Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 147 The Emotional Little Maid

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and said interestingly: "How do you say that?"

"You mean, this prince is lying to you?"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian's face quietly, his eyes cold, but yet somewhat firm.

I hadn't noticed it before, but I only realized it later.

From the moment he was trapped in the secret room, Lin Jiangnian's expression and reaction showed no signs of surprise or worry about being trapped, and even his tone was occasionally a bit ridiculing...

This is definitely not his style!

After careful consideration, Zhiyuan discovered something was wrong.

She stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and remained silent for a long time: "You have a way to get out."

"I told you not to."

Lin Jiangnian spread his hands helplessly: "You can't even get out, how can I do anything?"

"Are you a little too high-minded about my prince?"

Although what Lin Jiangnian said was reasonable, it was obvious that Zhiyuan still didn't believe it.

She was still looking at Lin Jiangnian, and Lin Jiangnian looked at her calmly. Today, Lin Jiangnian is no longer the fake prince who first came to the palace a few months ago and had to walk on thin ice and be cautious.

Now that he has confirmed his identity as Prince Lin, he no longer needs to worry too much about his identity being exposed.

As for the disobedient maid in front of me... Strictly speaking, she has left Prince Lin's Mansion and can no longer be regarded as a maid in Prince Lin's Mansion.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian was very calm when he saw her again, and the last bit of fear disappeared. When he looked at her, there was even a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Zhiyuan's face was still expressionless. Even though she had changed her clothes and her temperament had changed a lot, she was still her, and her face that was already elegant and refined was still familiar.

Cold and somewhat inexplicably stubborn.

He and Lin Jiangnian looked at each other for a long time, as if they were in a stalemate.

In the end, she said nothing. Lowering his eyes, he turned around silently. Return to the door and continue looking for a way out.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her unwillingness to give up and did not continue to dissuade her. This woman is stubborn, so let her be.

After searching the secret room several times with no results, Zhiyuan finally gave up.

She remained silent and came to the door of the secret room beside her to sit quietly, silent.

The secret room suddenly became quiet, except for the occasional flickering candlelight in the niche not far away, which gave the secret room a somewhat strange atmosphere.

Lin Jiangnian looked around and his eyes fell on the armor weapons filled in the wooden box. The Wang family secretly used their power to secretly sell these military supplies to foreign and enemy countries, and they had been convicted of liaison with enemy countries.

However, what surprised Lin Jiangnian the most was why the Wang family had come to this point.

Considering the power of the Wang family in Xunyang County, with the Xunyang Prefect sitting in charge, the power is overwhelming. If you want to make money, there are many ways, so why do you commit such a crime that will be irreversible if discovered?

Who is behind the Wang family?

Lin Jiangnian frowned and thought of something quickly. More than ten years ago, the Jiang family was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Could it be that...

Lin Jiangnian looked at the wooden boxes filling the secret room and thought of some possibility. Is it possible to say that the Jiang family's crime of collaborating with the enemy back then was framed?

The person who framed the Jiang family was the Wang family?


Lin Jiangnian's voice suddenly sounded in the silent secret room. He looked at the paper kite at the door of the secret room: "Did you just say that the Wang family not only colluded with foreign countries, but also had the intention of rebellion?"

At the door of the secret room, Zhiyuan only raised his eyes slightly, then lowered them quickly.

Not a word was spoken.

It's like he didn't hear it.


Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Jiangnian looked up again and saw that Zhiyuan was motionless. The bamboo hat covered her appearance and expression, so no reaction could be seen.

Didn't you hear that?

Still don’t want to deal with it?

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian jumped off the wooden box and walked to her.

As he got closer, he smelled the faint and familiar scent of her body, mixed with a hint of blood. Zhiyuan sat upright, unable to see his appearance and expression under the bamboo hat.

Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand, and just when he was about to touch it, Zhiyuan noticed it. She raised her head suddenly and looked at him with cold eyes: "What are you doing?"

Seeing her expression like this, how could Lin Jiangnian not react yet?


Are you in a mood?

Realizing what was going on, Lin Jiangnian laughed: "What's wrong, are you angry?"

Zhiyuan did not speak, but lowered her eyes again, hiding her expression under the bamboo hat, and moved to the side, as if she wanted to stay away from him.

Lin Jiangnian saw this and moved closer with a smile on his face, "Are you really angry?"

As she got closer, the girl's fresh breath became clearer, as well as her cold and unruffled eyes.

Sure enough, he was angry!

"You're such a coward, my maid. How dare you be angry with me?"

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face became even brighter: "Aren't you afraid that this prince will deal with you with family methods?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian reached out again, and this time took off the bamboo hat from her head before she could react.

As the bamboo hat fell, that pretty face with a beautiful face came into view.

It must be said that Princess Lin had a good vision at that time. She kept the kite by her side and trained her to be Prince Lin's personal maid.

Although this personal maid is not allowed to stick to her at all.

But in terms of beauty, there are few people in Prince Lin's palace who can compete with her. Whether in terms of beauty, martial arts, or intelligence, Zhiyuan can be regarded as a first-rate maid.

No one can shake her position.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Zhiyuan has not changed much. He still has the same elegant and jade-like face with exquisite facial features. Under the seemingly mature temperament, there is still a bit of childishness that has not yet completely escaped.

If you think about it carefully, she is about the same age as Lin Jiangnian, but she is just a teenage girl. However, when she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, her behavior was more dignified and cold, and she seemed inhumane, which made people ignore her age.

In fact, isn't she just a teenage girl?

It is the age when girls are most youthful and beautiful, and are ready to blossom!

Perhaps because he was offended by Lin Jiangnian and took off his hat, Zhiyuan looked sulky in his eyes and glared at him.

The slightly scattered sideburns made her look even more attractive.

She just stared at Lin Jiangnian, her face still expressionless, but there was vigilance in her eyes.

Lin Jiangnian was naturally aware of it, and recalled the scene where he secretly kissed Zhiyuan one evening a few months ago.

Not to mention, it feels nice.

Thinking back on this matter, Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on her flawless face, and the trace of displeasure in his heart quickly dissipated.

Forget it, my little maid doesn't care about her.

"My prince is in a good mood today, so I won't argue with you!"

Zhiyuan remained expressionless.

"Don't act like the Crown Prince has bullied you. This Crown Prince hasn't taken action yet."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said angrily: "I really can't get out!"

"If I could get out, I wouldn't have to talk nonsense to you here."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan raised her head and stared at him, as if trying to discern the truth or falsehood of his words.

"What? Have I ever lied to you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Zhiyuan was silent, naturally she didn't believe this.

Lin Jiangnian had lied to her a lot.

But his tone just now didn't really sound like he was lying to her.


Zhiyuan frowned slightly, glanced at him, and was silent for a long time: "Where did you get the key?"

Obviously, she was still thinking about Lin Jiangnian's previous incident of using the key to open the secret room.

"Found on the guard."

Zhiyuan's brows furrowed further: "Guard?"

"I've been here before."

Lin Jiangnian pointed to the door: "I was here before you."

Zhiyuan was silent, recalling the blood stains outside the door and the signs of fighting around him, and quickly realized something was wrong: "Are you alone?"

"of course not."

Of course Lin Jiangnian knew what she was suspecting. The traces of fighting left outside the door were obviously not caused by ordinary experts. Although Lin Jiangnian's martial arts progress has been rapid, it is still far from that level.

"And Lin Qingqing."

Hearing Lin Jiangnian mention Lin Qingqing, Zhiyuan's frown relaxed slightly, and she quickly thought of something: "Where is she?"

"Going out to bring in the reinforcements."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Otherwise, why do you think this prince is not in a hurry?"

Zhiyuan was silent.

"It's useless to rush anyway. Since we can't get out, it's better to conserve our strength and wait for rescue."

Lin Jiangnian thought about it: "Counting the time, Qingqing should be here soon?"

Zhiyuan was silent, obviously she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to retain this hand.

The heart that was originally hanging was slightly relieved. But soon, she frowned again: "Are you sure Qingqing can save us?"

"Not sure."

Lin Jiang young sighed.

To be honest, he really couldn't guarantee it.

Although Qingqinghui called for reinforcements, there were many masters in this private house, and the back mountain was full of institutions. more importantly……

Now that Lin Jiangnian is trapped here, it is uncertain whether Qingqing can successfully rescue him.

The two of them are trapped here, and whether Qingqing can be found is a question.

"So, we can only wait."


Zhiyuan frowned: "What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until Qingqing arrests their uncle and nephew!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Catch them both, and the problem will be much easier to solve."

Zhiyuan was silent, but still frowned.

Obviously, she was not very relieved.

Although she trusts Qingqing, she also knows that the terrain here is complicated. Now that we are trapped here, can we just wait for rescue?

This is not her character.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian seemed to notice something, and Lin Jiangnian's originally casual expression suddenly became solemn.

He glanced around sharply.


Seeing his reaction, Zhiyuan immediately became alert and looked around.

Didn't notice anything strange?

Except for the flickering candlelight in the niche not far away, there was no movement.

"No, it's poisonous!"

As the candlelight flickered, Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly and he quickly held his breath and concentrated.

"Someone is poisoning, be careful!"

Damn it, he was actually poisoned!

Zhiyuan's face changed slightly. Although she had not noticed the presence of poisonous gas yet, she quickly held her breath and concentrated when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words.

In the small secret room, there was a vague invisible air current surging. In this closed space, it quickly spread.


Zhiyuan, who was holding his breath and concentrating, suddenly coughed and turned pale in an instant.

Although she had been warned, she still underestimated the power of the poisonous gas. In such a confined space, it was almost impossible to avoid it.

By the time she noticed the presence of poisonous gas, it had already invaded.

Zhiyuan quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on his body, then sat cross-legged on the ground and started to make luck.

However, the poisonous gas came so fiercely that his face turned pale as soon as he got lucky.


At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly reached out and placed a pill on his palm.

Zhiyuan was startled when he saw it, but did not answer it immediately.

"Why are you still standing there? Eat it quickly!" Lin Jiangnian urged from the side.

Zhiyuan was shocked, and without any further hesitation, she grabbed the pill, put it in her mouth, and swallowed it.

As the pill entered her throat, the effect was gradually absorbed into her body, and she felt refreshed and relaxed. The effect of the pill took effect very quickly, and the poisonous gas she had just inhaled was quickly dissipated.

Zhiyuan quickly recognized the origin of the pill, Qingxin Pill!

The elixir that is extremely effective in detoxifying is very rare and can be listed on the list of rare treasures in the world.

Who is not afraid of being secretly poisoned and plotted while walking around the world?

If you often walk by the river, how can you not get stabbed?

Because of this, this medicine is extremely popular all over the world.

At the same time, this elixir is extremely rare, and one can even be sold for a sky-high price!

But in Ruyi Tower, this can only be regarded as an ordinary elixir.

After the elixir entered the body, Zhiyuan sat cross-legged on the ground and used her internal energy to force the remaining toxins out of the body. It wasn't until the toxins in the air could no longer cause harm to her body that Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, raised her eyes and looked to the side, startled for a moment!

Next to her, Lin Jiangnian was sitting casually, his expression as usual, seemingly not affected by the poisonous gas at all?

There was even a slightly angry look on his face, and he was looking around with a look of anger that had been suppressed by someone.


Zhiyuan was very sure that Lin Jiangnian had not taken Qingxin Pills.

So how did he resist the poisonous gas?

Internal strength to resist?

Even she almost fell into the trap, let alone Lin Jiangnian?

More importantly, she hadn't had time to notice the presence of poisonous gas just now, so how could he notice it first?

Zhiyuan was thoughtful.

Lin Jiangnian didn't notice Zhi Yuan's surprised gaze. He looked around and sneered: "It seems they are in a hurry!"

"He actually poisoned him, how despicable!"

Under normal circumstances, Wang Changjin only needed to trap the two people here to death. As long as they were starved for four or five days, he could easily capture the two people alive.

Keeping the two of them would definitely be of great use to him.

But Wang Changjin chose to poison them, killing both of them.

It can only mean that they are anxious!

Can't wait any longer!

Lin Jiangnian looked around and began to look for the entrance to the poisonous gas. Since the poisonous gas could enter the secret room, it meant that there must be a vent in the secret room.

Wang Changjin's poisoning was indeed cruel. In such a closed chamber, the effect of the poisonous gas was far greater than usual.

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian possesses powerful mental skills such as the Taigu Mental Technique. As the Taigu Mental Technique improves, his body is not only more resistant to various poisons, but also more sensitive to poisons.

Zhiyuan even needed Qingxin Pills and internal strength to resolve the poisonous gas just now, but Lin Jiangnian was not greatly affected.

This is the terrifying part of Tai Gu’s mind method!

This is also the reason why Lin Jiangnian was so greedy for this mental method before. This mental method can really save lives at critical moments!

Speaking of which, I have to thank Liu Su.

No matter how she had used Lin Jiangnian before, she did help Lin Jiangnian a lot, giving him an enviable new identity, passing him Tai Gu mind skills, and even gave him his innocent body...

Thinking about it this way, it doesn’t seem like a loss?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian wondered whether he should thank Liu Su properly the next time he saw her?

As for how to express gratitude...

three times?

One night?

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