Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 165 The forces behind the Wang family

The cold basement cell was dark and damp.

Wang Qin fell to the ground with disheveled hair. The brocade clothes on his body were already stained with dust and stains, and he lost half of his temperament as the son of Xunyang Prefect.

When Lin Jiangnian caught him, he was having an affair with the courtesan Piao Xiang in Liuxiang Tower, and he was as happy as a god. In the blink of an eye, he became a prisoner. The guards under Lin Jiangnian roughly wrapped up his clothes, stuffed them into a sack, and carried him back.

The guards under his command were all old men who had served in the Linzhou Army. How could they know how to deal with them? In addition, after learning that Wang Qin almost killed His Highness, he had no good feelings towards him.

If Lin Jiangnian hadn't specially emphasized not to kill people, Wang Qin might have been dead by now.

But even so, his treatment was not much better.

At this moment, Wang Qin in the cell saw Lin Jiangnian appearing in front of him again, and he could not hide the frightened look on his face.

He only met Lin Jiangnian once in the Prefect's Mansion. He learned from his close aides that the man in front of him, who looked as fair as a scholar, was actually the legendary Prince Lin. This was completely different from what he had described before.

Wang Qin had met Lin Hengzhong once before. In his impression, Prince Lin was a dark-skinned man with stubble on his face, resembling a wild beast. Who would have thought that the son he would give birth to would be handsome and handsome?

This inevitably made Wang Qin feel a little jealous.

Before that, he was jealous of Lin Jiangnian's engagement with the eldest princess. In his imagination, Lin Jiangnian should look similar to his father, an ordinary-looking and even somewhat ugly dandy... If the emperor hadn't given him the marriage, how would he have done it? Worthy of the eldest princess?

This fits well with everyone’s stereotype of people in wild places like Linzhou.

But who would have thought that Prince Lin was actually a man with an extremely good appearance and temperament? In this way, Wang Qin looks like a clown.

The fire of jealousy was burning. When he discovered Lin Jiangnian's existence in the secret room at the back of the mountain, Wang Qin was filled with fear and had the intention to kill.

So, everything fell into place!

Seal the secret room, poison the secret room, destroy the secret room...

In one go, he completely buried all the secrets about the Wang family and the Prince Lin in the secret room.

I thought everything was settled!

Until yesterday, when Lin Jiangnian appeared in front of Wang Qin alive. Wang Qin was frightened, flustered, shocked, stunned... His head seemed to have been hit hard by something, and he was dizzy.

Lin Jiangnian, no, not dead? !

Desperation like doomsday came to his mind instantly, and before Wang Qin had time to think about what to do, he was caught by Lin Jiangnian.

"You, what on earth do you want to do?"

In the cell, Wang Qin stared at Lin Jiangnian who opened the cell door and stepped into the cell with a pale face, gritting his teeth: "Do you know, you, what are you doing?!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Then what do you think this prince is doing?"

Wang Qinqiang suppressed the fear in his heart, gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "If you dare to kidnap me, my father will not let you go."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Qin who was still trying to threaten him even in this situation, and sneered: "How did your father know that it was my son who kidnapped you?"

"Your father, I'm afraid you still think that this prince is dead, right?"

Wang Qin's face became even more ugly.


His father and second uncle now believe that Lin Jiangnian is dead, but now that Lin Jiangnian is not dead, once this news gets out, it will definitely catch the Wang family off guard. What if...

No matter how stupid Wang Qin is, he still realizes the seriousness of the matter.

"You, what on earth do you want to do?!"

Wang Qin gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian with a panicked look on his face: "I, I have no enmity with you, you, why do you..."

"No injustice or enmity?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and said, "Are you fooling me into thinking that I am a fool?"

Wang Qin was shocked. He knew that Prince Lin was not easy to fool, but he decided that Lin Jiangnian had no evidence. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not familiar with you, and I've only met once. How could I harm you..." "

"The secret room thing...has nothing to do with me at all!"

Listening to Wang Qin's righteous and quibbling words, Lin Jiangnian looked him up and down and said in surprise: "I can't tell, you have such a tough mouth!"

Wang Qin snorted coldly: "I know that your status as Prince Lin is noble, and our Wang family cannot afford to offend you, but don't bully others too much... I have no enmity with you. If you kidnap me, you really are not afraid of my father." Are you filing a complaint with the court?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him interestingly, nodded with a smile: "I'm afraid!"

Wang Qin was overjoyed: "Then why don't you let me go quickly?!"

"However, the premise is that your father has evidence!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said: "Your father has no evidence, how can he sue my son?"

"Who said no?!"

Wang Qin snorted: "I am the evidence!"


Lin Jiangnian chuckled and said, "Then we'll have to wait until you get out alive."

"W-what do you mean?!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Qin immediately froze and stared at Lin Jiangnian. When he saw Lin Jiangnian looking at him with a smile, although there was a smile on his face, for some reason, the smile seemed a bit playful and a bit cold.

It's like... there is some kind of murderous intention.

Wang Qin's hands and feet suddenly became cold, and his face turned even paler: "You, you want to kill me?!"

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't speak, the fear in Wang Qin's eyes became more obvious: "You, don't mess around, I, I'm warning you..."

Wang Qin subconsciously took two steps back, looking horrified.

Now that he is in the hands of Lin Jiangnian, if he really kills someone and silences him... then he will have no place to cry and regret.

"I, I am the son of Xunyang Prefect. I, my father has only one son. If you dare to kill me, you, you will definitely be miserable..."


Lin Jiangnian was very interesting: "Tell me, what kind of cruel method can you use?"

Wang Qin's heart trembled. Did he really have this idea?

Wang Qin looked serious and warned: "I, if I die, the Wang family will not let you go, and my father will never be done with your Lin family... Even if you are the eldest son of Prince Lin, my father will never let it go. Once he falls out, , it won’t be of any benefit to your Lin family..."

"Also, the court will definitely not let you go...if I die, you, you will definitely suffer the same consequences..."

"I'm warning you, don't mess around!"


Wang Qin was obviously frightened.

In this basement, he called Tian Tianying, in case he really died here.

That’s such an injustice!

However, Lin Jiangnian still smiled: "Do you think this prince will care about this?"

Wang Qin's face became increasingly ugly: "What do you mean?"

"As we all know, my prince is an ignorant and ignorant dandy, a scourge that has lasted for thousands of years... You must have heard of what my prince did in Linzhou, right?"

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he stepped closer to Wang Qin and chuckled: "In everyone's eyes, no matter what I do, it is reasonable... let alone just killing you?"

"What does a little son of Xunyang Prefect mean to him?"

"Do you think you are nothing?!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was very light, as if he was explaining an ordinary matter.

His expression was calm and his tone was relaxed.

But when these words fell into Wang Qin's ears, his face changed drastically, becoming frightened and angry!

Humiliation, shameless humiliation!

He is the dignified son of the prefect of Xunyang County, and he is almost a walking presence in the world of Xunyang County. Growing up, who didn't call him "Young Master" and give him some noodles?

I am used to being admired and treated as one above the others, but now, what does it mean to be humiliated?

Doesn’t he, the son of Governor Xunyang, count as something?

Why doesn't it count? !

Wang Qin wanted to defend angrily, but when the words came to his lips, seeing Lin Jiangnian's sneering look, the anger in his heart seemed to stop suddenly.

Instead, there was deep panic.

Only then did he react, and his voice became a little trembling: "You, do you really want to kill me?!"

Lin Jiangnian walked up to him, squatted down, and said with a faint smile: "You and your second uncle almost killed my son, do you think my son should take revenge?"

"If it were you, would you take revenge?"

Wang Qin was silent.

If it were him, how could he not take revenge?

Wang Qin's heart sank suddenly, and his eyes became more frightened.

"Of course, I don't usually hold grudges very much. If you are willing to listen to me, I can consider sparing your life, how about that?"

Wang Qin was startled and stared at him in shock and disbelief.

"Are you willing to let me go?"

"That's right."

"What are the conditions?" After a brief surprise, Wang Qin quickly realized that things were not that simple.

"I just need you to be obedient!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "My prince likes obedient people."

Wang Qin remained silent and gritted his teeth: "What do you want me to do?"

Lin Jiangnian looked him over and over and said, "If I am not wrong, do you, the Wang family, have the intention to rebel?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qin's expression changed instantly and he subconsciously denied: "No, no..."

"Our Wang family is extremely loyal, and we are even more loyal to the imperial court..."

Lin Jiangnian interrupted him impatiently and sneered: "Stop talking to me. Do you believe I will slap you?"

Wang Qin gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Why did your Wang family want to rebel?"

Wang Qin's face became extremely ugly.


Lin Jiangnian was not dead, and the biggest secret of their Wang family was exposed.

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's questioning, he didn't know how to defend himself.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth: "Our Wang family is loyal to the imperial court and has absolutely no conspiracy..."


A big mouth fell accurately on Wang Qin's face.

Wang Qin screamed and fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

Lin Jiangnian wiped his palms with some disgust and glanced at Wang Qin on the ground: "Do you really think that I am joking with you? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will send you to the palace as a eunuch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qin, who was lying on the ground wailing and twitching, felt his lower body go cold. There was a trace of resentment in his lowered eyes, and his eyes were particularly vicious.

Today's humiliation must be paid back a hundredfold one day.

"stand up."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

Although the tone was gentle, Wang Qin felt chills all over his body.

He struggled to get up slowly, almost half of his messy face was swollen.

"To answer my prince's question, why did your Wang family want to rebel?"

Wang Qin lowered his head and trembled all over: "I, I don't know..."


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and spoke in a long tone.

Wang Qin trembled with fright, the resentment in his eyes flashed, and he immediately explained: "This, these things are known to my father and my second uncle, and I, I don't know the reason..."

Lin Jiangnian stared at him for a few times and clicked on the picture: "Okay, I barely believe you. Next question..."

"You, a member of the Wang family, are just a small county magistrate. How dare you have the idea of ​​​​rebellion?"

"Tell me, who is the power behind your Wang family?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qin's eyes changed obviously, and he was frightened and hesitant.

Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand, and Wang Qin trembled with fright: "I, I don't know..."

"have no idea?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at him for a few times and sneered: "Since I don't know, there's no use keeping you, right?"

Wang Qin's pupils widened, and before he could think of anything to say, he saw Lin Jiangnian slowly getting up.

"Somebody come!"

Two guards walked into the cell behind him.

"Give the prince a punishment!"

Two guards approached: "Your Highness, what kind of punishment?"

"Castal punishment!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Young Master Wang's delicate skin and tender flesh will be wasted if he stays in Xunyang City. Let's send him to the palace to be a eunuch."

The two guards were stunned. Sent to the palace to be eunuchs?

Isn't this just...

After being stunned for a moment, the two guards quickly reacted and stepped forward, one on the left and the other on the right, ready to be executed.

Wang Qin's whole body was cold, his pupils were wide open, and he was terrified.


He, he is really coming...

When he saw the two guards skillfully taking out various sharp knives, Wang Qin was completely frightened.

He, he doesn’t want to be a eunuch!

Even if he died, he would not be spared this insult.

"No, no, don'"

Wang Qin struggled desperately, but was easily picked up by the guards on the side and tied to a shelf nearby.

The next second, Wang Qin's pants were pulled off, and his lower body felt cold.

The overwhelming fear enveloped Wang Qin. His whole body was shaking violently, and despair emerged.

At this moment, he finally collapsed.

If this person is really castrated, it will be completely over!

Even if he can get revenge in the future, he will never be a man again!

Wrapped in panic, Wang Qin's mind went blank and he completely collapsed.

"Don't... spare your life, I said, I said..."

"I said everything..."

"Wait a minute."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and called to the guards who were about to take action. Looking at Wang Qin who was tied to the wooden frame and on the verge of collapse, he sighed: "Tell me, are you cheap?"

"I'm asking you nicely and you won't tell me. Do you have to do this to be honest?"


At this moment, Wang Qin was in shock, and when he looked at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes were full of fear.


This person is really vicious!

This Prince Lin is so despicable!

He actually used such despicable methods to deal with him.

Damn it!

Even though there were countless reluctances in his heart, Wang Qin had no choice at this moment.

Facing Lin Jiangnian's indifferent gaze, the guards around him who were looking at him eagerly, and the dazzling knives in the hands of the guards seemed to be ready to castrate him at any time.

Wang Qin felt chills all over, and he finally gritted his teeth in panic.

"Yes, Third Prince!"


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