Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 164 Have you slept together?

Hearing the word "medicine", Zhiyuan's originally calm expression became a little strange. Startled for a moment, his eyes fell on the exquisite porcelain bottle in front of him.

An indescribable expression emerged, but he said nothing.

"Stop being stunned."

Seeing that she was still silent, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand in front of her eyes: "You haven't changed your dressing for a few days. Although the injury is not serious, the wound must be treated..."

Seeing Zhiyuan's indifferent look, Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment and said in a slightly more serious tone: "The wound on your back is not serious. If it is not treated, it will leave ugly scars after the scabs fall off..."

The tone that seemed threatening and a bit intimidating finally made Zhiyuan react. After staring at the porcelain bottle for a few seconds, she suddenly reached out and said, "Give it to me."

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously placed the porcelain bottle in her hand. Zhiyuan held the porcelain bottle tightly and nodded slightly: "Thank you."

The tone was lukewarm, as if he was thanking him, but the calm expression on his face showed that there was no sincerity in his gratitude.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to say something, he saw that Zhiyuan had already stood up to see off the guests.

"You can go out now."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Is she leaving here to unload the grindstone and kill the donkey?

"You don't need my help?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes to look at her, but saw Zhiyuan looking indifferent: "I will find a way."

"any solution?"

Lin Jiangnian refused to give up and said: "The injury is on the back, how do you apply the medicine yourself?"

When she was in the small mountain village, it was fully proved that there were some things she couldn't do alone.

Instead of being harsh and stubborn, it is better to be honest and obedient.

But obviously, today's Zhiyuan is no longer the poor little maid in the small mountain village. She lowered her eyes slightly, and after a while, she said, "Where is Qingqing?"

"Qingqing went out to do some business." Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel proud when he heard this.

Zhiyuan continued to be silent.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "You don't need my help anymore?"

Zhiyuan said silently: "No need to bother Your Highness."

"No trouble."

"Your Highness, please respect yourself."


Lin Jiangnian's wishful thinking failed to come true after all.

After her injury improved, Zhiyuan obviously had more choices after returning to Xunyang City... Perhaps there were other reasons. This time, she simply rejected Lin Jiangnian's offer to help her apply medicine.

Lin Jiangnian, who didn't make any plans, stood outside the door and sighed deeply.

Any maid from another family who is not cautious and flattering to please her master will be beaten half to death by her master and thrown into the mountains to feed the dogs if she disagrees with her.

Not only did her little maid dare to look down on her master, she even dared to slap her nose in his face...

Need to clean up!

When he was thinking about how to deal with the little maid, there was a voice outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness."

A plainclothes guard appeared outside the courtyard, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Wang Qin has woken up and is waiting for His Highness to deal with him."

"woke up?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows. When Wang Qin was captured yesterday, he had already fainted. Whether he was really fainted or pretending to be fainted was unknown. Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart. He originally planned to lock him up for a few days, but he happened to be fine today. , just in time to go find him to settle accounts.

After making up his mind, a sneer appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "Let's go and have a look!"

After Lin Jiangnian left, tranquility returned to the courtyard. Not long after, a figure appeared cautiously in the yard.

It was Xiaozhu.

Xiaozhu stepped lightly into the courtyard and carefully looked around. Then he came under the eaves of the corridor and paced for a long time, looking at the slightly closed door not far away. Taking a deep breath, a look of hesitation and confusion appeared on his face.

His hands were intertwined, a guilty look appeared on his little face, and he hesitated whether he should step forward or not.

Since last night, Xiaozhu has been tortured by guilt.

When I saw Sister Zhiyuan again, I didn't expect that Sister Zhiyuan would treat her like a stranger and even looked at her with a cold look.

This made Xiaozhu very uneasy.

After thinking about it, apart from the fact that she was a traitor, I couldn't seem to think of anything else that had offended Sister Zhiyuan.

Therefore, she concluded that she was instigated by His Highness and betrayed Sister Zhiyuan, which was why Sister Zhiyuan was so indifferent to her.

She told His Highness about this yesterday, and His Highness told her not to worry. But Xiaozhu still felt sorry. After a night of suffering, Xiaozhu finally made up his mind to apologize frankly to Sister Zhiyuan.

If Sister Zhiyuan is really angry, then just give her a good beating.

After all, she was at fault in the first place. Sister Zhiyuan was so kind to her, saving her, taking her back to Prince Lin's Mansion, and letting her have enough food and clothing, but she failed to live up to Sister Zhiyuan's trust.

Although, although he was forced by His Highness...

But he is a traitor after all!

Xiaozhu finally made up his mind, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to walk to the door. Just when he was about to knock on the door, a cold voice came from the room.


As soon as this voice sounded, Xiaozhu's petite body trembled, and his strong courage was instantly washed away.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan..."

The voice was shaky and uneasy.

"come in."

The voice in the room was cold but devoid of any other emotion.

Xiaozhu then stretched out his slightly trembling hands and carefully pushed open the door.

In the cold room, Zhiyuan was still sitting by the window sill, with his back to her. That cold and unparalleled back figure made Xiaozhu's heart tremble even more.

Xiaozhu secretly tried to cheer himself up and stepped into the room tremblingly.

"close the door."

Zhiyuan's cold voice came again.

There was no looking back.

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Xiaozhu's face.

close the door.

This, are you going to close the door and teach her a lesson? !

Xiaozhu looked increasingly uneasy, but still gritted his teeth, closed the door, turned around, and walked behind Zhiyuan.

"Sister Zhiyuan, I, I'm here..."

There was a hint of heroic determination in his tone.

She was ready to be taught a lesson by Sister Zhiyuan, even if Sister Zhiyuan was cruel... she would not have any complaints.

However, just as Xiaozhu made up her mind, Zhiyuan seemed to have no intention of hitting her.

Zhiyuan slowly turned around, his cold eyes fell on her, looking up and down.

Xiaozhu suddenly felt like he was being stared at, his whole body was numb, and he couldn't catch Sister Zhiyuan's eyes.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan, you, why do you look at me like that?"

Xiaozhu was a little at a loss, and his tone was a little scared. Sister Zhiyuan had a good temperament, but maybe it was the innate cold temperament she had developed in the Linwang Mansion in the past few years that made Xiaozhu even more uneasy.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, but after looking at almost all of Xiaozhu's body, he slowly withdrew his gaze.

"Xiao Zhu."

"Slave, my slave is here."

"Help me apply the medicine!"

After saying that, Zhiyuan stood up and walked towards the bed beside him.

Xiaozhu was left stunned on the spot, a little unresponsive, what, what's going on?

Come on, apply medicine?

Didn't Sister Zhiyuan want to teach her a lesson?

What medicine should I take?

While Xiaozhu was still dazed, Zhiyuan had already come to the bedside, sat on the bedside, and slowly untied the belt around his waist. The plain white dress slipped off, and the lining was removed, leaving only the cyan girl's bellyband. .

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide and blinked.

Still no response.

Sister Zhiyuan, why, why did you take off your clothes?

The girl's cyan bellyband couldn't cover up the girl's fair, snow-like skin, which made Xiaozhu somewhat envious. Sister Zhiyuan's skin is so good, as smooth as snow.

Just when Xiaozhu was still stunned, he saw Zhiyuan slowly turning around.

The next second, Xiaozhu's pupils suddenly opened wide.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan, you, you..."

Xiaozhu's voice was trembling, and he stared at Sister Zhiyuan's back in disbelief: "What, what's going on?"

On Sister Zhiyuan's back, the originally white and smooth skin was wrapped in bandages. Even if Xiaozhu doesn't understand, he can still realize something.

Sister Zhiyuan, are you injured?

"come over!"

On the bed, Zhiyuan was already lying face down on the bed, speaking expressionlessly.

Although she was not facing Lin Jiangnian this time, but a subordinate she was very familiar with, she was still a little uncomfortable with it.

Seeing that Xiaozhu was still in a daze, he spoke again.

Xiaozhu just woke up from a dream and walked forward tremblingly. When he saw the serious wound on Sister Zhiyuan's back, Xiaozhu's heart trembled.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan, you, how, how did you get hurt?"

"Strict, isn't it serious?!"

Xiaozhu's eyes were slightly red, and he felt distressed.

How could Sister Zhiyuan be so seriously injured?

Zhiyuan lay on the bed, her dull tone still devoid of any emotion.


"There's medicine next to me, help me put it on!"

Only then did Xiaozhu see a porcelain vase beside the bed, and was a little at a loss: "I, what should I do?"

She was a little flustered and at a loss after seeing Sister Zhiyuan injured, she subconsciously said: "I, I'm going to call His Highness?!"

"Don't go!"

Zhiyuan spoke solemnly, her voice seemed a little angry for some reason: "I'll teach you!"


Xiaozhu was obedient and said worriedly: "Then, what should I do?"

"First take off the bandage, treat the wound...then apply medicine, and then..."

Zhiyuan opened his mouth to give instructions, and Xiaozhu followed Zhiyuan's instructions tremblingly and started to apply the medicine with unfamiliar movements.

Fortunately, her movements were unfamiliar and her hands were trembling. But she was extra careful and focused, as if she was serving His Highness for the first time. Although she was unfamiliar, she was very serious.

He took off the bandage and looked at the wound left on Sister Zhiyuan's back. Although it looked almost healed, the shocking scar could still be seen.

This made Xiaozhu's heart tremble and his eyes became even redder.

What exactly has Sister Zhiyuan experienced during this time?

Such a serious injury must be painful, right?

Xiaozhu couldn't help but burst into tears and felt like crying. She tried to calm herself down, applied medicine to Sister Zhiyuan, and re-bandaged the wound. By the time she finished all this, her tired face was pale and there was an extra layer of sweat on her forehead.

"Okay, okay..."

The voice was a little weak.

Zhiyuan slowly sat up and put on the clothes he had just taken off one by one. After putting on all the clothes again, she returned to her previous cool and incomparable appearance.

"Sister Zhiyuan, you, how did you get hurt?"

Xiaozhu's slightly trembling voice came from the side, how could Sister Zhiyuan be injured so seriously?

Where did she go during the time she left Prince Lin's Mansion? What have you experienced?

How much hardship did you suffer?

Xiaozhu's heart was trembling and distressed, and many pictures were filled in his mind in an instant.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and saw Xiaozhu's worried expression and red eyes next to her. She was startled for a moment, and then shook her head slightly.


Seeing Xiaozhu's pale face again, he remained silent for a moment: "You should go back and rest first."

Xiaozhu's head was a little groggy, and he nodded when he heard this: "Well, Sister Zhiyuan, I'm going to rest first. If you have any orders, just call me..."

Zhiyuan nodded.

Xiaozhu packed up the things next to him and turned around to leave the room.

After taking two steps, he was suddenly stopped by Zhi Yuan.

"Sister Zhiyuan, is there anything else?"

Xiaozhu stopped and looked back.

She has a delicate, petite and slightly pale face, well-behaved and sweet.

very nice!

At such a young age, Xiaozhu already has some of the greenness of early adulthood.

Zhiyuan was in a daze for a moment, her eyes fell on Xiaozhu's face, and she suddenly spoke.

"You guys have already slept?"

Xiaozhu was still a little dazed and didn't realize what Sister Zhiyuan meant by her words.

What did you sleep on?

Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly realized something and his heart skipped a beat.

At the same time, I heard Sister Zhiyuan speak again.

"Your Highness, has he asked you to sleep with him?"

Xiaozhu raised his head and met Sister Zhiyuan's gaze.

There seemed to be a bit of questioning, a bit of doubt, and a bit of... in those cold eyes.

Indescribable emotions.

Not good!

Xiaozhu had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Go to bed?

Sister Zhiyuan asked, what she was asking was...

Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide, and his expression immediately became extremely flustered.



In a dark basement.

"Let me out, let me out quickly!"

A roaring voice came from the empty basement.

In the deepest cell, the young master, who was dressed in brocade and looked wealthy, was roaring in the cell.

"I am the son of the Governor of Xunyang. Please let me go immediately, or else I will chop off your heads and kill all nine of your tribes!!"

"Let me out quickly."

Wang Qin looked ferocious and roared outside the cell.

He was terrified, realizing that he was in big trouble, and now he could only do this to dispel the fear in his heart.

But when he thought that... Prince Lin Wang was not dead, Wang Qin felt a sense of despair that the end was coming.

He, how could he not die?

How could he not die? !

Until now, Wang Qin even thought that he was still dreaming, feeling extremely unreal.

"let me out!"

His voice gradually became hoarse.

At this time, footsteps finally came from not far away.

Wang Qin raised his head excitedly, "Let me out quickly..."

A figure appeared in the line of sight ahead.

A familiar figure.

But the next second, the excitement on Wang Qin's face completely disappeared.

Instead, it was completely white.

In his sight, Lin Jiangnian slowly stepped into the basement and looked at Wang Qin, who looked embarrassed and ferocious in the cell, as well as the deep fear in his eyes.

"Hey, isn't this our eldest son Wang?"

Lin Jiangnian approached the cell with a smile on his face.

"How long has it been since we last seen each other? How come you are so virtuous?"


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