Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 162 No food, no hunger, no company

Night falls.

Xunyang City, Taishou Mansion.

A figure hurriedly entered the lobby.

"Haven't you found it yet?"

In the lobby, a cold voice came.

This figure cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Sir, my subordinates have already looked for you, and the young master has indeed... disappeared!"

Upon hearing the news, Wang Shiquan's face became increasingly gloomy.

"Trash, Qin'er was lost under your noses? What do you people do for a living?!"

Wang Shiquan was furious.

Something happened again!

In the afternoon, Wang Shiquan, who was handling government affairs, received news from people in the government.

Wang Qin, disappeared again!

When he heard the news, Wang Shiquan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately had an ominous premonition.

After careful interrogation, I learned that the traitor sneaked out today and went to Liuxiang Tower to hang out.

Wang Shiquan was no stranger to Liuxiang Tower. In the past, servants had always reported that Wang Qin liked to go to Liuxiang Tower to spend time and wine, and even had an affair with the oiran there.

Although Wang Shiquan was angry about this and scolded the traitor for being ignorant and addicted to debauchery, he was not too worried.

However, something happened today.

The people below came to report that Wang Qin did not appear for a long time after entering Liuxiang Tower today. When his men went in to look for him, they found that Wang Qin was missing.

Missing in the world?

Not only was Wang Qin missing, but the oiran who accompanied Wang Qin and the worshiping master who followed Wang Qin every step of the way were also missing.

It's like disappearing from the world and his whereabouts are unknown? !

Wang Shiquan was furious after hearing the news. With a gloomy face, he stared at the guards in the lobby and shouted angrily: "Look, go and look for Qin'er quickly. If you can't find Qin'er, don't come back!"

The guard lowered his head, did not dare to breathe, and left quickly.

After the guards left, Wang Shiquan stood in the lobby with a gloomy face and cursed angrily: "You traitor!"

This traitor did something like this again at a critical moment!

At this juncture, he actually dared to sneak out and fool around? !

Behind Wang Shiquan, a figure slowly appeared.

"It seems that someone is specifically targeting Qin'er!"

Wang Changjin spoke in a deep voice.

How can people disappear for no reason?

Especially since the whereabouts of the oiran and the worshipers around him were unknown, this was clearly a long-planned kidnapping.

Almost exactly the same as last time.

"I'm afraid the other party has been prepared for a long time and is coming for Qin'er."

Wang Shiquan's face looked ugly. How could he not realize this?

There was such a big incident during this time that he strictly banned Wang Qin from going out to cause trouble. Unexpectedly, after being honest for less than half a month, she slipped out again when he wasn't paying attention.

As a result, I just fell into someone else’s trap!

Those people have probably been waiting for this opportunity!

Falling down twice in the same place is simply stupid.

Wang Shiquan was angry that he did not fight and lamented his misfortune. How could he give birth to such a thing?

"What should we do now?"

In addition to being angry, Wang Shiquan felt deeply powerless. During this period of time, he was almost too busy trying to solve this mess. On the one hand, they have to deal with wooing other powerful families in Xunyang County and binding them together. On the other hand, they have to beware of the Wang family being treated as abandoned sons by those in Beijing.

At the same time, preparations must be made in advance to prevent King Lin from the south, who has experienced the pain of losing his son, from losing his mind and attacking the enemy with an army. The backlog of so many things made him exhausted both mentally and physically.

And now, another kidnapping incident has occurred!

All things considered, no matter how stupid Wang Qin is, he is Wang Shiquan's only son after all. As such a son, no matter what happens, he cannot just watch something happen to him.

Wang Changjin on the side narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "With the recent curfew, security outside the city has been strengthened. They may be able to change their appearance and enter the city, but they will never be able to take Qin'er out."

"Qin'er must still be in the city."

Wang Shiquan said in a low tone: "I know it too, but Xunyang City is so huge. If they want to hide someone, how can we find him?"

As the largest city in Yanzhou, Xunyang City has a huge area and a complex and large number of people. If you look for someone aimlessly, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even if they can be found, I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold.

Wang Changjin pondered for a moment, "Actually, it's not that there are no clues..."

He paused and looked at Wang Shiquan: "Who do you think is the most likely person to kidnap Qin'er?"

Wang Shiquan had no expression on his face and said coldly: "Who else can it be?"

In Xunyang City, who dares to kidnap the son of the prefect?

There are not many people who dare to fall out with the Wang family. There are even fewer people who dare to attack Wang Qin.

Everyone knows that Wang Qin is Wang Shiquan's only son, and ordinary people would not dare to touch this bad luck.

Apart from……

Now Prince Lin Wang's son has just died, and Wang Qin's whereabouts are unknown. It is self-evident who did it.

"Their revenge is coming!"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy: "I didn't expect that the Lin family would have infiltrated so many forces into Xunyang City. I'm afraid, my prefect's mansion has been under their surveillance."

This time, Wang Qin traveled with many bodyguard masters by his side, but he was still kidnapped quietly under his nose, which is enough to show how deeply the Lin family has penetrated the city.

Wang Changjin seemed to have expected this, and shook his head gently: "You underestimate Lin Hengzhong. Prince Lin is coming to Beijing to marry the eldest princess. How many people hope that he will die on the way? How could Lin Hengzhong not make plans in advance? "

"I can only say that everything was as expected. It's just that we were careless!"

Wang Shiquan's face turned livid: "Then what do you think we should do now?"

"There is probably only one way to solve this problem!" Wang Changjin hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"What can we do?" Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head.

Xunyang City.

Located in the western suburbs, in an inconspicuous small house.

There is a very deep alley outside the small house. The alley is quiet and the light in the evening, which has not yet completely darkened, shines in it.

In the alley, two figures walked one after another in the alley.

in silence.

Like two strangers.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked forward. When his eyes fell on the beautiful figure in white, he sighed softly.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Today's plan went smoothly, and Wang Qin was caught before he could even react.

If Wang Qin had been more vigilant, or had not left the Prefect's Mansion at all, even if Lin Jiangnian's hands and eyes were very good, he would not have been able to go to the Prefect's Mansion to catch him.

It's a pity that Wang Qin failed to control his lower body after all, and it was ruined by the woman.

With Wang Qin in hand, Lin Qingqing will handle the rest of the plan. Lin Jiangnian no longer has to worry about it and leaves Liuxiang Tower with Zhiyuan and returns here.

This is one of their strongholds.

Before Lin Jiangnian arrived in Xunyang City, Lin Qingqing had secretly arranged and prepared a stronghold. However, as soon as he arrived in Xunyang City, Lin Jiangnian was invited to live in the prefect's mansion. It was only now that this secret stronghold was finally put to use.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were returning here one after another.


Lin Jiangnian felt that something was wrong with today's paper kite.

Lin Qingqing had already reported to him what happened in Liuxiang Tower today. Lin Qingqing also gave him a vivid description of the scene where Zhiyuan instantly killed the worshiping master next to Wang Qin with one move.

Lin Jiangnian's silence was deafening.

After all, he still underestimated Zhiyuan's strength and the potential of this woman when she was injured. This made Lin Jiangnian, who had originally planned to settle a score with her and teach her a lesson, suddenly unable to do anything.

What's more important is that Zhiyuan didn't say a word to Lin Jiangnian all the way back from Liuxiang Tower.

Since he secretly kissed her in a small mountain village last time, Zhiyuan had been sulking for several days and had not spoken to Lin Jiangnian.

There were faint signs of loosening in the past few days. But for some reason today, after returning from the brothel, Zhiyuan seemed to be even more angry.

He resumed his posture of keeping strangers away without saying a word. When the two of them returned to the house, nothing had changed.

Someone had already answered outside the door and took the two of them into the yard.

"Paper Kite."

Stepping into the courtyard, Lin Jiangnian finally called out to Zhi Yuan who was about to leave.

Zhiyuan stopped and did not look back. His voice was neither cold nor indifferent: "Is something wrong?"

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, he suddenly heard a slightly trembling voice coming from the side: "Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

The voice was very familiar, a little trembling and a little excited.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and out of the corner of his eye saw a familiar figure running over from under the eaves and throwing herself into his arms.


I felt a soft ball crash into my arms, a familiar touch. Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, then quickly realized what he was doing.

Looking down at the familiar girl in his arms, the familiar body fragrance, such a well-behaved and soft body, who else could it be if it wasn't Xiaozhu?

Xiaozhu hugged Lin Jiangnian tightly in excitement, buried her head in his chest, and cried with joy.

In the past few days, there had been rumors in the city that His Highness was dead, which frightened Xiaozhu into panic. Although he firmly believed that His Highness would be fine, the lack of news from His Highness these days still made Xiaozhu panic.

Until His Highness appeared in front of her alive, Xiaozhu finally couldn't hold back her emotions and cried so hard.

"Okay, okay, stop crying. Isn't my prince alive? If you cry like this, others will really think that my prince is dead."

While Lin Jiangnian hugged the delicate body in his arms, he tenderly stretched out his hand to help Xiaozhu wipe the tears from his face. The little maid had a pretty face, pink and jade-like, and tears could not stop falling down.

It's pitiful and heart-wrenching.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian immediately straightened his face: "Stop crying. If you cry again, I won't want you anymore!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhu was immediately frightened and shook his little head quickly: "No, no, then, then I won't cry..."

She tried her best to hold back her emotions, her eyes were slightly red, and she wiped the tears from her face in a panic, looking very aggrieved.

"Isn't this good?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction: "By the way, why are you here?"

Xiaozhu lowered his head and sobbed softly: "Sister Qingqing sent someone to take Xiaozhu out of the prefect's mansion."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, Qing Qing was thoughtful.

"Okay, don't cry. My prince is fine. Don't cry. It's bad luck!"

Lin Jiangnian helped Xiaozhu wipe the tears from his face, looked down at the pretty pink and jade face in front of him, and subconsciously said: "Come, let me kiss you first..."

Before he could say this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something.

He seems to have forgotten something?

Turning his head, he realized that there was another figure in the courtyard.

At the same time, Xiaozhu, who got up from His Highness's arms, quickly noticed the figure beside him. He was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "Sister Zhiyuan?!"

This, isn't this Sister Zhiyuan? !

In the courtyard, Zhiyuan remained expressionless, her eyes falling on the master and servant. He looked at Lin Jiangnian, and then at the crying Lihua Daiyu and the pink-faced, shy and aggrieved little maid.

He stared for a long time without saying a word.

But for some reason, the ice in those eyes seemed a little heavier.

When he saw Sister Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu had a look of surprise on his face and was about to go up and say hello to Sister Zhiyuan.

But the next second, when Sister Zhiyuan's eyes fell on her, Xiaozhu suddenly trembled slightly, as if a sharp gaze was staring at her, her hands and feet were instantly cold, and her face turned pale.

It only took a short moment before disappearing again.

But even so, Xiaozhu was still frozen in place, not daring to move.

The little face was filled with a pale look of confusion and uncertainty.

So, what is that?

What, what's going on?

Why did Sister Zhiyuan look at her like... something was wrong?

Feeling a little dangerous?

Xiaozhu subconsciously raised his head and looked again, only to see that Sister Zhiyuan had withdrawn her gaze. Although he was still looking at her, his eyes were calm and had lost all emotion.

Is it an illusion?

Xiaozhu's head was confused.


When she was at Prince Lin's Mansion, Zhiyuan was on guard to prevent Lin Jiangnian from attacking Xiaozhu. As a result, not long after she left, Lin Jiangnian had already...

Young Lin Jiang coughed and was about to say something when he saw Zhiyuan turning around with a cold back.

"I'm tired."

The tone was very light, with a bit of weariness.

After that, he walked towards the backyard.

"Sister Zhiyuan, what's going on?"

Xiaozhu stood there. She wanted to help Sister Zhiyuan clean up the room, but for some reason, when she looked at Sister Zhiyuan's back, she suddenly didn't dare to step forward.

Sister Zhiyuan, who used to be very friendly, seems a little strange when we meet again after such a period of separation?

Sister Zhiyuan, doesn’t she seem very friendly to her?

Xiaozhu was puzzled.

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the direction Zhiyuan left and gently pinched Xiaozhu's cheek.

Still soft and tender, with a great feel.

"Okay, go wash your face quickly, you look like this, you're so ugly!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhu let out a surprised "Ah", then glanced at His Highness with a resentful look and muttered: "Not ugly."

"Go look yourself in the mirror."

Xiaozhu then trotted back to the room in panic.

The night is getting dark.

In Xunyang City, the army was in chaos.

Information from the city continued to arrive. Lin Jiangnian looked at the information on the table and narrowed his eyes.

As expected, Wang Qin disappeared, and the people in the Prefecture became anxious.

At present, almost all the police officers in the city were out, and even the prefect's mansion had dispatched many experts to look for Wang Qin's whereabouts.

"This fire is not enough!"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself and suddenly raised his eyes: "Where is Qingqing?"

"Commander Lin has not returned yet."

"When you come back, let her come to me."


Night falls.

Backyard, room.

Zhiyuan sat quietly at the table, staring at herself in the bronze mirror in a daze.

The bronze mirror reflected a cold and beautiful face, fair and delicate, but also a little confused.

I don't know what I was thinking about, I was in a daze.

Until not long after, there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice.

"Are you there?"


"have you slept?"


"I'm in!"


The door to the room was pushed open gently. A figure penetrated calmly and swaggered.

There was only one person who dared to break into Zhiyuan's room so brazenly.

Lin Jiangnian.

Walking into the room, he looked around for a moment and then looked at the paper kite sitting next to the bronze mirror.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian walked behind Zhi Yuan and looked at himself in the bronze mirror and Zhi Yuan's cold, emotionless eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

"I heard from Xiaozhu that you haven't had dinner yet?"

"Not hungry."

"Are you really not hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"Aren't you angry with me?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's direct gaze, a strange emotion arose in Zhiyuan's heart for some reason. Her eyes were a little sour. She turned her head and said coldly: "No."

"That's good if you're not angry."

Lin Jiangnian nodded assuredly, moved a chair and sat next to her.

"what you do?"

Zhiyuan frowned, and her voice seemed colder.

"Look at you!" Lin Jiangnian said.

Zhiyuan's heart trembled, but she still didn't look back. She stared at herself in the mirror and said coldly: "What do you want me to do?"

"Let's see how long you plan to stay angry."

"I am not angry."

"I know."


Zhiyuan stopped talking.

Still expressionless.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangyoun sighed: "Has anyone ever told you that your acting skills are poor?"

no respond.

"You are my eldest son's maid, how come I don't know you?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "You look like this, you just have the word "angry" written on your face."

Still silent.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and said, "Why did I make you unhappy?"


Zhiyuan's bare hands hidden under her sleeves squeezed her, her cold face still devoid of any emotion: "I don't have any."

Still talking hard!

Women seem to have a natural advantage when it comes to speaking out.

"Okay, okay, as long as you're not angry."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and did not continue to argue with her: "Let's go."

Zhiyuan didn't speak or move.

"go to eat."

"Not hungry."

"Eat with me!"

"I won't accompany you."


Lin Jiangnian was happy: "You don't listen to a word of my orders now, do you?"

Zhiyuan looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her cold and beautiful face, but also had a vaguely stubborn expression. There seemed to be some kind of emotion brewing behind those cold eyes.

It's hard to describe, and it's rare to see this look on Zhiyuan's face.

He stared at it for a while, and suddenly something flashed through his mind. He subconsciously leaned a little closer and said, "Are you jealous?"


It’s a 5,000-word chapter, and I still need two more chapters to be updated!

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