows what she knows."

Liu Su sneered in her heart, believe it?

It's really funny.

However, Liu Su did not expose it: "Great Elder, don't worry, I know it well. As for how to deal with Prince Lin, I have already planned it, so there is no need for Great Elder to worry too much!"

The Great Elder smiled but said: "In that case, I will just wait for the news of the saint?"

Liu Su was noncommittal, her gaze casually dropped to the window again, but she was suddenly startled as if she saw something.

Inside Xunyang City.

On the bustling streets.

Lin Jiangnian appeared on the street with Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing.

One left and one right, following each step.

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