at the same time.

Another secret room.

Wang Qin was a little worried: "Second uncle, is this really possible? Can you poison him?"

"Do not worry."

Wang Changjin narrowed his eyes, "I have ordered people to block the remaining vents, and then pour poison into... such a closed space, they will have no chance of survival!"

Poisoning in a secret room is a sure-fire situation!


Wang Qin was still a little worried: "That woman is very skilled in martial arts. Can this poison work on her?"

"Second Uncle, I heard that some people with strong internal strength in martial arts can use their internal strength to resist poisonous gas..."

Wang Qin couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought of that woman's skills.

"I know."

Wang Changjin spoke in a deep voice, naturally he had not forgotten this. The woman in the bamboo hat was superior to him in martial arts, and her internal strength was even stronger, so she really had to guard against him.

"However, my poison is not an ordinary poison."

The poison he administered was a rare poison in the world. It was colorless and tasteless, making it difficult for ordinary experts to detect it. If you were a top expert, you might be able to detect it in advance.

However, this secret room is closed on all sides. Even if something is wrong is detected in advance, there is nowhere to hide in this secret room and it is still difficult to escape.

Will definitely get tricked


Wang Changjin squinted his eyes to be on the safe side, so he had to be careful.

"This poison is so strong that Prince Lin will definitely not be able to withstand it. Once he is poisoned, he will definitely die. As for her..."

Wang Changjin paused and said coldly: "Even if she has strong internal strength and can resist, she probably won't be able to resist for long..."

Wang Qin quickly asked: "Second uncle, what do you mean..."

"Wait a minute!"

Wang Changjin stared at the stone wall in front of him and said coldly: "If she can't bear the poison, she will definitely die. If she can bear it, her internal strength will probably be damaged and the loss will be serious. When the time comes, capture her alive..."

"Keep her alive, maybe it will be of some use."

Hearing this, Wang Qin became excited.

That being said, Prince Lin Wang is bound to die?

The worry in his heart was finally let go.

Prince Lin Wang is finally dead!

Did he finally fall into his hands?

Wang Qin was overjoyed. If he wasn't afraid of that woman, Wang Qin would even want to see Lin Jiangnian's death now. He would not feel at ease until he saw the body of Prince Lin with his own eyes.

What Prince Lin?

Didn't you die in his hands?

He deserves it!

As soon as Prince Lin died, his engagement with the eldest princess in the capital was naturally terminated.

Wouldn't that mean...

A glimmer of hope ignited in Wang Qin's eyes.

Although he knew clearly that even if Prince Lin's engagement with the eldest princess was terminated, he had no hope of getting closer to the eldest princess.

However, you still have to have dreams.

What if the eldest princess is blind?

Just as Wang Qin was contemplating his next plan, rapid footsteps suddenly came from the passage outside the secret room.

Wang Changjin and Wang Qin were immediately alert.

"Master, young master, something happened!"

A guard stumbled in from outside the door, looking embarrassed and speaking anxiously.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Changjin suddenly raised his head.

"Attack, there is an attack... Outside, there are many people coming outside..."

The guard's voice was urgent and panicked: "Many masters are coming to the mountains behind us!"


Wang Changjin's pupils shrank: "How many people exactly?!"

Many experts? !

what happened?

"No, I don't know, but the other party is coming with force and barges in... I, our people can't hold it anymore..."

Wang Qin suddenly panicked, and the joy he had just felt was immediately washed away. He quickly looked aside: "Second uncle, what should we do now?!"

Wang Changjin's face was gloomy.

Why do so many masters suddenly appear out of nowhere?

Could it be...

Wang Changjin turned to look behind him, suddenly realized something, and his face darkened.

"Let's go out and take a look first!"

After saying this, Wang Changjin took the lead and strode towards the secret room.

Outside a private residence.

Late at night.

Night fell all around.

Several figures gathered outside the private house from all directions under the cover of night.

At this time, there was still chicken feathers everywhere outside the private house.

Zhiyuan had previously forced his way in, severely injuring numerous master guards, causing chaos outside the private residence. A large number of experts were dispatched from the private house to hunt down Zhiyuan, leaving the defense outside the private house temporarily empty.

At this time, in the dead of night, under the cover of night, countless soldiers wearing black armor arrived in an instant.

By the time the master guards outside the door reacted, the figure in black armor was already approaching.



Under the night, the cold light lit up, and there was the sound of swords piercing the body. Accompanied by fierce screams, it resounded throughout the world.

After a meeting, many guards outside the private house died one after another.

At this time, someone finally realized something was wrong.

"No, there's an enemy attack!"

"Hurry, come quickly, help me..."

"Night attack, night attack, guard, guard!!!"

In an instant, chaos fell into chaos again outside the private residence, and the guards outside the private residence reacted hastily. In the dark night, the figure in black armor was approaching, the sharp sword glowed coldly in the darkness, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Swords clashed and figures fought.

Several figures in black armor rushed into the crowd as if they were in a deserted place, and quickly approached the outside of the private house.

"Close the door, close the door quickly!"

Frightened sounds came from the private house.

Several figures scrambled to slowly close the door outside the private house!

at this time.

"call out!"

In the night, there was a piercing whistle, and a crossbow arrow that pierced the air was shot from hundreds of meters away. One arrow instantly penetrated the chest of a guard at the gate, and two or three guards behind him were not spared.

Such terrifyingly powerful crossbow arrows frightened these guards to the point where their eyes were blank and their hearts were filled with fear. They subconsciously froze in place, waiting for a reaction before they hurriedly ran for their lives.

The black armor outside the private house rushed into the private house, raised the knife and overturned a piece of it. The dark armor looked particularly eerie under the night, and its breath alone made people tremble.

Who is this person?

What's the origin?

Why is it so scary? !

The guards in the private house could only watch helplessly as those black-armored figures broke into the night, and like the ghostly grim reapers, they raised their knives and fell, harvesting their lives.

At the same time, in the woods outside the private house.

Lin Qingqing put down the crossbow in her hand, raised her eyes and looked ahead, expressionless.


She glanced at her side expressionlessly: "It's time to pick up His Highness."

Putting away the crossbow and carrying it on her back, Lin Qingqing picked up the long sword on the ground, jumped up, and ran toward the private house.

"Master, no, it's not good..."

When Wang Changjin came out of the back mountain, he saw flames burning in the private house not far ahead, accompanied by clashes of swords and fierce screams.

Extraordinarily penetrating.

Wang Qin on the side had never seen such a scene before, and his face turned pale with fright: "What, what is going on?"

"Why, how come there are so many people?!"

This place is extremely hidden, and outside the private house there are a large number of experts who have been recruited by the second uncle over the years to protect the courtyard. How could so many enemies suddenly appear without warning?

Wang Changjin's face was particularly gloomy and ugly, "How many people are there on the other side? Have you found out the origin?"

The guard on the side had a trembling voice: "Yes, there are at least fifty or sixty people on the other side, all of them are masters with good martial arts skills. They are wearing uniform black armor and have strong discipline. They are by no means an ordinary organization of reckless masters. They are like dead soldiers, and even more so. Like the elite of the army..."

Recalling the overwhelming scene of the other party just now, the guard's face turned pale. They can gather here, and there are many experts among them. Who would have thought that under the opponent's offensive, there is almost no room for resistance.

Wherever the black-armored figure went, he raised and lowered his knife as if cutting grass. Killing them was as easy as chopping vegetables and melons.

This disparity in strength has frightened them out of their wits. How could there be such a terrifying master in this place?

What kind of organization is this?

Hearing this, Wang Qin was so frightened that his whole body was shaking.

Is this so powerful?

Looking up at the front, he could see that the private house was in chaos, and a running figure could be vaguely seen not far away.

It's obvious that he's here for them?

No, that's not right!

It's for the back mountain!

"Second uncle, what should I do?" Wang Qin's voice was trembling.

Wang Changjin's face was particularly gloomy. At this moment, how could he not realize that something was wrong?

Black armor?


When did such an organization exist in Xunyang County?

This is clearly like...

The pro-army around Prince Lin!

There has been intelligence for a long time that Prince Lin Wang came to the capital this time, and he was accompanied by many security experts. Those guard masters wore black armor and had a good aura. They were all first-rate masters.

That’s right!

They are the personal soldiers of Prince Lin!

His reinforcements have arrived!

Wang Changjin never expected that it would come so quickly, catching him off guard.

The dark figure in the distance ahead weighed heavily on his mind like a dark cloud.

That's too late!

It's too late to destroy the evidence now!

He has already poisoned him, and Prince Lin will definitely die in that secret room. Now that his reinforcements have arrived, if Prince Lin is found dead here, the consequences will be disastrous.

He can't escape the involvement, and the entire Wang family will also be implicated.

This moment is like the end of the world!

It was obviously an autumn night and the weather was cold, but Wang Changjin was already sweating profusely and chilled all over!

If it is revealed that Prince Lin died here, it will really be over! If you offend King Lin, the consequences will be disastrous. Not only will he have to face the terrifying revenge of King Lin, but he is also very likely to...

His royal family became an outcast, a scapegoat who was sacrificed to appease the king? !

Thinking of this, Wang Changjin's back felt cold.

Prince Lin died here. If the evidence is conclusive, Lin Hengzhong will definitely have a reason to send troops. When the time comes...

Even the usually calm Wang Changjin was panicking at this moment.

At the moment, there was no room for him to think about hesitant countermeasures. Not far away, several dark figures approached and appeared at the foot of the back mountain.

At the foot of the back mountain, there were many guards confronting him, but they could not stop him at all.

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle, hurry up and think of a solution!"

When Wang Qin saw this scene, he seemed to remember the experience of those few days, and immediately spoke in fear.

"They're coming!"

"For today's plan, there is only one last resort!"

After being silent for a long time, Wang Changjin finally spoke the last words through his teeth. He stared ahead with a gloomy face, his eyes unwilling and unwilling to give up, but gradually became determined: "Now, if you want to protect our Wang family, this is the last way... …”

"What, what's the solution?" Wang Qin said in surprise, as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Second uncle, I knew you had a solution, please tell me!"

"follow me!"

Wang Changjin quickly turned around and left in a hurry.

Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Qingqing raised her sword and was already approaching.

In the secret room in the back mountain, she and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince discovered the secret hidden in the secret room, and went out to summon people on His Highness's orders.

When they arrived at Xunyang County this time, the pro-army troops around His Highness the Crown Prince did not completely enter the city, and some of them stayed outside the city to station themselves. After Lin Qingqing sent the signal intelligence, the pro-army troops stationed outside the city quickly gathered and arrived. Taking advantage of the darkness, they launched an attack on a private home.

Under the sudden attack, they were almost crushed and pushed all the way to the foot of the back mountain.

Lin Qingqing was worried about the safety of His Highness at this time. His Highness was left alone in the secret room in the back mountain, wondering if he would be in danger. In order to join His Highness as soon as possible, Lin Qingqing charged into the crowd with her sword and took the lead.

Among the crowd, Lin Qingqing raised her eyes and looked ahead while rushing towards the back hill. Soon, her sharp eyes saw two familiar figures hurriedly leaving at the entrance of the secret room in the back mountain not far away.

"Wang Changjin? Wang Qin?!"

Lin Qingqing recognized the identities of the two at a glance.


Lin Qingqing's eyes narrowed, remembering His Highness's instructions, and immediately raised her sword and chased after him.

"Stop her, stop her quickly!"

When Wang Changjin saw this scene, he spoke in a deep voice and led Wang Qin to quickly evacuate.

Lin Qingqing was about to catch up, but was blocked by several figures.

Even though her martial arts skills were not weak, after she solved the immediate trouble, Wang Changjin and Wang Qin were no longer visible in her sight.

"Where are the people?"

Lin Qingqing looked around but could not find the whereabouts of the uncle and nephew.

She had an ominous premonition in her heart.

The uncle and nephew are so sneaky, there must be something wrong.

Find them quickly!

"Lin Kong!"

Lin Qingqing turned her head and looked at Lin Kong, who was not far away but also had red eyes. This time when he entered the capital, Lin Kong also accompanied His Royal Highness.

However, he is guilty and does not hold any position. Even Lin Qingqing didn't know why His Highness took him with him, but after all, he was someone he worked with in the past. Lin Qingqing said in a deep voice: "Stop fighting, hurry up and meet His Highness in the secret room, and get to His Highness as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Lin Kong didn't hesitate, and led his men directly to the entrance of the secret room in the back mountain, chopped down the two guards blocking the door of the secret room, and stepped into the secret room.

On the other side, Lin Qingqing did not hesitate and immediately chased towards the other side. I searched all the way along the foot of the mountain, but never found the uncle and nephew.

Taking advantage of the chaos just now, the uncle and nephew had disappeared.

Lin Qingqing was a little unwilling. His Highness had an order to capture those two people alive. But now there is no trace of the other party. She didn't continue to look for it. It is important to meet His Highness first and ensure His Highness's safety.

With the evidence of guilt in the secret room in the back mountain, the evidence of the Wang family's guilt is conclusive this time. The monk can escape but cannot escape from the temple.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing prepared to turn back and go to the secret room in the back mountain to meet His Highness.

But as soon as she took two steps, Lin Qingqing felt something was wrong.

An ominous feeling emerged.

It was an instinctive reaction to the approaching danger. Her pupils shrank and she almost subconsciously activated her internal energy.


The next second, an earth-shaking explosion sounded.

Under the back mountain, it collapsed with a violent explosion.

The violent air wave generated by the explosion hit her face. Even though Lin Qingqing was prepared, it was still difficult to resist. She was blown away by the violent air wave. With a bang, she fell to the ground in embarrassment, vomiting blood.

She pushed herself up with difficulty, and her pupils tightened when she saw that the entrance to the secret room in the back mountain was covered by an explosion.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?!!"


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