When Zhiyuan woke up, she only felt a little tight in her chest.

I opened my eyes drowsily, and my chest seemed to be pressed by something heavy, making me breathless.

At the same time, the pain in her back stimulated her senses. As her consciousness gradually became clearer, she slowly opened her eyes.

What you see is a dark and unfamiliar room.

It was simple and dark, with the faint light coming from the yellowed windows not far away, like an ordinary house.

There was a faint aroma of herbs in the air, and Zhiyuan quickly discovered something was wrong. She subconsciously lowered her head and saw her lying on the bed in the room.

No, to be precise, lying on the bed!

The bed beneath her was slightly stiff, which made her uncomfortable. Since she was lying on the bed, her breathing was not smooth.

She subconsciously looked down and finally found the culprit...

An imperceptible blush appeared on his already fair face. He bit his lower lip lightly and struggled to get up.

But as soon as she moved, the stinging and burning sensation appeared on her back. She frowned slightly, and then she noticed something.


The thoughts in her mind gradually returned, and she remembered what had happened before.

Private house, back mountain, secret room, big explosion...

Just as the two were about to leave the secret room in the back mountain, the mountain suddenly shook, and a sudden explosion shook her and swept her inside.

Even though she had used her internal strength to resist, the strong shock wave still severely injured her. The burning and stinging feeling on her back made Zhiyuan realize that she was seriously injured.

It was not easy to save a life under that violent explosion.

Then what?

Zhiyuan still frowned, thinking about what happened next.

She was seriously injured and her consciousness gradually became blurred. She only vaguely remembered that it was Lin Jiangnian who saved her?

He carried her and left?

Where is this place?

Zhiyuan looked around, looking at the dark and simple room, which looked like an ordinary residence in a rural town.

There was silence all around, not a single figure.

Lowering his head again, Zhiyuan suddenly realized something, and the expression on his face froze.

Her clothes...were changed?

The original green gown disappeared and was replaced by a simple coarse linen woman's clothes. Some are simple and shabby, which is completely inconsistent with her temperament.

But even so, these simple and crude clothes could not conceal her natural beauty and temperament.

Zhiyuan stared down at herself in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, and her expression was in a trance.

at this time.


The sound of a door opening.

The door opened, and a ray of light came in.

Zhiyuan on the bed suddenly raised his head and looked out the door warily as a habit. But soon, the vigilance in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"woke up?"

The person who came in was none other than Lin Jiangnian.

As soon as Lin Jiangnian opened the door and walked into the room, he saw Zhiyuan sitting on the bed in a daze. Seeing that although there was not much blood on her face, she seemed to be fine, she was slightly relieved.

"How does it feel?"

Lin Jiangnian approached and came to the bedside, looking down at her: "How is the injury?"

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly and asked, "Where is this?"

"I don't know exactly where it is, but it should be not far from Xunyang City. This is a small mountain village, quite remote."

Lin Jiang young sighed: "When we left the back mountain, your injuries were very serious, so I could only bring you here. Fortunately, there is an old couple living in this house. They are quite nice and took us in..."

After Hou Shan left, just in case something unexpected happened, Lin Jiangnian left without stopping, carrying the paper kite on his back. Originally, I wanted to go back to Xunyang City first. But then I thought about it, with such a big thing happening right now, going to the city at this time would easily cause trouble. Moreover, Zhiyuan's injury is not serious, and he must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

So, after leaving the back mountain, Lin Jiangnian happened to come outside this small mountain village and prepared to stay. I happened to meet a kind old couple in this small mountain village. The old couple saw Lin Jiangnian carrying the kite on his back, seriously injured and tired from running all the way, so they immediately warmly took them in.

The old couple had a daughter who had just gotten married, so the old couple packed up the room where their daughter had lived and left it to Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan.

"There are still good people in this world!"

Lin Jiangnian said with emotion.

Zhiyuan was seriously injured before and needed no delay. Fortunately, this old couple took her in and saved her a lot of trouble.

This warm-hearted old couple not only took the two of them in, but they also took out the medicinal herbs collected at home with enthusiasm and concern. They also said they would help call a doctor, but Lin Jiangnian declined.

Zhiyuan was injured by the explosion. His internal and external injuries were extremely serious, and ordinary doctors could not help.

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian carried a lot of pills from Ruyi Building with him, which came in handy.

Before leaving Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian had a premonition that there would be no peace along the way, so he went to Ruyi Building in advance to search and take away many medicinal herbs, pills, and various treasures.

Ruyi Tower is the largest treasure house in the world. There are countless treasures in it, including countless kinds of pills. Many rare and even top-quality almost extinct medicines in the world can be found in Ruyi Tower.

With the help of these drugs and Zhiyuan's strong internal strength, he was quickly out of danger.


On the bed, Zhiyuan listened quietly to Lin Jiangnian's description and explanation.

Small village?

Old couple?

She looked down at her clothes and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

After gathering her emotions, she asked.

"one day one Night!"

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, she had been asleep for so long?

"Although it's nothing serious, you still need to rest for a while."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the kite on the bed. She had changed her clothes. Ordinary linen clothes could still not hide her temperament.

Like a dusty pearl, it formed a strong contrast.


Lin Jiangnian's eyes inadvertently followed Zhiyuan's fair and weak face, glanced at the slightly raised chest under the rough linen clothes, and sighed softly.

What a pity!

However, it is amazing.

Lin Jiangnian quickly looked away before Zhiyuan looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"The trauma on your back is not serious. Remember not to exercise strenuously during this period, take good care of your injuries, and change your dressing on time..."


Zhiyuan almost subconsciously said 'hmm', but soon she realized something was wrong.

He raised his eyes, his eyes slightly doubtful.

Is he caring about her?

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, feeling strange for some reason!

Lin Jiangnian noticed the look in her eyes and sighed softly: "If it weren't for you this time, I might have died there."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: "This is what I should do."

"What should be done?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and glanced at her: "How do you say this?"

Zhiyuan was silent and did not speak.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and did not ask any more questions: "No matter what, it was you who saved me this time. Otherwise, I should be the one lying here now. No..."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, the scene of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking was vaguely vivid in his mind, even though there was a paper kite standing in front of him, blocking most of the shock wave. But the aftermath still hurt him.

If it weren't for Zhiyuan's rescue, I'm afraid he would have died right there this time.

I have to say, very lucky.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's tone became softer: "You saved me this time, I owe you my life!"

Just as Zhiyuan was about to speak, Lin Jiangnian interrupted her again.

"However, you were trapped in a secret room before, and I rescued you once. So this time, we are even?"

"You and I don't owe each other anything?"


Zhiyuan was silent and did not speak, perhaps because he did not know what to say.

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "You have a good rest, no one will disturb you here! This old couple is quite nice, don't worry. I have something to do and I'm going out."

Zhiyuan sat on the bed and looked at Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure, with a complicated look in his eyes.

After being in a daze for a long time, he came back to his senses.

She first sat on the bed, closed her eyes and checked her physical condition. After opening her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, slowly get up and get out of bed.

Although he suffered serious injuries, his actions have not been affected for the time being.

She lowered her head and looked at her clothes. Although they were a little worn, they were still clean and fresh. Obviously, this outfit should have been left behind by the married daughter of the old couple, and it seemed to fit her quite well.

Zhiyuan touched her back gently through her clothes, feeling the slight pain on her back and the bandaged skin.

I don't know what I thought of, but a shy look flashed in my eyes.

Did he help bandage the injury on his back?

Zhiyuan was in a daze, with some unconcealable shyness on her fair face. She took a deep breath, raised her eyes, and walked out of the room slowly.

Standing under the eaves corridor, looking around.

This is a very small yard, located under the valley. The yard is not big, surrounded by birds and flowers, and the environment is quite good.

Lin Jiangnian's figure had disappeared from his sight.

Just as Zhiyuan was about to walk down the eaves, an old woman's surprised voice came from the side.

"Girl, are you awake?!"

Zhiyuan turned around and saw a middle-aged old woman, about forty or so. Perhaps due to years of hard work, the years had added many wrinkles to her face.

The old woman's face was full of surprise, her smile was simple, and she looked extremely kind. She walked up and asked with concern: "Girl, how is your health? Is it okay?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and shook her head gently: "I'm fine."

"That's good!"

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "You are seriously injured, why don't you take a good rest in bed? Don't move around casually, or the injury will recur. Be careful..."

The old woman's tone was kind and somewhat enthusiastic and concerned, which made Zhiyuan a little at a loss for a moment.

She was not good at dealing with such scenes, and she didn't know what to do when faced with the old woman's warm and caring tone.

His expression was unnatural for a moment, and in the end he could only nod his head and said softly: "I, it's okay..."

The old woman nodded and looked up and down at Zhiyuan, her eyes full of surprise. This little girl was so pretty and lithe.

When she saw her for the first time that night, she could tell that this little girl had a good background. Although he was seriously injured and looked embarrassed, he still couldn't hide the aura of a wealthy family. There is also that young master who also has a good temperament and is by no means an ordinary person.

She even wondered if the two were young lovers who eloped from a wealthy family?

Did you encounter any dangers on the road?

Faced with the old woman's eyes, Zhiyuan felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was because she had lost her parents since she was a child, and a few years after being adopted by Princess Lin, Princess Lin also died of illness. After that, Zhiyuan developed the habit of being taciturn. Extremely uncomfortable with sudden concern from others.

From Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan learned that the warm-hearted old man in front of her took the two of them in, and Zhiyuan felt grateful, but she was not good at expressing her emotions.

At this moment, Zhiyuan seemed to realize something and looked down at herself: "Auntie, the clothes on my body..."

"You said these clothes belong to my daughter... My daughter is about the same age as you, but she is already married. Your previous clothes are all torn, so I gave you this set..."

The old woman quickly said: "Don't worry, these clothes are all clean."

"I, that's not what I meant..."

Zhiyuan was startled, her face turned slightly red, and she felt a little at a loss. She quickly waved her hand: "I, I..."

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't know how to speak.

The old woman thought she still had some concerns, and said quickly: "Girl, if you have anything to say, just say it. Your husband has told me to take good care of you. If you need anything, just tell me."

"Husband, husband?!"

Zhiyuan's head was confused for a moment, and he was stunned on the spot, unable to react.


The old woman nodded, thinking she was still worried about something, so she hurriedly explained: "Just the night before yesterday, your husband came to our place and knocked on the door behind your back. We saw that you two were in extreme embarrassment, and you were both suffering. If you're hurt, I'll let you into the house quickly."

Speaking of this, the old woman said with some emotion: "Your husband is so kind to you. When you arrived the night before yesterday, you were seriously injured and had a low fever. It was your husband who was busy in the room. After struggling all night, he helped you get rid of your fever, changed your clothes, and treated your injuries... He stayed up all night and stayed by your bedside. He was meticulous and considerate..."

The old woman remembered that the young man was still injured at that time, but he only had eyes for the girl in front of him. When he saw that the girl was seriously injured, the worry and anxiety in the young man's eyes were not fake at all.

What is this if not a young couple?

The old woman automatically made up the relationship between the two in her mind.

"Your husband came to me specifically the next day and said he had to do some things. While he was away, he asked me to take good care of you. He also specifically told me... Your husband really cares about you..."

After hearing this, Zhiyuan froze on the spot.


Yes, it's him?

The clothes he wears are his...

A blush appeared on Zhiyuan's fair and delicate face, spreading all the way to the roots of her ears.

In an instant, a delicate and beautiful face was covered with blush.

The girl's shy emotions were clearly visible at this moment.

So ashamed and angry!

But then, when she heard the aunt's words behind her, she was stunned again.

His eyes were in a trance, and he gradually lost his focus.

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