Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 150 His Highness is dead?

There was a rumbling explosion and the earth shook!

This sudden scene caught everyone off guard.

No one expected that the mountain behind would suddenly explode. The explosion caused the ground to shake and instantly involved everyone at the foot of the mountain.

Caught off guard, numerous casualties occurred.

The rocks rolled down, almost burying the entire back mountain, and debris flew all over the sky, accompanied by dust, covering the whole world.

Those who had no time to escape were instantly injured and buried by the rolling boulder.

For a while, screams and wails continued.

At the foot of the mountain, not far away, Lin Qingqing climbed up from the ground in embarrassment.

Her face was pale, and she looked forward in horror. Her whole body was in a mess, and there were many wounds on her snow-white skin, which looked extremely oozing.

His hair was disheveled, his breathing was rapid, and he was obviously slightly injured.

Just now, a strong and uneasy sense of danger surged into her heart. She almost immediately had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and dodged in advance, but she was still blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

Fortunately, she was prepared in advance and used her internal strength to resist the impact of the explosion and the debris in the sky, so she only suffered minor injuries.

But others around me are not so lucky!

The sudden explosion enveloped the entire foot of the mountain. Almost everyone near the foot of the mountain was hit by boulders and buried, resulting in heavy casualties.

Both the guards of the Wang family near the back mountain and the prince's own army suffered heavy losses. Wails continued to sound all around, and many people had no time to escape and were directly crushed to death by boulders. The air was filled with the smell of blood and the sky was filled with dust.

Lin Qingqing struggled to get up, raised her head and looked forward. As the dust in the air gradually receded, the sight of the front gradually appeared in Lin Qingqing's eyes.

The next second, she looked horrified.

In front of his sight, there was darkness. Under the dim light of the fire, he could see the secret room in the back mountain in the distance. The entire entrance to the secret room was covered and buried.

No, that's not right!

Not just the opening of the secret room, but the entire back mountain!

Lin Qingqing suddenly realized that not only the secret room, but the entire back mountain... was all buried? !

The secret room is blocked? !

An ominous premonition came to her mind. Lin Qingqing ignored her injuries and immediately stepped forward, staggering through the boulder fragments and running to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there were countless dead and wounded figures, and on the ground not far ahead, many black-armored figures were killed. Seeing this scene, Lin Qingqing felt a little sad.

These people are all members of the royal family, and most of them are people who have grown up with her and are familiar with her. Now, he is buried here.

However, Lin Qingqing had no time to feel sad at this time. She quickly ran to the door of the secret room in the back mountain. When she saw that the door of the secret room was completely submerged by boulders, she instantly felt chills all over her body and froze in place.

Lin Qingqing's face was extremely ugly, and when she thought of some possibility, she felt like she was falling into the abyss.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty is still inside!

"Qing, Qing..."

At this moment, an extremely weak and trembling voice came from the side.

Lin Qingqing suddenly turned her head and saw a familiar figure lying on the ground not far away.

"Lin Kong?!"

Lin Qingqing stepped forward quickly.

At this moment, Lin Kong's clothes were in tatters, stained with blood, his expression was miserable, his face was even pale, and he was seriously injured.

"How are you doing?"

Seeing him like this, Lin Qingqing quickly stepped forward and asked.

"Death, I can't die."

Lin Kong's face was pale and his breathing was weak. Fortunately, his martial arts skills were not weak, and although his injuries were serious, they were not fatal.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Qingqing's expression was extremely ugly: "What happened? How is the situation in this secret room...?"

"I, I don't know either."

Lin Kong raised his head and glanced at the collapsed and submerged secret room, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Just now, he was ordered to pick up His Highness the Crown Prince. But not long after he entered, he felt something was wrong, and a premonition of danger came to his mind.

Immediately after the ground inside the secret room shook, Lin Kong immediately turned around and retreated. At the last moment when the secret room in the back mountain collapsed, he successfully escaped.

But even so, the violent shock wave generated by the explosion still seriously injured him. If it weren't for his strong internal strength and strong resistance to the explosion, he might have been blown to death on the spot without any body parts.

Now that he had saved his life, he was extremely frightened.

"What's going on in the secret room?"

Lin Qingqing asked.

Lin Kong's voice was hoarse and he spoke in a low voice: "The secret room collapsed... I had a narrow escape before escaping. Many of the brothers who accompanied me were buried inside..."

"I'm afraid, this is not an accident, it is man-made!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qingqing staggered instantly, her face turned pale, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Her voice was trembling, her face was bloodless, and she was terrified.

Your Highness, you are still in the secret room.

If this secret room collapses, wouldn't it mean...

His Highness is buried inside?

Lin Qingqing raised her head and glanced at the collapsed secret room behind her, her hands and feet were cold. If he was really buried inside, would His Highness still be alive?

The answer is self-evident!

Almost a narrow escape!

Your Highness, Your Highness is dead? !

This idea just emerged, and Lin Qingqing, who was distracted, reacted instantly.

"Impossible, His Highness will not die, Your Highness will never die!

Lin Qingqing suddenly raised her head, gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "Come here, come quickly!"

At this moment, there were countless dead and wounded around, but under the cover of night, there were still several figures gathering together.

In this violent explosion, although the prince's army wearing black armor suffered heavy losses, there were still many people left.

Lin Qingqing looked at the remaining soldiers of the Crown Prince in front of her, her eyes swept across their faces, and her voice was firm and decisive: "Set up flares and ask for help!"

The losses are heavy right now, and the manpower left here is far from enough. We must call for help as soon as possible. Except for Xunyang City, there are still many of their troops in Xunyang City, and they must all be mobilized as soon as possible.

"call out!"

The flare exploded in the air, lighting up the dark night!

At the same time, Lin Qingqing continued to issue orders: "Leave some people to rescue the injured and surviving companions, and the rest come with me and prepare to dig the mountain!"

"Rescue His Royal Highness!"


It was late at night, outside a private house.

Wang Changjin and Wang Qin's uncle and nephew stood on the top of a distant mountain, looking at the tragic scene of fire and screams below.

Wang Qin's eyes were excited and he said in disbelief: "Second uncle, you actually hid this trick?!"

"Great, now that the secret room has been collapsed and buried, everyone who knew the secret is dead, and the secret in the secret room no longer exists. No one has any evidence to threaten the status of our Wang family!"

Wang Qin was extremely excited!

He saw with his own eyes that the entire secret room in the back mountain collapsed, and all the evidence and people were buried.

As a result, all the evidence he gave before turned into blank confessions without any threat. This also means that he and the Wang family are safe and sound.

"Second uncle, you are simply amazing!"

Wang Qin couldn't help but be surprised and praised.

However, Wang Changjin looked at the scene in front of him with a heavy face, unable to feel happy at all.

"This time, we also suffered heavy losses!"

His voice was very low. This move hurt the enemy eight hundred and cost himself a thousand!

He had been preparing for this since the beginning of the construction of the secret room in the back mountain. If an accident occurs one day, this secret room in the back mountain can be completely wiped out.

But he definitely didn't want to make this move unless he had to.

The secrets and people in the secret room in the back mountain were completely wiped out with the collapse. But at the same time, their Wang family also suffered heavy losses.

Over the years, the things they left behind in the secret room were also burned.

This time was enough to severely damage their Wang family's vitality, and they didn't know when they would be able to recover.

more importantly……

Wang Changjin looked intently at the foot of the mountain in the distance, at this moment.

"call out!"

The piercing signal fireworks exploded in the dark night sky, and the shapes of the fireworks were reflected in Wang Changjin's dark pupils.

His heart suddenly sank: "I'm afraid I can't be kind this time!"

"The Wang family is in danger!"

The secret room in the back mountain collapsed, and the Prince Lin was also buried.

Prince Lin died here. Even if there was no evidence, how could Prince Lin of Linzhou let it go?

This time, it can be regarded as a complete break with Prince Lin. It is self-evident what the Wang family will face next.

"Let's go."

Wang Changjin’s voice was low.

Before King Lin could react, they had to make plans as soon as possible. Whether the Wang family can escape safely this time depends on the next operation.

This violent explosion caused the earth to shake and the ears to ring.

Back mountain, outside the secret room.

Lin Jiangnian's heart sank as he looked at the kite in his arms.

Zhiyuan has been seriously injured!

The moment the explosion came, Zhiyuan stood in front of him, blocking most of the explosion for him.

Lin Jiangnian was safe and sound, with only minor injuries.

But the paper kite in his arms was already seriously injured.

The clothes were torn and torn, and the originally white and smooth back was in terrible shape. Zhiyuan's face was pale, he was vomiting blood, and his breathing was weak.

The scarlet blood soaked their clothes.

"How are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were solemn and his tone was extremely anxious.

He grabbed Zhiyuan's hand and quickly noticed that the internal energy in her body was disordered. The almost out-of-control internal energy was running rampant in her body, and she was in danger!

Internal injuries were equally severe.

The violent impact may have even injured her internal organs.

"No, it's okay..."

She opened her eyes with difficulty, as if she wanted to say something, but she had no energy left.

"It's already this time, are you okay?"

Lin Jiangnian said in a deep voice: "Stop talking, let me check your injuries first!"

Lin Jiangnian looked around, took off his coat, briefly bandaged her wound, then took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and poured out two pills.

"This is a pill to treat trauma. You swallow it first!"

Lin Jiangnian brought the pill to Zhiyuan's mouth, but Zhiyuan had no strength to swallow at this moment. Lin Jiangnian forced the pill into her mouth, then tapped it on her throat, and the pill slowly slid down her throat.

After doing all this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief: "We have to leave here quickly and find a place for you to heal!"

This time Zhiyuan was injured while trying to save him, and Lin Jiangnian could not sit idly by no matter what.

Lin Jiangnian picked up the kite on his back and looked around.

Not surprisingly, their current location should be opposite the hill behind the private house. It is still unclear what the situation is over there. Zhiyuan's injury is serious and there is no room for delay. Lin Jiangnian thought about it briefly, then carried the kite on his back and left towards the dark path on the other side.

early morning.

A ray of sunshine slowly emerged from the sky.

Private house, entrance to the secret room in the back mountain.

The smoke from the explosion has dissipated, and the hazy morning fog is filled with a bloody smell.

The whole foot of the back mountain was miserable.

Countless horrific figures were lying dead in the wild, with rubble flying everywhere and the area a mess.

Just under the foot of the mountain, there are still several figures gathered at the entrance of the collapsed secret room, holding various tools, digging into the collapsed secret room.

As the rubble outside was cleared away, the door to the secret room appeared in front of you. However, the next second, everyone's heart suddenly sank.

The gate has long been blocked and buried by rolling stones, making excavation extremely difficult. It is even possible that the entire secret room has been buried.

The secret chamber in the back mountain is extremely huge. To fully excavate it means that the entire mountain must be hollowed out. It is difficult for them to reach the sky by themselves!

Thinking of this, many people feel despair!

Not far away, Lin Qingqing, who had been awake all night, had bloodshot eyes, but she still stared at the secret room in the back mountain. When she heard the news, she staggered and her face turned pale.

She didn't dare to face the news.

His Highness is buried in a secret room, is there any chance of survival?


It's hard!

Reason told her that His Highness was almost certain to die.

But she still had a trace of luck in her heart.

How could His Highness die?

His Highness has not yet gone to the capital to marry the eldest princess, His Highness has not yet mastered martial arts, and has not yet taken over from the prince. How could he die here at such a young age? !

No, it's impossible!

Your Highness must not be dead!

His Highness must still be buried in the secret room, waiting for her rescue.

She must dig up this mountain quickly and rescue His Highness!

Since there are not enough manpower, then transfer people! !

Lin Qingqing's eyes were red and she said in a deep voice: "Here comes someone!"

A black-armored soldier stepped forward.

Lin Qingqing took off a token from her waist and handed it to this person. She gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "Take the token and mobilize all the troops and horses that can be mobilized in Yanzhou. Anyone who dares not to listen will be executed on the spot!"

This token was given to Sister Zhiyuan before she left. It is a token that can mobilize the troops and horses available in the Daning Dynasty at critical moments. It must not be used except as a last resort!

But now, it is the moment of last resort!


The black-armored figure left in a hurry.

Lin Qingqing was left standing there, watching this scene expressionlessly.

This is definitely no accident!

The collapse of this secret room must be man-made.

She must find a way as soon as possible to rescue His Royal Highness.

Even if it means moving the entire mountain, he won't hesitate.


If His Highness really has...

Lin Qingqing's eyes were cold and full of murderous intent.

If you are alive, you want to see people, if you are dead, you want to see corpses!

If His Highness really dies, the entire Wang family will have to be buried with His Highness.

Not just the Wang family, but all the forces that have something to do with the Wang family can't escape!

Everyone must die! !

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