As soon as these words came out, one could clearly detect a flash of panic in Zhiyuan's clear and bright eyes.

Although it was only a moment, it was still keenly captured by Lin Jiangnian.

Sure enough, is that so?

Is she really jealous?

Lin Jiangnian's mind flashed back to Xiaozhu not long ago and when he was at Liuxiang Tower...

It seems that something has been wrong with this little maid since Liuxianglou?


However, Zhiyuan still objected coldly.

Apart from the flash of panic just now, there was no other color on his face.

"Really not?"

Lin Jiangnian continued to stare, trying to find any more clues on her face.

However, Zhiyuan doesn't like the appearance and is unmoved. Even though Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a long time, he still couldn't see any emotion on her face.

Facing Lin Jiangnian's gaze, Zhiyuan slowly lowered her eyes and said expressionlessly: "I'm tired, I need to rest."

"You haven't eaten yet."

"Not hungry."


Lin Jiangnian gave up.

This little maid was like a cold stone. No matter how eloquent Lin Jiangnian was, she remained unmoved.

Words seemed to have no effect. The only way to make her give in was by taking action.

However, Lin Jiangnian gave up this idea after weighing the strength gap between the two.

This little maid seems to have a tendency to rebel now, and she doesn't take her master seriously at all. Lin Jiangnian's strong words may backfire.

"Then you should rest early."

Lin Jiangnian stood up and left the room without exposing Zhiyuan's lies.

Walking very neatly.

It was so simple that even Zhiyuan seemed a little surprised.

After the door was closed, Zhiyuan sat quietly at the table, staring at herself in the bronze mirror. In the bronze mirror, that fair and beautiful face was still reflected.

Still expressionless!

She stared quietly for a long time without saying a word.

But in those originally clear eyes, the trace of confusion became stronger.

It didn't dissipate for a long time.

outside the door.

Lin Jiangnian didn't take a few steps out of the room when he saw a familiar figure under the eaves.


Xiaozhu, who was wearing a light blue skirt, stood timidly under the eaves. When she saw His Highness coming out, she quickly walked forward: "Your Highness..."

"Sister Zhiyuan... what's going on?"

Xiaozhu thinks Sister Zhiyuan is a little strange.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Sister Zhiyuan seems to have changed a lot.

Not only was he a little cold to her today, he also stayed in the room since he came back.

This made Xiaozhu a little worried.


Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

Xiaozhu said worriedly: "Sister Zhiyuan, yes, you don't like Xiaozhu..."

Her voice was a little weak: "I think Sister Zhiyuan is a little unhappy today..."

Even Xiaozhu could see it, which proved that there was indeed something wrong with Zhiyuan.

He does seem to be angry!

But why are you angry?

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Xiao Zhu!"

"Huh?" Xiaozhu raised his eyes worriedly, his dark pupils flashing anxiously.

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind him and raised his brows slightly: "Help me do something for this prince."

Night falls.

inside the room.

After gradually coming back to her senses, Zhiyuan stood up slowly, raised her eyes and looked out the window. It was already getting late.

Her injury had not yet recovered, and today she took another forceful attack. Although she was not injured, the exercise still consumed a lot of internal energy and energy, and at this time, sleepiness filled her heart.

Just as he was about to take a rest, there were footsteps again in the corridor outside the door.

She stopped and raised her eyes.

There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a cautious voice: "Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan?"

Zhiyuan was startled for a moment, and then a hint of inadvertent coldness appeared in his eyes.

When the coldness disappeared, she said calmly: "Come in."


The door was pushed open.

Xiaozhu, who was wearing a skirt, appeared outside the door and took a cautious look into the room.

"Sister Zhiyuan, His Highness asked me to come and bring you some food."

There was no response and the room was silent.

Xiaozhu glanced around and saw Sister Zhiyuan standing in the room not far away, staring at her outside the door. For some reason, I always felt that Sister Zhiyuan's gaze was a bit sharp, and there was an indescribable feeling of panic when it fell on her.

Xiaozhu subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

But when I thought of His Highness's instructions, I swallowed secretly, took a deep breath, and walked cautiously into the room.

In her hands, she was holding freshly cooked food from the kitchen, which she carefully placed on the table beside her. She raised her head and glanced at Sister Zhiyuan on the side, and whispered: "Sister Zhiyuan, you haven't eaten anything today. This, this is His Highness ordered his slave to send it specially to Sister Zhiyuan..."

After Xiaozhu explained in a low voice, there was still no response, and the room seemed to fall into an eerie silence.

Xiaozhu was anxious and uneasy. He raised his head cautiously, but met Zhiyuan's gaze. Zhiyuan stared at her for a long time, which made Xiaozhu even feel a little hairy.

Sister Zhiyuan, what on earth is going on?

Why does the look in her eyes look so wrong and dangerous?

This made Xiaozhu extremely uneasy.

Did she offend Sister Zhiyuan?

My little head thought carefully, but I still couldn't remember where I had offended Sister Zhiyuan.

Could it be...

The next moment, Xiaozhu thought of something.

Her little face turned slightly pale, and she suddenly remembered...

When she was still in Prince Lin's Mansion, Sister Zhiyuan placed her next to His Highness and reported His Highness's whereabouts to Sister Zhiyuan at any time.

However, later, she was discovered by His Highness when she was pretending to be a young girl. Under the threat of His Highness, Xiaozhu had no choice but to rebel...

Could it be that Sister Zhiyuan knows about this?

Does Sister Zhiyuan know that she has rebelled again?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu's face immediately became panicked and he lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look at Sister Zhiyuan anymore, his head was in a mess.

It’s over, it’s over!

Sister Zhiyuan must be very angry!

Sister Zhiyuan trusted her so much, but she was threatened by His Highness, so she secretly betrayed Sister Zhiyuan...

She would be angry too!

Sister Zhiyuan was so kind to her, how could she let her down and do things that were sorry to her?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu felt extremely guilty.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu felt ashamed. Just when he was about to say something, he heard Zhiyuan's calm voice.

"You should step back first."

After hearing this, Xiaozhu's heart not only did not relax, but actually became heavier. When he was about to say something, he opened his mouth but no words came out.

Finally, she bit her lower lip and nodded, nervously preparing to leave the room. Just as he walked to the door, he heard Zhiyuan speak again.


Xiaozhu's delicate body trembled and her whole body tensed up: "Zhi, sister Zhiyuan, do you have any other orders?"

In the room, Zhiyuan stared at her back, her cold eyes seemed somewhat complicated.

But in the end, she said nothing.

"It's okay, you go down first."


In the side yard.

"Zhiyuan really didn't say anything?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and looked at some helpless Xiaozhu in the courtyard.

Xiaozhu lowered his head slightly: "Well..."

"Sister Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but, but I feel that Sister Zhiyuan is angry with Xiaozhu..."

After Xiaozhu came back, he anxiously told His Highness everything that had happened before.

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful. He originally wanted Xiaozhu to test it out, but unexpectedly she gave in first.

Seeing Xiaozhu lowering her head and looking guilty, he gently touched her head: "Okay, don't worry, Zhiyuan is not such a stingy person, why would he be angry with you?"


"If I'm really angry with you, I'll talk to her later. If she doesn't listen..."

Lin Jiang young laughed: "It's never too late for you to prepare."

Xiaozhu was startled: "What are you preparing for?"

"Prepare for a beating."

Lin Jiangnian pinched her: "You have become a traitor at a young age. Paper Kite will definitely spread your ass."


Just then, a voice came from outside the door.

"Commander Lin is back."

"Qingqing is back?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Xiaozhu nervously covering her butt. He was not teasing her: "Okay, stop thinking so much, go and have a rest early."

After comforting Xiaozhu, Lin Jiangnian turned around and came to the front hall of the house.

In the front hall, Lin Qingqing waited for a long time.

"Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing stepped forward quickly, cupped her hands and said, "My subordinates have brought Wang Qin back according to your instructions."

"Where is he?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"I will imprison him in a secret room in the courtyard next door, waiting for His Highness to deal with him."

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lin Qingqing, who had been traveling all the way, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"This is what subordinates should do."

Lin Qingqing spoke in a deep voice, and then seemed to think of something: "By the way, I heard that Your Highness has something to do with me?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "There is indeed one more thing that you need to do."

"Your Highness, just ask."

Lin Jiangnian glanced outside the courtyard: "How is the situation in the city now?"

Lin Qingqing said: "The Prefect's Mansion has learned about Wang Qin's disappearance. Now there are spies from the Prefect's Mansion everywhere in the city. They are looking for Wang Qin..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said, "My guess is correct. Wang Shiquan cares about his son very much. If nothing else, he will find you soon."

"Find me?"

Lin Qingqing was startled and seemed a little surprised: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Wang Qin is missing. Who do you think is the most likely person to kidnap him?"

Lin Qingqing thought for a moment and quickly realized something: "Your Highness, what do you mean..."

"Wang Shiquan will definitely doubt you."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Now all of them believe that my son is dead, and as the commander of my own army, you will definitely avenge me..."

"Wang Qin's disappearance must be your act of revenge in their eyes."

Hearing this, Lin Qingqing understood instantly and her expression turned cold: "Don't worry, Your Highness, your subordinates will be careful and won't let them find any traces."


Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently: "Not only must you expose your whereabouts openly, but you must also take the initiative to reveal your information so that people from the Wang family can find and contact you."

"If someone from the Wang family invites you, you have to go to the Wang family."

Lin Qingqing was a little confused: "Your Highness, why do you do this?"

"Go and see Wang Shiquan."

A sneer appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "Help me test him..."


early morning.

After dawn, the fog has not completely dissipated, and there is a bit of white frost hanging on the grass in the courtyard.

The weather is getting colder!

Lin Jiangnian woke up in the morning, yawned, wrapped himself in his shirt, opened the door and walked out. The cold wind blew through the courtyard, and he subconsciously wrapped himself in clothes.

Cold weather!

I wasn't used to sleeping alone last night!

It’s not that it’s cold!

But it's not warm enough.

Lin Jiangnian inexplicably missed the days when he slept with Zhiyuan in the small mountain village. Even though I didn’t do anything, I didn’t even take advantage of it… but it was still as comfortable as sleeping alone.

But after returning from the small mountain village, there was no such opportunity.

Thinking of Zhiyuan's cold face, Lin Jiangnian shook his head with regret.

It seems that Xiaozhu will have to help warm the bed tonight.

After making up his mind, he stepped out of the room and met Xiaozhu walking right in front of him.

"Your Highness, are you awake?!"

Xiaozhu's eyes were bright and bright. He walked into the room with a hot towel and was busy helping Lin Jiangnian wash and change clothes.

After finishing the meal, Lin Jiangnian remembered something: "Where is the paper kite?"

"Sister Zhiyuan woke up early, but went back to the room after breakfast."

"How did she react?"

Seeing Xiaozhu pouting slightly and lowering his head, Lin Jiangnian understood.

"My lord, let's go and have a look."

Lin Jiangnian touched Xiaozhu's head comfortingly and stood up to find Zhiyuan. After taking two steps, he thought of something again and turned around and walked in the other direction.

inside the room.

Zhiyuan sat on the window sill, looking at the scenery outside the window, looking a little dazed.

The sun has just risen, and a ray of morning sun slowly shines into the yard. It's not warm, it's still a bit cold.

Her eyes fell on the grass planted in the corner of the courtyard, and then slowly looked at the sky outside the courtyard, her expression neither happy nor sad, as if she was wandering in the sky.

Until the sound of pushing the door from behind woke her up.

She didn't have the habit of locking her door, and no one ever dared to break into her room without permission.

Except for a certain shameless Prince Lin!

"What are you looking at?"

A slightly rude voice sounded, and the shameless Lin Jiangnian appeared behind her at some point.

Zhiyuan didn't look back or look at him, she was still looking out the window in a daze.

But the next second, the window was suddenly closed.

Lin Jiangnian closed the window and walked up to her.

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, I came to see you."

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Are you still angry?"

Zhiyuan looked away: "Why should I be angry?"

"I don't know, but your expression right now is as if I owe you a lot of money."

Zhiyuan remained silent.

But out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently glanced at the bronze mirror not far away.

"Forget it, put it aside if you're angry or not, and get down to business first."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian took out a palm-sized porcelain vase from his arms and placed it in front of Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan glanced at it, not knowing why.

"Heavenly Balm."

Lin Jiangnian explained: "I promised you the ointment in the small mountain village!"

"The injury on your back has not fully healed yet. This real Tianxiang ointment is more effective."

"It's time to apply the medicine!"


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